On a office space, with a White coated and Red ...
You appeared in what seemed to be an office space, one that seemed to belong to a colorful artist or one that is quite an eccentric person that adores art.

There was a Desk adorned with figurines of multiple characters, some MLP oriented and some aren't yet still familiar, and some that weren't.

"Ahem." An feminine voice catches your attention, across the desk was a white Alicorn but it wasn't Celestia, Luna or anypony you were familiar with that without the flowing ethereal mane and tail.

It was, however, familiar.


"... No." The mare denied slowly as she lowered her glasses to you, "Faust may be one of the monikers I tend to choose when going around with mortal but my real name is Favored Ink, at your service." She presented herself "Now, take a seat."

You did as you were told, a bit confused, you noted that your body was back again, you were alive-

"You aren't alive, just to let you know. As you're in my domain, you are in a state of being quasi corporeal state, giving the impression of being alive but you aren't."

"I... see... hold on." You paused "Are you... the main deity of Equesti-"


... "I wasn't even done." She sighed.

"Look, I get that a lot, but not I'm not the main goddess of the cluster, I may have an hand on the creation of it but not entirely, there are others that also went into it but aren't as present as they used to but equally stingy when not mentioned."

"I see... so I should be aware that there are others."

"Yes and no." She paused but elaborated, "Just for now, you're dealing with me as I found you in Equestria, and not on the Dragon Lands or the Griffin Kingdoms."

"Alright... so why am I here?" You asked.

"I figured, yes. I brought you here mostly to see you more closely." You blinked "It's been a bit a while since last I saw an Arcanum Sorceror." You blinked.

"Wait, you know what I am?"

"But, of course, I know what type of magic you use, not as quite as the Walkers but close enough."

"So I'm in troubled?"

"Hardly, boy. You're dead." Favored stated but raised an eye brown while looking at you in a critical manner "What I want to know is why I have a dead Arcanist soul appearing in Equestria."

"Oh boy, let me start then"


"... And that's about it, Ma'am." You finished your little tale, the mare in question looked thoughtful.

"I see..."

"You don't seem mad that I was to use one of the ponies to facilitate my revival, though."

"No, I'm not mad, in fact, this isn't the weirdest thing that happened in any Equestria." She sighed "I'm not going to enter into detail about it, just... we deities simply do not care about what the mortals and demigods do as the whole Rule of Nature simply doesn't exist but there are always people that think it does."

"Alright... So I'm off the hook, then?"

"Not yet."


"You are an Arcanum Mage, no? Your type of magic is.. unique, adding that to the gene pool would be nice in the future."

"... Excuse me?"

"Yes... that's an interesting future." Her eyes seemed to glow for a minute before, ceasing and turning to you. "Very well, how about this? ...
June 2, 2023