Vanilla the Rabbit...?
"Is that... Vanilla?" Coming downstairs to the cellar was no other than the Rabbit Mobian and Mother of Cream, Vanilla the Rabbit. Seeing a Mobian in the flesh was something of an experience, as while her face and head do resemble her official counterpart by a lot but you noticed some realistic features such as her nose being that of a rabbit rather than the long black thick attached to the nose and was far easier to see her fur covering her head and body

"It is like seeing the Movie version, but... more real." And real indeed, while wearing her usual soft lavender dress and maroon vest, her proportion was more similar to a human "Perhaps a bit more... curvaceous, is hard to tell from here." but even her height was close to that of a human woman. There could also the chance that Ambient Magic would have affected her physically, if she was on the more canon complaint body type then the magic would've changed her gradually, making her reach the peak of what her species could achieve.

"That or she has a subconscious wish to be beautiful and sexy." That can be also possible.

"Hmm, I wonder where is that Wine Room is here." The Rabbit muttered, "They say that it was here, somewhere..." She sighed and frowned, "They never bothered in making a here, this place is a maze!"

"Isn't that bad." You thought, "Then again, I mixed the Dungeon with the Cellar"

It was then..
June 2, 2023