Cream hesitantly left you in the house with Van...
You were alone in Cream's Room while she left to look after Amy, this was part of the idea with Sticks in order to hang out with Amy after you were secured, in a way to make her distracted and make her forget about you, however, Crea. Was hesitant of leave you alone with her mom given her likeness to Amy on getting you but you reassured her that you'll be fine alone.

She left with her chaos leaving you in her room. You began to think on your currect situation, you were alone in a house with oversexed giantess completely unaware of you, part of you wanted to get nearby and observe her how she live her day to day life, even wanted to do some... research. But it wasn't right not mention risky in both ways if Cream or Vanilla discover that you were being naughty on them

Another was just stay here and wait for Cream to return. It might be boring but you had enough excitement for a few days.
June 2, 2023