As give Amy to Fluttershy (while looking elsewhere, you didn't wanted to ogle her with Discord around lest he trust you literally an pretzel.) Yout couldn't help but think on the words, you grandma says just shortly. You saw her being a pony? When?

Wait.. you have a me vague memories of a pony ride when you were way more smaller, you remember hearing your grandmother voice but you didn't remember her being around, was she that pony that gave you an free ride?

You had so many questions.

As Fluttershy was taking care of the pink hedgehog, giving it some comforting rubs on her quills while reprimanding her for her action, Amy tries to speak but only did small squeaks and chirps, even a high-pitched whine but Fluttershy stopped rubbing her quills and simply gave her "The Stare" which froze her and instinctively hide herself by becoming a pin cushion ball.

You looked at the non-non-anthro pony that is your grandmother hovering around the Rabbits.

You eavesdrop.

"Well... I'm afraid that you two are pregnant." You heard your grandmother says the words, both Rabbits looked uncertain, both subconsciously rubbing their bellies "specially you, Vanilla, I take it? You had an strong fertility spell on you the moment of your possession, as result you will have a huge litter than your daughter's." She pointed on the Heart-shaped Tattoo on her bulged womb area. Vanilla frown deepened and then glance at you. You averted your eyes away. Gosh, this was awkward.

They will hate you forever for ruining their lives.

"Something in the matter, Young man?" The familiar looked voice of John D'Lancier startled you, discord was on his floating throne, sitting next to you while drinking the glass instead of the chocolate milk in the glass "come on, live a little, you just got laid with two beauties, even knocking the up!" You frowned on the choice of words.

"They got pregnant against their will by a power-sex drunk hedgehog, using their bodies like toys to fulfill her fantasies with me." You say "They will hate me forever."

"Hmm, Hardly.. you think they'll hate you but you got to remember that you're also a victim of this. Besides, considering that they're rabbits, they don't look as distraught when victims get the news of having a rape baby."

"The spirit of chaos is right, my boy."you pony grandma says as she appeared "they were more shocked than anything and while angry of being used as toys by the person they once considered to be a good friend, they're not holding it against you, thought they want to speak with you, afterall, they're getting my grand-grandkids." This surprised you and looked on the two naked rabbits, both smile warmly at you, even waved at you. You waved them back but then looked on your grandmother, the elderly pony was smiling at you, her horn glowed as your Lexicon appeared before you.

"Don't be afraid on using your power around to defend yourself, I thought you better on using spell to confuse your foes."

"I know but Amy was part of the heroic teams, I never expected her to become some sort of rapist villain when I appeared to her home, I though on avoiding her was a good idea." You explained, the pony nodded solemnly.

"Sometimes, when they get power, people will show what they really are."

You nodded then...
June 2, 2023