Amy is magically frozen and you hear your grand...
· original author:
An elderly Salmon pink, white maned unicorn pony mare was drinking tea while sitting in an overstuffed armchair in a cosy coatage, filled with a variety of animals and enjoying a pleasant conversation with a yellow pegaus mare and a bizarre looking Chimera creature.

"Really, you made it rain oranges inside her hut? How did she take it? Not well I assume?"

"Oh yes not well at all, she screamed something fierce. I had no idea that zebras could open their mouths that wide. The rhyming zebra's reaction was priceless" Replied Discord.

Your Grandmother laughed along with Fluttershy at the story of Discord's lates chaos magic exploties when an alarm went off in your Grandmother's mind, Fluttershy immediately picked up on the change of her guests mood.

"What is it Mrs Traveler, is something wrong? You went all quiet all of a sudden."

"It's my grandson I sense that he is in trouble" she said as she placed her cup of tea on the table and levitated the teaspoon into the air.

"Mr Discord, could you please enlarge this teaspoon to comically large prepositions." With a snap of his lion paw the teaspoon became six foot long and fifteen inches wide. Your Grandmother thanked the spirit of chaos and proceeded to use the back side of the giant teaspoon as a scrying mirror.

"Oh my! She really should'nt be doing that to such a small child."

"No she really should'nt, it seems that my grandson has had his book and magic stolen and has been regressed and raped by some hedgehog bitch!"

Fluttershy was confused "Hedgehog? But she's a rabbit."

"No" said Discord. "The busty rabbit possed and has no control of her actions, she's just as much as the boy."

"Well I'm putting a stop to this, first I will take back all of my grandson's magic, then I will get that hedgehog out and we can discuss her punishment with her victims."
June 2, 2023