Vanilla crawls into bed and cuddles you
· original author:
         The bed creaked and groaned as her immense weight dropped onto it, and for a moment, you were afraid that it was going to break apart. Of course, the frame had been built with these giants' physiology in mind, so of course, it held. Score one for Mobian bed engineering, you guess.
It took only one arm for Vanilla to pin you to her chest, as she rolled over onto the bed.
Vanilla's breathing was slow and relaxed, and you could distantly hear her heartbeat shift in tempo to something slow and soothing. The way she cradled you between her boobs pushed you deep into her cleavage, so deep that you briefly thought it possible that you could get swallowed up and become lost inside the crevice. As the walls closed in, Vanilla’s body heat washed over you and cloaked you in a blanket made of toasty comfort. Initially, you weren’t sure what to make of the whole situation, this strange world of plus-sized females, but somehow, being here enfolded in Vanilla’s strong yet gentle and comforting arms, it just felt right.
You pressed your hands against the massive boulders to pry them apart, and in doing so you discovered something peculiar. Underneath the stretched fabric of her no doubt ultra-heavy-duty bra, you could detect the barest hint of fur press into your palms. Great big clumps of luxurious fur were being compressed and contained, pushing them into a mostly flat shape much like a coiled spring. You could tell that Vanilla’s breasts yearned to spill free from their prison, and by God, you were half tempted to ask her to take it off.

         But you held back your urges, mostly because you were under her embrace and you won't like to sour any goodwill even if she tells you that is fine, norms and rules from your worlds no longer exist here, there might be similar but that doesn't matter anymore. You simply basked yourself on the feeling of being this close to her, feeling her warmth in such an intimate yet innocent manner despite all sorts of thoughts and reservations you had within your mind.
         "Comfy?" Vanilla asked in a warm manner. "I know they're not exactly pillows but I'll try to be comfortable enough." She said unabashedly, obviously referring to her mammoth chest you were now resting in between.
Instead of answering with words, you stuck your arm straight up in the air in a thumbs-up gesture. Given the sheer amount of boobage you were working with you weren't even sure if she even saw it. Vanilla chuckled good-naturedly and you felt her fingers run down your back. "I'll take that as a yes."
With that, Vanilla adjusted herself a bit, she hummed a little tune, almost as if it were a lullaby while at it, you don't know why she is doing that, the lullaby but you guessed that it has to do on pretending to be her child, you kinda didn't see the point of it, since isn't like both of you have visits that would warrant to continue pretending, still, you couldn't argue about it, you were under her, rather intimate, embrace and was trying to comfort you after that unfortunate event.

And you so you began to relax, your tension leaves as you simply give in to the warm comfort of her welcoming, her huge pillowy breasts, enjoying the small rocking motion, the sounds of her gentle heartbeats and basking on her scent, now that you noticed, she does smell like sweet vanilla. You guessed that she isn't called Vanilla for anything although you did ask yourself, why? Maybe she bakes and uses that as an ingredient or perhaps she doesn't want to go ironic and uses scented hygiene products and honor her name,
"Better?" You heard Vanilla "I feel you relaxing... I'm glad..." She says "You're so cute on this size and form... like a little plush nestled on my chest." You blushed.
June 2, 2023