Home away from home
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It was getting late so you should make a home to sleep in. That field was peaceful and calm so you should build it somewhere nearby here, especially if it’s near those lovely rabbits. You went a little far from Vanilla and Cream’s home to prevent them to hear any noise as your house appeared. Once you were far enough from them and found a good spot you grabbed your necklace and started changing it back to a magical tablet.

The tablet began to glow and was creating a projection or to be more specific schematics. This will help you on help creating your home. You designed it so it would have a large enough bedroom, a functioning kitchen, a bathroom with toilet and shower that can change to bathtub, a big enough living area, and finally a room to practice and making spells. With your idea of your home etched into your magic tablet you focused your magic and a large circle formed in the land in front of you. Then what seemed to be the roof of your home started rising from the ground along with the rest of your house. The last thing to form was the steps of your house leading to the front door and it was complete. Once it was complete you felt completely drained as the process took almost all the magic out of you. You felt so tired that you couldn’t admire your handiwork and just went inside the house. With enough strength left you made it to the kitchen and placed all the groceries in their respective places. Then you stumbled your way through the entire house until you found the door that led to your bedroom. You went inside and the first thing that caught your weary eyes was the large bed in front of you. Once you got close enough you fell on top of the bed. You thought with your last bits of consciousness you told yourself you will check out your new house in the morning as you then drifted off to sleep to regain your mana.
June 2, 2023
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