Meeting Cream and Vanilla
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You continue to watch the beautiful field of flowers until you saw something ahead and in the center of the field. Could that be a mobian? Being curious you decided to go there yourself and see who it is. After a minute of walking, you started hearing a gentle humming and by the sound of it seems to be female the closer you got. You were now a few feet away from the mobian and the first thing you saw was the long ears laying behind her head giving you the clue she is a rabbit. You then saw the orange clothes she was wearing and it gave you an idea who that might to be. The girl mobian finally heard your footsteps and turns around and gives you a good view of her face. “Oh, hello mister. What are you doing here?”. It was Cream, one the youngest of Sonic’s friends, except she did look a little different as she looked a bit older like she is in her preteens. Her outfit was different as well having an orange top with the blue ribbon paired with an orange skirt. You decided to hide the fact you knew her and answer her question. “I was walking along when I saw this beautiful field of flowers and then saw you in the middle. May I ask what you are doing here?”. She then shows you flowers tied together in a circle and she made many of them. “I’m making flower crowns for my mama and the rest of my friends to give”.

You thought that was nice and ask if you can help. She nodded yes and you went straight ahead and picked flowers and tied them together to make a crown. After a few minutes, you seem to make enough crowns that helped Cream a lot. You gave a sigh of relief and then you felt something pass over your rabbit ears and land on your head. It was a flower crown that Cream made as you look at her with a smile on her face. “What’s this for? I thought these were for your friends”. She then replies to you with, “I always like giving them to new friends too”. You have a warm, fuzzy feeling after hearing that. “I’m Cream. What’s your name mister?”. You reply, “Anon. Nice to meet you Cream”. You both smiled at each other until you heard a voice in the distance, “Cream dreary. Are you done out here with the flowers. You looked to the direction of the voice and saw a thing of beauty.

It was a older mature looking rabbit woman who had an hourglass figure. This must be her mother Vanilla as you have seen her appear in comics and the show. “Oh and who is this Cream?” Vanilla asks. You then reply, “You can call me Anon ma’am. Or you can call me the King of Flowers”. All you heard was silence at first until you heard a bit of chuckling from both of them to laughter. “Aren’t you a funny one. Nice to meet you Anon. I hope you had fun with Mr. Anon, Cream”. Cream replies, “I sure did mom. Anon even helped me make flower crowns for you and my friends”. “I’m glad but we have to go sweetie. We need to buy groceries for the house before they close”. Cream says ok and she waves goodbye to you while you do the same.

You thought to yourself what you should do next while you watch the rabbits walk away. You then see them stop with Cream talking to her mother. Vanilla looks at you then looks at her daughter who was holding her hands together like she was pleading. You then hear Vanilla shout out, “Mr. Anon, would you like to accompany us into town. Seems my little Creamy enjoys your company. You gave it some thought and decided...
June 2, 2023
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