You go to the elevator, you were promised free ...
Well, you can't stop now, you were promised free rooms and you were an golden member, which, based on the information you had gathered, was extremely exclusive and as far you know, there won't be many people up there. Filled with determination to see this to the end, you went straight to the sole elevator, some of the rabbit employees saw you go there but nobody stopped you, merely observed you with intrigue and curiosity, yet, you didn't paid mind to them.

Once entering, you noted the elevator's pad needed the card to be used , however, there was two buttons on there one for this floor and the other was on the shape of a carrot in it, You used the card and pressed the button.

The elevator complies but little before the elevator closes its doors, you saw some of the employees had changed their expression into one of pure surprise. Guess they weren't expecting someone like you having access to the upper levels.. just how exclusive is this?

You felt the elevator going up, it took a few moments before it opens again. It was the penthouse level. Normally, when one think of a penthouse, it is a place to live, usually reserved for the owners of the building or for rich and famous people or some that are very, very lucky to get one in cheap price

This wasn't such place.

The large, once living hall was transformed into an scenario, surrounded by tables and such, the walls of the place were on a luxurious crimson and black with ornated details on some of its walls as well decoration and pictures and portraits, most of it were rabbit related in some way, there was another bar area but it was far smaller on comparison, and behind seemed to have doors which seems to lead to a kitchen, said doors opens and close for each waitresses you see coming and leaving. However, those were the main basic things you noticed of this place.

It looked like a weird gentlemen club at first but that's merely the surface for it was more of a fancy stripper club. The scenario? It was an stripper scenario with mobian pole dancers for the patrons surrounding it and them were totally enthralled by their hypnotizing moves and bodies, tackling on the dancers a bit as well as the waitresses that came in and out the kitchen area as well the bartender (which looked highly familiar with those metal limbs) serving the drinks were all bunny girls, figuratively as they were wearing an one piece suits that shows their ample legs and cleavage while also being literal of all of them being Rabbits of all kinds, some were large, almost amazonians while some were small shortstacks.

As you made some tentative steps forwards, some of the waiters - and few of the patrons - stopped what they were doing to to look at you with skepticism and puzzlement, you raised your card up to show your legitimacy and while some seems to buy it, few others looked at you with clearly suspicion until...

"Look! He is here!"

"Oh my, he did really came."

Hearing some familiar voices, you turned to the direction from where they come from. Your eyes widen to finally see two familiar rabbits as waiters and bunny girls. Their voices and expressions - which were of that elation and relief - were enough to quell whatever suspicion that their fellows were having at you and resumed their original work. However, you didn't paid any mind to them as you were staring at the two rather buxom rabbits that were coming to you, holding high straits, each with a bottle of alcoholic beverages and several cups. Both, like the rest of the waitresses, we're wearing similar leotards but were far more colorful than her fellows and filling them up quite nicely just as them. Vanilla was more noticeable than most of them, being more taller and more bustier and curvy, her cleavage was far more pronounced and her legs had long stockings matching her outfit colors, reaching above her knees and going far to onto her delicious-looking thighs, however, Cream while shy more smaller than her buxom mother, she wasn't far behind either. As mentioned before, her outfit was identical to her except for orange instead of red, her stockings were also only reaching above her knees revealing more of her legs, she might be a tad small on comparison and yet, she had her own sensual and voluptuous air mixed with a cute charm.

"Hihihi!" The young adult rabbit giggled seeing your expression, she looked at you with an mischievous look on her face "You're staring~" She reveal, much to your embarrassment and growing shame and horror, the mother, however didn't looked peeved nor mad about it, instead she gave you an reassuring yet lightly amusing grin.

"It's fine. We know we have an certain effect on guys."

"Yup!" Cream added in affirmation "Though this is the first time an human gawk at us like that." She giggled again "You like bunnies, mister~?" She winked at you


"Now Creamy... I think you're being a bit too forward, he need to be accustomed with his surrounding first. This is likely the first time getting asked by a rabbit lIke that, he is essentially our first human." Her smile looked disarming althought there is some teasing undertones behind it. "And judging from his reaction, that is likely true, am I right?"

"I know, but I like to know more of our newest hero member much better." There was something about the last words that stand out from that sentence, the way she say it sounded low and sultry, there was an double meaning on that word and it was accompanied with an grin and a wink again. Vanilla simply giggled on the notion althought she looked a bit sheepish on the whole thing now... before the younger rabbit start to giggle.

"I'm just teasing!" She laughed a bit after noting your dumbfounded yet flustered reaction, you let a few chuckles to accompany her on the gesture, albeit these came out a bit awkward. Vanilla noted but hadn't said anything.

"Well, hero.." Vanilla started with her usual smile, however, it took a more seductive look that you usually remember, you took a time to remind yourself that she neither Cream are not the usual Vanilla and Cream from the canon, it couldn't be and it shouldn't, no everything have to be one to one copy across multiverses no by a longshot. "We'll take your order on a moment but We're glad that you could come here, so please feel yourself at home! the Burrow Club is welcoming to all people of all sort of backgrounds."

June 2, 2023