The Burrow Club
You looked nervous for some reason, when you got into the elevator, you felt a bit uneasy. You were never into clubs - of any kind - before and you didn't planned to and this was weird, considering the Rabbits you saved were the one that suggested this place but required certain ticket, somehow, said ticket appeared on your pocket and you were still confused on to how or why. Pressing the bunny theme button, the elevator close and began to move.

You sighed, still don't know what to think of this. You aleady had an idea of what to expect, you had an idea of what it is but you rather not to speculate on what you'll see. On one side, you never expected to get on this level this quickly, considering the nature of this dimension but on the other, it was kind of... nice to be? It was too early to tell.


The elevator opens revealing... an small corridor, with an set of expensive looking doors, styled with a stylized rabbit head and long ears, there were two mobians males guarding it, an wolf and a large bear respectively. Bouncers if you were to guess. They noticed you but their expression remained unreadable foe the most part, they had black suits and glasses on that but no pants at all.

When you approached, the bear mobian raised his gloved hand.

"State your business."

"Uhh, To enter the club."

"Are you guest of the hotel, are you gonna pay or do you have any of the cards." The black wolf asked this time.

"I have one of the card, golden one on that."

"Card, Please." The Bear instantly replied, shrugging, you show the golden card to him, he took it and began to inspect. He pull something from his suit's inner pocket, an card scanner and swipes the card in it, the screen shone in green to him, you heard him hum before showing the card to the wolf. "Seems legit."

The wolf said nothing, and instead he turned to the wall besides him and pressed an button in it, part of the wall opens revealing a small computer within it, he insert the card in it and began to take look on the information registered in it. It kind of baffled you how... tight the security is for the place for a mere club but you kept your mouth shut as you observed the other bouncer checking whatever info he was looking for, he removed the card and gave it back to you.

"It is legit." He states "Never lose it, it is needed to enter on the upper levels and the penthouse and more exclusive areas."

"Right, I keep that in mind."

"Good." The Bear bouncer grunts and open the door for you. "Welcome to the Club." You nods as you enters.

As soon the doors closed behind you, you were met with loud music and the smell of cigarettes and alcohol. Inside, it was what you expected, it was more of a night club built on what used to be the hotel's ballroom; complete with an dance floor with a DJ booth overlooking it, there were several people in it, majority being mobians dancing to the rythm of the rather familiar yet highly remixed tune. You saw an handful of humans there within a sea of colorful patrons, you saw an bar area, also full with various bartenders attending it, as well an small casino area on another side, you noticed that both, the DJ and bartenders were Rabbits, many seemly of the employers were mostly rabbits of all kind and colors and curiously enough, all bore the same symbol as the doors' on their dark red uniform.

They do run the Rabbit Theme here and deeply. However, as much it's cool being here, you weren't looking for a nightclub but for free rooms and you were promised ones. You noticed some stairs leading to the second floor, smiling, you set for going the closest one and go from there.

How it went?
June 2, 2023