Vanilla suddenly gives him an kiss and Cream sl...
Now that the tragedy had been averted and taken cared of, you looked on the two free rabbits as you closed the doors witht the stunned and beaten mobians. Despite the fight for Cream's and Vanilla's freedoms, You hadn't revealed much other than some illusions, making criminals believe that their guns switched places with bananas - which was hilarious - and made them beat each other up, making them believe that you were fighting them while you went in and untied the Rabbits, who were also affected by the illusion but not as strongly as those two, instead, they saw blurs but it didn't matter, as soon they were tired and throughout beaten up, you bound and gagged them but also healed any potential fatal wounds, the rest was history.

You asked for a possible place, an hotel, preferably althought you rather be on their homes, you hope that they'll be grateful enough to invite you to their place, even if it wasn't for 'pure' reasons. It was wrong to abuse that likely wel-earned trust but, at least you try to be modest on asking for a hotel than outright telling them that you didn't have anywhere to go and like to stay with them.

It was something.

However, they didn't responded the question, instead both looked on each other, their expressions morphed from one of curiosity and intrigue to an smirking one, not very desimilar to Rouge's usual smug look on each game, series or comics, Vanilla nodded to daughter, whose expression did changed into one of glee, completed with with a bright smile, she nodded her back, almost eager, was almost as if they were having an wordless conversation just by their look on their faces alone.

They turned to you, Vanilla's expressions didn't changed althought Cream looked positively beaming but the mother was the first to talk. "I know such hotel, an club actually, it had rooms in it as well." The rabbit matriarch said as she walked up to you, you looked as bit confused an bit awkward for this sudden behavior, gone was the kind, dutiful mother and in was someone that could pass as seductress... or Rouge for that matter. "Aside of that, I feel that an simply thank you isn't enough..."

You blinked, didn't expected the sudden move or tone she displayed. the voluptuous mother approaches and slowly pulls you onto a embrace, and without much thinking, she had her lips touching yours, much to yours surprise, you felt her hugging you closer, pressing her milfy body against you, letting you feel much of her assets..


Cream giggled seeing her mother kissing their human saviour silly, the man was fully stunned by the suddenness but it was alright, She had a certain charm on guys, more predominantly Vector, but it kind of surprised her that it also worked on a human, considering that humans and mobians aren't keen to each other enough for but she didn't thought on it much as for this was being used for a distraction and so she quickly moved behind the human and looked on his robes, to see of any pockets, she found it and slipped an golden ticket, It was quite surprised that her mother give her the go-ahead to give the invitation to their workplace. Despite the kind and accepting outward demeanor of her mother, Vanilla, she was very picky on who to give those tickets, only very few are given it directly from her or when large amount of money were shell out by the patrons that were worthy enough, those have exclusively her sign.

She gave the thumbs up to mom, she looked at it and immediately broke the kiss, she giggles herself, an blush adorn her features but then compose herself but still having her amusing look after seeing the human's bewildered and stunned look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I was meant to give an simple "Thank You" kiss, I didn't meant to leave you... breathtaken." She giggles once more "I guess my emotion are still running high, never been on this situation before except for one time.." She trailed off before shaking her head. " No, nevermind, I don't want to bore you with the details, thanks for humoring this humble hare."

"R-right.. the pleasure is all mine." The human stutter abit, but upon noticing it. He quickly composed himself before smiling to her, althought he frown a bit "You still hadn't answered me, though, you did said something about an club of sort." The elder rabbit blinked before nodded, she looked a bit embarrassed or at least, acted about it, Cream knew that this was a lie, an act her mom uses to confuse and surprise.

"Ah yes. Forget what I said..." She says in a embarrassed tone, complete "I'm afraid that is a quite expensive place and the rooms are mostly reserved for the exclusive owners of a certain golden ticket." She revealed and gave an quick glance to Cream who simply smiled for the ruse was set.

The man for his part, looked a bit dissappointed on the reveal. "I see.."

"Don't be sad, mister." Cream started "I believe that good actions are always rewarded, I'm sorry we can't help you more than you helped us."

"It's fine." He said with a growing smile "I glad that I helped to prevent an tragedy from happening." His words were cut short by the sounds of police's sirens rapidly approaching "Well, it seems that the police had arrived." He idly recalled, remembering that one of them had called the police as soon as he started tying the kidnappers.


After the Police arrived, they quickly hounded the Mobian kidnappers, being notorious Bucker The Rabbit and Sacker the Weasel of the underworld of Station Square, both arrested and taken to the station as soon they were identified. After hearing the declaration of both would-be victims and backing you up, you were seen by the authorities' good grace as a good samaritan althought you had used again, illusion magic to make them believe to be an actual tourist. Knowing that this might bite you hard in the back as soon they discover and make call about you, you had hypnotized the Detective and Sargeant, (an Mobian Dog, especially an Bulldog) and those that talked directly to you, to quickly forget your face, name and even clothes with only your species being the only thing memorable, you also hypnotized them to no take notes of your name or description of your attire aside of being robes and what kind of person you were. You kind hated using magic like this but considering that you were an interdimentional, multiversal alien.. it was kind of necessary.

You bid farewell to the rabbits who resumed their trek back home with bags in hands once more. This time on a police patrol car as taxi to their home.

You were a bit disappointed that you weren't given much to go after but at least you got some goodwill now upon some of the cast, which will likely go on and tell the others about the experience and you deed to them, despite no given anything you were still given something on the form an quite a kiss and good feel of the motherly bombshell of a rabbit, something you'll treasure for all your life which will be the closest thing you'll have for a intimate touch with any of the female members of Sonic Team.

At least, you got something out of this debacle, it isn't even much of a hassle anyway since you barely moved an finger.

You sighed a bit dejected as for you might have to look for an hotel for real-




"Wait.. what is this, since when I have this on my pocket?" You said an bit aloud as soon your hands were on your pocket.
June 2, 2023
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