Anon woke up first
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Unaware of Renamon's dream, Anon stirred, and opened his eyes before yawning. As he woke up he noticed that he was spooning Renamon, and she was using one of his arms as a pillow, so he used his free hand to rub his eyes.

At that moment Anon noticed he was suffering from a severe case of morning wood, however, he also noticed that something warm was wrapped around the bottom half and a tight ring squeezed around the middle. Past the "cock ring" he felt that his cock was immersed in something warm, and to get a better feel he shook his hips a bit. That earned a moan from Renamon, then his grogginess disappeared, and he remembered the events of last night.

Anon removed the covers from himself and Renamon, then he saw Renamon's changes.

Renamon's breasts were really hard to notice, and she could easily be seen as flat, now she had larger than average breasts, all ten of them. However, that change seemed minor when compared to her large and round belly, it looked too big to be considered normal in a human but it wouldn't be impossible.

The vixen's teats were only particularly covered by fur, the area around the nipple wasn't and it showed her pink skin. On her chest were two teats, where it would be normal in a human woman, and four more breasts of equal sizes were below the first pair being pushed apart by the taut dome big enough to fit all four feline mons. Lastly, on the underside of the prodigiously pregnant belly was four more teats, and all ten nipples dripping milk onto her fur as well as the mattress.

"Um, Master… not so rough," moaned Renamon in her sleep, a content smile on her muzzle as she rubbed her belly.

Anon contemplated what to do, he could try to pull his cock out but that might wake Renamon. Alternatively, he could do something more creative that involved his magic.
June 2, 2023
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