Meeting the billowing empath
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Outside, a pair of ruby red eyes looked out from the thicket near the trainer's camp, their gaze locked on the human boy tucked away in his sleeping bag. She had heard through the whispers of the forest that there was a human boy traveling through the area who had become renowned for his acts of kindness toward pokemon, and his seeming ability to meet with legends, and she had gotten curious as to whether the rumors were true. So she used the trainer's feelings to track him down and had been successful in observing the trainer's daily habits and routines completely unnoticed. At least, until now...
The trainer's Pikachu, who had already heard the rustling of leaves that signaled movement through the underbrush, alerted his trainer to her presence. When he turned around to see where Pikachu pointed he noticed a pair of red orbs floating in the darkness.
Strangely, he didn't seem to take umbrage with the fact that he was being watched and instead softly called out, "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Why don't you come out so we can meet face to face?"
The eyes widened, as her cover had now been exposed, and just as quickly as they appeared the eyes vanished.
This caused Ash to sit up straight and quickly reach out his hand. "Wait! Please come out. I'm sorry if I scared you, I just wanted to talk to you, honest," he pleaded.
For a moment nothing happened. Ash's hand slowly fell as the minutes ticked by, unsure of whether he was going to get a response or not.
The leaves rustled and a slender humanoid figure emerged from the shadows, floating off the ground as if gravity's tug had no hold over it. Its body was cloaked in billowing material that strongly resembled a ballgown, and from the center of its chest there was an angular red spike that seemed to emerge through the skin like a piece of exposed bone. Upon emerging from its hiding place the Pokemon let loose a hauntingly beautiful call that sent chills up Ash's spine and seemed to connect directly with his mind, somehow.


What happens then?

Choice 1:

The gardevoir floats a Pokeball off of Ash's belt and willingly catches herself

Choice 2:

She senses a growing restless in the boy and realizes that he's aroused

Choice 3:

Gardevoir leads Ash to a secluded cave where she lives

June 2, 2023
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