Into the Ketchum Pokéballs
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As fun it would have been to modify Ash from the outside, you decided it was a better long-term investment to check out what's underneath the wannabe master's hood. Thanks to your short stature, it was easy for you to slide underneath the bag Ash was in as you start to make your way down his body and into his privates. You slip past the elastic waistband of his underwear, gliding by the smooth skin of his pubic area as you eventually come face-to-face with his flaccid dick.

As it currently was, it was no bigger than an inch, and his balls was proportionately size as well, though you couldn't sense much activity from the inside. The foreskin covering the sleeping pocket monster would make things a bit difficult to enter, so you decided to use some of your magic ability to lightly stimulate him, not enough to wake him, but just enough to make it easier to enter. Eventually, the glow diminished as his dick was now fully stretched out just under 5 inches.

You carefully climbed into the urethral opening of Ash's cock, crawling through the narrow tunnels with nothing but his somewhat elevated heartbeat to keep you company. Eventually, you crawled in deep enough to reach the pathway to one of the testicles, sliding though the complicated and narrow tubing down to one of the chambers that should contain countless sperm. However, once you reached inside, you noticed that there wasn't a lot of sperm around, clocking in around the low hundreds. You contributed this to Ash's young age and that maybe he was just starting to enter that period of life.

You decided to give him a boost in that department.

Placing your hands on the walls of the testicle, you sent out magical pulses that began to stimulate and speed up the production of the gametes, the area surrounding you convulsing and twitching as more and more sperm began to grow and mature. What was once in the low hundreds was now counting up to the thousands, and eventually, millions, all while making sure they all fit within the tiny shota balls of their creator.

Your little spell also worked their way up to where Ash's prostate lay, suddenly prepping and churning ounces of cum for when Ash discovers the joys of orgasming.

You dusted your hands as you look at the result of your intervention, all while wondering if there is anything else you can do to make Ash into an even more capable breeder.
June 2, 2023
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