Wait it up.
You decided to wait up, while you were intrigued on the whole content of the book, you simply can't choose with the entirety of the mares here and frankly, you don't like those kind of discussion and reunions, y9u barely have much patience but it was necesary. the was a wide array of mares but their point of entries are risky on this points, especially with so many seated and moving so suddenly, it was dangerous.

So while they continue talking and with the Q&A droning on, you gonna wait until the the largest selections of mares thins up a bit.

So you sat back and relax and took your switch out of your backpack and waited until things get more silent. You began to play Mario Karts meanwhile but you couldn't help but notices and hear some words like 'Stallions' and 'sex' but 'heat', 'rape' and 'foals'. As someone mentioned over being an Adult Drama Thrille.

You idly found weird that Velvet would have made a novel about rape of a mare (You assume that, of course). Then again Twilight Velvet seems to be the Stephen King of this world when coming stories, breaking boundaries to create a compelling story.

As the minutes turns to hours. It seems that the reunion was finally ending and the mares were retreating from the library with happy smiles.

Twilight Velvet the come to the door and closed it and...

...Then she sighed and groaned, muttering a tired 'finally'. Moondancer, the only one that didn't left, came to her with a cautious expression. The older mare gave her an small smile

"Exhausted, Mrs. Sparkle?" Moondancer asked which was replied with a nod.

"Yes. Tired and hungry."

"Ah.. then I'll see if I can make something-"

"No that kind of hungry.." She smirks slyly to the younger unicorn mare who blushed considerably only for Velvet to chuckled at her. "I'm just joking, Moondancer. An snack would be nice."

The cream colored unicorn with glasses nodded and left the grey-white mare. She again sighed "... Not really, I'm that kind of hungry." She sighed "How I ended publishing my own wishes into a official book?" She asked and groaned "Was Twily right and I'm just a hopelessly desperated mare? ... No. No at the slightest, she doesn't have any foals, she won't understand this need." She muttered begrudgingly as she walked to the stairs.

You were surprise by the sudden mood swing on that mare as she held an grumpy expression. An Blue Stallion came in with a smile on his face.

"Hey honey, How it went?"

The mare in question gave Twilight's Father, Night Light, an deadpan look. He cringes and squirms as his ears flatten and went behind his skull, looking uneasy under such look. Uh.. You actually didn't think there was something wrong on their marriage and this sudden change of mood from Twilight Velvet was abit surprising.

It looks like they gonna enter into an argument and given to your micro size, you could listen it all without being awkward while looking points of entry about it but it wasn't proper and of bad education.

What do you do?

- Options -

1 - Wait up a bit more and don't hear it, Isn't your place to do it
2 - Hear their conversation as you fly around them and look for point for entries.
3 - Look for Moondancer instead.
June 2, 2023