No Police Adventures today!
The lead cell disagrees with a grim frown "No, We don't take civilians with us, our job is dangerous and often end in casualties and that's out the question."

"Hey, I can be useful, I know some containment spells and-" The lead one raised her hoof to stop you.

"The answer is still no, even if you're reality warping or godlike we still uphold our protocols and rules, we can't bend it like that unless is under special circumstances like vitamins, medicinal pills or other health supplement and I'm sorry to tell you this but you aren't one of these." She looks apologetic shortly after, offering you a weak smile "Again, I'm sorry but the only thing I can say is Welcome to Fluttershy. Hope your stay here be pleasant and long and please, don't cause any trouble. You look like a good person and we would hate if you turn out to be malicious." You shudder, remembering the description of the white cell. You nod.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to cause any trouble. Oh but before you go, can you tell me where exactly is this part of Flutteshy?"

"Oh, that is easy, you appeared in.."
June 2, 2023