... You put a foal in us!" Turns out that P...
· original author:
You could do nothing but watch as Cup Cake and Pinkie loomed above and leered at you with libidinous intent. The mare pair held you between them as their large bodies formed two natural walls from which there was no escape. To best analogize the way they were eying you was to liken them to a pair of lionesses staring down a wounded gazelle, or a couple of starving wolves around a slab of raw beef.

You were held close to Pinkie’s chest against your will as the two giant mares conversed heedless of your struggles. Pinkie's strong arms pinned you in place.
"It was pretty lucky that you found a little guy wandering around outside. All the other stallions were either taken or married off. The colts too. It's almost hard to believe that I'll finally have a cute little husband to hug and squeeze."
To emphasize her point she pressed your face into her cleavage. You smelled sweet cotton candy in her fur and distantly you heard the thundering drums of Pinkie’s heartbeat.
The edges of your vision darkened due to lack of air, and for a moment you were afraid you would faint in her arms.

Cup Cake thankfully came to the rescue as she clucked in disapproval. "You really must be careful with him dearie. Stallions are very fragile, and not very easy to find.”
Pinkie flinched from the admonishment and adopted a puppy-eyed watery expression, then immediately released you from her grip. and you were able to breathe once more. You sighed in sweet relief that oxygen could flow to your lungs. "Oh, I'm sorry about that, Mrs. Cake. I just wanted to say how excited I am to be a mommy.”

Cup Cake chuckled good-naturedly. “Well, I can hardly blame you for that, because I’m excited, too. It’s been so long since I’ve had a good dicking that I thought I was going crazy, and then here comes a fresh cock to ride out of the blue. He’s not Carrot, but I’m sure that we’ll be able to get a lot of use out of him, nevertheless. He does seem to be of the more young and “virile” type.”

“He sure does,” giggled Pinkie and after a short delay, Cup Cake joined her.

Meanwhile, you felt as though you’d been put in a barrel and rolled down a hill.
Did… did they intend to keep you and turn you into some kind of breeding slave? Sex pet?
Were it not for the fact that you had heard it with your ears, you would never have believed it.
What happened to Mr. Cake and why was his wife lusting after some random human she found on the street? Maybe it was the lightheadedness from being squeezed too hard but your mind struggled to find an answer.
It wasn’t as though you disagreed with the idea, provided all parties consent to it. The way things were going, however, it looked as though you would not be allowed that dignity.
You tried to picture what Pinkie and Mrs. Cake would look like when pregnant and came up with an image of both of them cradling stomachs the width of boulders as your progeny grew inside.
Shudders rolled down your spine, as the full weight of what it all meant came crashing down.

Your thoughts were broken when Pinkie spoke in a husky voice, "Well then, looks like he's ready to put a couple of cakes in the oven/ let's take this to the bedroom and get this party started."
June 2, 2023
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