Talking with the Princess of the Night.
"Pardon?" You were confused on the sudden words that came from the Princes- Luna's mouth. "What happened to me?" You repeated her own words, not quite following what she meant with that. The princess for her part, had an inquisitive expression on her face.

"Indeed." She nods "I... might not look like but I do have some experience on reading my subject's emotions and feelings and their dream gives me an quite understanding on their psyche, however, this is the first time I ever entered your dream and witnessing at first hoof an facet of your personality, for some intriguing reason, you fear punishment coming from our subjects despite done nothing to warrant it." She paused, thinking it over "We cannot also ignore the weird behavior the projection of our subjects, acting as if they had never been with an stallion before and be so overzealous on preserving their chastity, not to mention on our sister, Celestia, listing unfounded yet strange crimes you hadn't committed or even exist." Luna ended, raising an inquisitive eyebrown before her expression morphed into one of pity once more "What kind of things had happened to you to think that the kingdom of Equestria and my subject should hunt you down like the worst kind of criminal?"

"...And you think something is wrong with me?" She nods on your question, this was... well, hard without revealing their fictional nature but you could circumvent it. "It's... well, difficult to say. First off, I'd like to reveal that I'm an traveler, an sorcerer traveler to be exact, that move between worlds and worlds, so I'm not belong on this world but I had heard of Equestria before and had to visit it."

"Oh! So you walk on other planes? I heard of things about your kind but never met one before." She now had this curious look on her face, you were surprised that she knew your kind... then again she could be refering to another kind of walkers.

"There aren't many of us." You revealed "But I cought wind of this world and sought to visit it after being told so many wondrous thing about it and it's friendly people.. then..."


Princess Luna listened the man, he wasn't hard to understand all surprisingly, the fact that he is a sorcerer that walk onto other planes, worlds and universes made hr even more curious about his origin, she had heard them but not quite meet them before, this, however, does rise some questions for the same origins, humanity used to exist here, who could refute that the humans simply thanks to plane-sorcerers?

"Then... made an portal here, right on Ponyville , met some of the locals as well brought some plot of land with an small little hut to live for the time being and while the town and it's inhabitants are friendly.. I didn't expect it to be this friendly or sexually open for that matter."

"Your kind aren't like that?"

"No, we aren't... it's more complicated with humans for we're no that sexually open or have casual sex around but that's besides the point, it's just that I was sure that Equestria wasn't like this, being more like my world when come to some societal norms." It was her turn now to be surprised, He expected an Equestria where close intimacy and sexual casuality was forbidden? An more chaste society? Outrageous! How would Equestria mantain their population stable and content with an such chaste culture?

"I'm sorry but I find hard to wrap my head around the idea of an Equestria like that. Without our lifestyle, Equestria as we know it won't exist or thrive for that matter, our stallions aren't numerous compared to the number of mares, outnumbering them by an quite an marging and thus, this lifestyle was needed to boost the population since it's foundation, we thrived and built bridges of peace to other species of the land because of it and so, such idea seems impossible."

"But it does." The human agued "Out there, in the multiverse, there must be an Equestria that is like that, with an balanced genre ratio and still an utopic land." He man noted and added "And frankly, I find this Equestria better now that I think about it but I don't know how they'll react to me but afraid is if react negatively to me if I do things they'll find taboo by accident."

Even if such Equestria exist, she'll doubt that it'll be a chaste society, but... she could see why the totally irrational behavior of the projections, he was doubting if to loose himself given that he miss aimed which Equestria on his trek, coupled with the society norm of his species and culture, likely being more chaste, private and... prude.

"You were doubting."

"Yeah.." He even affirmed it. "And really insecure, for the Equestria I come to know from other source, while similar doesn't have the same... openess and I'm dearly insecure to go out there to even talk, it seemed that I arrived in an bad time and I'm afraid that... I missstep onto something I shouldn't be dealing, what if I didn't misstep and I'm in the 'right' Equestria and some mind control spell is affecting mares and stallions of this town or world to act that way and I don't know, what if-"

"Enough." She commanded, raising and hoof to stop his rambling, he did without reply. She could respect his worry but his assumptions were baseless and nonsensical but have some grain of merit behind it, he was an foreigner and there is things he doesnt know about this world so educate him was the right thing to do and second, the mind control part is so untrue that it almost made her cringe, even if it were true, it would've been centuries prior her incarceration and the time when stallions were a bit more plentiful. Proto-Equestria's culture would've changed so much by then to the point of being irreversible so why worry?

Most, if not all those mares he dreamt before it turned into an nightmare would be more than eager to mate with him and have his foals given the chance, he is invaluable as an male, without adding the fact of belonging to an no-so-extinct mythical race, he shouldn't worry on loosing himself to his more base instincts when mares had their advances on him, if he is so willing himself. Even if it weren't in heat season, they'll be glad to sleep with him.

The monarch of the night smiled on him, it was time to educate him proper and show him that this Equestria would gladly accept him..
June 2, 2023