Luna approaches the human and gives him a hug
· original author:
         Without a second thought, Luna rushed forward toward the human and enfolded him in a tight hug, aided by her wings wrapping around her shoulders. He tensed at her touch, unsure of the sensation of her fur brushing against his bare asking.
         While she held him close, she slowly kneaded at his shoulder blades with her forehooves. Almost immediately his breathing and heart rate began to slow, and as he gradually relaxed his muscles to a less heightened state his grip on her loosened up.
         Luna smiled, as this usually meant that she had gotten through to the distressed dreamer enough for them to stand on their own. This time, however, she thought that she would indulge herself a little bit longer, The human's skin felt delightfully smooth on her cheek
         "It will be alright, You have been accosted by a nightmare most foul, but now I am here. You will not encounter any more troubles this night.", Luna softly crooned. This caused the human to jump slightly in recognition and when he spoke, his voice was slightly muffled by the soft swell of her chest fur. "Princess Luna?"
         Luna smiled. She had no need to introduce herself to the boy. That was good. "Yes, child. It is I. I heard your cries for help and rushed to free you from a nightmare. You are safe now."
There was a long pause as he considered her words, in the interim he gripped his arms around her back so that he rested his hands just underneath her wings.
When finally he finds his voice again he replies to her...
June 2, 2023