To invite you to an Town-wide event/festival st...
... Allow me to invite you to the Seeding Festival which will be hosted in a few days in the town, it might change your opinion about the town and Equestria by quite a bit."

"Seeding Festival?"

"Oh yes! each town, be it large or small, have their own version of it. It usually not really a celebration itself but more of a event for towns such as this one; We have all kind of fun activities where the main attraction is our community!"

"I see.. what else can you tell me about this? I'm curious now." On this, her expression brighten more on your question, she opted to continue by giving you an explanation.

"Of course! You see, the Seeding Festival isn't some annual festivity, it is actually an mandate disguised as an event that get in effect as soon we're critically low on birthrate; It is where we, as a community, seek out to remedy this by bringing new ponies to the town... well, more like making them with events and attractions that encourage breeding and overall foalmaking.." As soon she said those words, you looked at her with stupefied and shocked look on your face then quickly reminded yourself that this Equestria is of the "Too friendly" variety, things are going to be lewder, she noticed your aforementioned shock and stopped, she frowned lightly "It is... something wrong?"

"Oh no, is not. Just kind of surprised, So this 'festival' is about having one massive orgy?" You asked but, again to your surprise, she shake her head.

"Well, not like that but I can understand the reaction if thats what you were thinking. No, isn't a giant, massive orgy but let me explain to make things a bit more clear; While it happens at the start of the town's heat season, the festival is like any festival; there are games, music, food, events, among many other things! but it's organized individually by groups of mares or herds and is more often than not, a feçade or a play to get to the prize is rutting and breeding but despite what it sounds, it isn't a festival that promote rampant debauchery, quite the contrary, we celebrate the making of life this way while having fun doing so, it is also necessary as the Town itself is small but also hosting a large mare population on the contrast to the stallion half and this had proved to be successful, not once but twice, on skyrocketing birthrates and mantaining an stable population." She finished.

The entire thing seemed to be out-there but it somewhat sounds considering the type of world you were and the fact that male population is small in the town or so it seems, you still have lots of question about this festival althought it seemed like a good oportunity to get some tail here.

"Fascinating... can you tell me?"

"Really? Are you interested in participating?"

"Welp.. I.. don't know if I'll get able to participate at all, considering that I'm a different species and practically foreign entity as a whole, I might be unappealing to many around here but it does personally sounds intriguing." The mare smiles at you reassuringly, you omitted that you know that ponies are able to crossbreed with different species and even able to make faux-hybrids and while there used to be humans in this world, it has been centuries, if not millennia ago ever since ponykind had seen any human and you were foreign one at that, you even admitted it right now but Mayor Mare seemed to disagree.

"Oh that won't be any issue, you don't look bad to the eyes and being the only human confirmed, there are rumors circling around the town about your people's... prowess." Oh boy... "And our resident lyre musician and anthropologist, Lyra Heartstrings, helped in spreading it as soon you bought the house, this is why I'm here since curiosity had turned into concern due to your overall absences shortly after your arrival."

"I... see.." You states slowly, of course Lyra would've initiated something revolving around you as soon you were seen, you might have to go away from her in the future. "In that case, should I need to be careful then?"

"Oh hardly." She says in a dismissive tone but grew more enthusiastic "Just try to be more open! As I said before, there is alot of curiosity, rumors and speculation surrounding you but you don't have to worry for we're all an welcoming community, nopony will harm you, at the contrary, they'll show you their love and care, especially to our newest male resident... I know I would." You blinked hearing the last part in a different low tone, you were an out to ask what she meant by that until she winked at you. She chuckled upon noticing your flustered reaction "I gonna start the aperture ceremony in a few days and I would love to see you around when it start..." She paused a bit, her face morphed into that of realization which turns into a bright smile as if a good idea passed through her head.

"Actually.. Wanna come with me during the aperture ceremony?" She asks "You could decline, of course, but It would be grand if you do accompany me while I'm on the podium, it'll show to the whole town that you've become an actual participant and I could use your... assistance after the opening ceremony." There was that tone again, was she trying to hit on you? Either way, it seemed interesting thing, you did came here for just knowledge but it seems that you came for the hefty bonus instead.

You, however...
June 2, 2023