Betty stood to scan the room, magnificently jostling her boulder-sized breasts as she lifted them off the pool edge. She contemplates another fun pooltime activity that could make up for her latest (yet still bodacious) blunder with you. Jacuzzis? No, she’s way too big to fit inside one now. Waterslides? Still too big. Diving board? That tiny plank would probably snap as soon as she steps foot on it. This might be harder than she initially thought…
While Betty’s eyes move from place to place, yours remain locked on her enormous figure. She was sight to behold before, but damn. Now she’s larger than life, and, with every little move she makes, her wet, naked, gargantuan tits jiggle and quake above you in a way that’s almost mind-numbing. It’s enough to make you forget the fact that, size-wise, it almost feels like you’re back to square one with Betty. You feel your cock twitch excitedly in your shorts, but, before things escalate any further (or you completely lose it while just looking at Betty), you decide to speak up. “Uhhh, Betty, now that we know what that serum is doing to you, maybe we should cut this pool date short and do something about it, like go see Touko, or something.”
At your words, Betty snaps her attention back to you (the sudden movement sending tremors through her body), and she blinks cutely as she processes your words. End the date? No, not yet! She was just starting to have fun with you. Hoping to prolong her time with you as long as possible, Betty quickly tries to play it cool, casually hefting her immense chest while looking over how much she’s grown. “Oh, I dunno, Tommy. This doesn’t seem like that big a deal,” she jokes with a stifled giggle. “This actually doesn’t feel as bad as it looks. In fact, it feels pretty good. So I’m in no rush to end our relaxation time to fix this.”
Betty isn’t just saying this for your benefit either. She was fearing the worst after she first drank the serum, but, surprisingly, this is turning out to be pretty exhilarating. She feels so much more powerful and sexy, like no one could possibly take their eyes off her now. She looks back at you and giggles when she catches you staring with a blatant tent in your drenched shorts, confirming her theory. True, she may be bigger and jigglier now, but at least her plan to drown your worries in eye-candy is still going off without a hitch. If anything, you’ve got even more of her to look at now, which should satisfy your cravings and then some. This is perfect!
Making sure your gaze stays on her and her jumbo-sized figure, Wonder Bust grabs her breasts with both hands and teasingly jiggles them above you. “And besides, do you really want to miss out on all this? Judging from the standing ovation your little friend is giving me, that’s a hard no,” she giggles.
You smirk at Betty’s sultry attempt to make light of the situation. “Ok, so you might have a point there, but, for crying out loud, just look at you, Betty! You look like Boob-zilla, Queen of the Mammaries, rising from the ocean to destroy a hapless city.”
Betty rolls her eyes and sarcastically retorts, “Oh real funny, smart guy. Very clever.” You give a cheeky smile, letting her know that you certainly think so at least. Being the playfully competitive girl that she is, Betty instinctively tries to wipe the smug grin off your face. She further leans herself over the pool edge and ominously aims as much of her breasts as possible above you. Once again, you find yourself slack-jawed as you crane your neck upwards to watch Betty’s bust cast a deep shadow over you. She softly quips, “So is this the part where Boob-zilla crushes the tiny, smart-mouthed civilian with her mighty melons, letting everyone know she’s not to be trifled with? Hmm?” Betty squeezes her breasts above you a few times, mashing her creamy flesh before your eyes, then lowers them.
When you finally realize what’s happening, you try to backpedal away but slip and fall onto your butt. With no time left to escape, you’re forced to sit there and watch as the oncoming breasts, each one nearly as big as you, plummet towards you. However, just when you’re on the verge of being flattened, Betty stops, letting the undersides of her warm breasts hover just inches above your face. “Well, Tommy? Have anything smart to say now?” Betty lowers her breasts a teensy bit more, letting her soft flesh brush against your dumbstruck face, both teasing you and emphasizing your precarious situation.
When she lifts her breast off your face, you quickly stammer out, “N-nope, not at all. No more trifling. Got it.”
“Heehee, good.” Now it’s Betty’s turn to smile cheekily, but she isn’t satisfied just yet. “Buuuuut, just to be sure you’ve learned your lesson…” As she trails off, Betty uses both hands to part her breasts a little above you, opening a small gap between them. With a soft, heavy WHUMP, Betty quickly drops her giant breasts onto your shoulders, effortlessly wedging your whole head in between them.
Caught off-guard, you give a few grunts out of shock and agitation, but your voice is instantly muffled by Betty’s supple, all-encompassing flesh. Betty giggles cutely as she stands upright, easily dangling your entire body in the air while giving your head a few gentle squeezes between her boobs. She enjoys the feeling of your body getting overwhelmed by hers: your muffled voice tickling against her soft skin, your arms desperately pawing at her massive breasts, and your cock jabbing at her smooth stomach whenever you swing forward (letting her know how much you’re enjoying this too). She felt the same way while squishing you inside the pool earlier, and it’s a feeling she can definitely get used to. Meanwhile, you can only grumble to yourself, as (once again) there’s nothing you can do to stop her over-the-top payback for your harmless joke.“You’re just lucky we’re not in a match right now, cutie, or else I’d really have to show you the kind of damage I can do with my new and improved wonder bust,” she quips as she jiggles you around a little more, proud to have once again enforced her own unique brand of Justice. Betty goes back to thinking about what other fun things you two can do together at her new size, still mindlessly toying with you in her cleavage as she does.
Betty spots an assortment of reclining lounge chairs and notices how the sun shines down on them through the giant skylight, making a perfect spot to tan. That’s it! “But, you’re right, Tommy: At this size, I probably shouldn’t stay in the pool for much longer. Fortunately, I know exactly what we can do instead.” Water displaces and splashes wildly as the 9’ tall Betty climbs out of the pool, still carrying you in her cleavage as she saunters towards the tanning chairs. Even with all the times you’ve already been stuffed against Betty as she walks around, you still can’t get used to the constant jiggling and jostling, especially with your stiff cock jabbing against her with every step. You grumble at her to put you down so you can walk yourself. Despite your voice being muffled, she manages to understand you but responds, “Nope. I still haven’t forgiven you for that ‘Boob-zilla’ crack just yet. Besides, it’ll be faster if I just carried you.” Plus, Betty’s still enjoying the feeling of her body wrapped around yours too much to let you go just yet, deliberately walking extra-slowly to the chairs.
When she (finally) arrives, Betty kneels over a chair and purposely dangles your body directly above it. “Now...who’s your favorite wrestler?”
You give a reluctant, “You are,” from between Betty’s breasts. Satisfied, she pulls her breasts apart just enough to let you fall out and land on the chair below.
“And don’t you forget it,” Betty says with a wink before climbing into the lounge chair next to you, the chair creaking almost immediately upon feeling Betty’s abundant weight. Taking a chance to breathe, you realize Betty has brought you to the tanning area, which you agree might not be a bad idea. At least there should be more room for her here than in the pool. You just wish she brought you here in a less demeaning (albeit stimulating way). Betty’s great, but you’re starting to realize she may have a tendency to take things a bit too far when she’s excited, even if she means well.
Betty catches your disgruntled look and giggles. “Aww, I didn’t rough you up too badly, did I cutie?” Honestly, it’s hard to complain about getting stuffed between a pair of tits so big they can carry you around (not many men have the chance to); it’s your pride that’s bruised, if anything. “Here, let me make it up to you, then,” Betty says as she grabs a bottle of tanning oil from an adjacent table.
What does she do with it?
While Betty’s eyes move from place to place, yours remain locked on her enormous figure. She was sight to behold before, but damn. Now she’s larger than life, and, with every little move she makes, her wet, naked, gargantuan tits jiggle and quake above you in a way that’s almost mind-numbing. It’s enough to make you forget the fact that, size-wise, it almost feels like you’re back to square one with Betty. You feel your cock twitch excitedly in your shorts, but, before things escalate any further (or you completely lose it while just looking at Betty), you decide to speak up. “Uhhh, Betty, now that we know what that serum is doing to you, maybe we should cut this pool date short and do something about it, like go see Touko, or something.”
At your words, Betty snaps her attention back to you (the sudden movement sending tremors through her body), and she blinks cutely as she processes your words. End the date? No, not yet! She was just starting to have fun with you. Hoping to prolong her time with you as long as possible, Betty quickly tries to play it cool, casually hefting her immense chest while looking over how much she’s grown. “Oh, I dunno, Tommy. This doesn’t seem like that big a deal,” she jokes with a stifled giggle. “This actually doesn’t feel as bad as it looks. In fact, it feels pretty good. So I’m in no rush to end our relaxation time to fix this.”
Betty isn’t just saying this for your benefit either. She was fearing the worst after she first drank the serum, but, surprisingly, this is turning out to be pretty exhilarating. She feels so much more powerful and sexy, like no one could possibly take their eyes off her now. She looks back at you and giggles when she catches you staring with a blatant tent in your drenched shorts, confirming her theory. True, she may be bigger and jigglier now, but at least her plan to drown your worries in eye-candy is still going off without a hitch. If anything, you’ve got even more of her to look at now, which should satisfy your cravings and then some. This is perfect!
Making sure your gaze stays on her and her jumbo-sized figure, Wonder Bust grabs her breasts with both hands and teasingly jiggles them above you. “And besides, do you really want to miss out on all this? Judging from the standing ovation your little friend is giving me, that’s a hard no,” she giggles.
You smirk at Betty’s sultry attempt to make light of the situation. “Ok, so you might have a point there, but, for crying out loud, just look at you, Betty! You look like Boob-zilla, Queen of the Mammaries, rising from the ocean to destroy a hapless city.”
Betty rolls her eyes and sarcastically retorts, “Oh real funny, smart guy. Very clever.” You give a cheeky smile, letting her know that you certainly think so at least. Being the playfully competitive girl that she is, Betty instinctively tries to wipe the smug grin off your face. She further leans herself over the pool edge and ominously aims as much of her breasts as possible above you. Once again, you find yourself slack-jawed as you crane your neck upwards to watch Betty’s bust cast a deep shadow over you. She softly quips, “So is this the part where Boob-zilla crushes the tiny, smart-mouthed civilian with her mighty melons, letting everyone know she’s not to be trifled with? Hmm?” Betty squeezes her breasts above you a few times, mashing her creamy flesh before your eyes, then lowers them.
When you finally realize what’s happening, you try to backpedal away but slip and fall onto your butt. With no time left to escape, you’re forced to sit there and watch as the oncoming breasts, each one nearly as big as you, plummet towards you. However, just when you’re on the verge of being flattened, Betty stops, letting the undersides of her warm breasts hover just inches above your face. “Well, Tommy? Have anything smart to say now?” Betty lowers her breasts a teensy bit more, letting her soft flesh brush against your dumbstruck face, both teasing you and emphasizing your precarious situation.
When she lifts her breast off your face, you quickly stammer out, “N-nope, not at all. No more trifling. Got it.”
“Heehee, good.” Now it’s Betty’s turn to smile cheekily, but she isn’t satisfied just yet. “Buuuuut, just to be sure you’ve learned your lesson…” As she trails off, Betty uses both hands to part her breasts a little above you, opening a small gap between them. With a soft, heavy WHUMP, Betty quickly drops her giant breasts onto your shoulders, effortlessly wedging your whole head in between them.
Caught off-guard, you give a few grunts out of shock and agitation, but your voice is instantly muffled by Betty’s supple, all-encompassing flesh. Betty giggles cutely as she stands upright, easily dangling your entire body in the air while giving your head a few gentle squeezes between her boobs. She enjoys the feeling of your body getting overwhelmed by hers: your muffled voice tickling against her soft skin, your arms desperately pawing at her massive breasts, and your cock jabbing at her smooth stomach whenever you swing forward (letting her know how much you’re enjoying this too). She felt the same way while squishing you inside the pool earlier, and it’s a feeling she can definitely get used to. Meanwhile, you can only grumble to yourself, as (once again) there’s nothing you can do to stop her over-the-top payback for your harmless joke.“You’re just lucky we’re not in a match right now, cutie, or else I’d really have to show you the kind of damage I can do with my new and improved wonder bust,” she quips as she jiggles you around a little more, proud to have once again enforced her own unique brand of Justice. Betty goes back to thinking about what other fun things you two can do together at her new size, still mindlessly toying with you in her cleavage as she does.
Betty spots an assortment of reclining lounge chairs and notices how the sun shines down on them through the giant skylight, making a perfect spot to tan. That’s it! “But, you’re right, Tommy: At this size, I probably shouldn’t stay in the pool for much longer. Fortunately, I know exactly what we can do instead.” Water displaces and splashes wildly as the 9’ tall Betty climbs out of the pool, still carrying you in her cleavage as she saunters towards the tanning chairs. Even with all the times you’ve already been stuffed against Betty as she walks around, you still can’t get used to the constant jiggling and jostling, especially with your stiff cock jabbing against her with every step. You grumble at her to put you down so you can walk yourself. Despite your voice being muffled, she manages to understand you but responds, “Nope. I still haven’t forgiven you for that ‘Boob-zilla’ crack just yet. Besides, it’ll be faster if I just carried you.” Plus, Betty’s still enjoying the feeling of her body wrapped around yours too much to let you go just yet, deliberately walking extra-slowly to the chairs.
When she (finally) arrives, Betty kneels over a chair and purposely dangles your body directly above it. “Now...who’s your favorite wrestler?”
You give a reluctant, “You are,” from between Betty’s breasts. Satisfied, she pulls her breasts apart just enough to let you fall out and land on the chair below.
“And don’t you forget it,” Betty says with a wink before climbing into the lounge chair next to you, the chair creaking almost immediately upon feeling Betty’s abundant weight. Taking a chance to breathe, you realize Betty has brought you to the tanning area, which you agree might not be a bad idea. At least there should be more room for her here than in the pool. You just wish she brought you here in a less demeaning (albeit stimulating way). Betty’s great, but you’re starting to realize she may have a tendency to take things a bit too far when she’s excited, even if she means well.
Betty catches your disgruntled look and giggles. “Aww, I didn’t rough you up too badly, did I cutie?” Honestly, it’s hard to complain about getting stuffed between a pair of tits so big they can carry you around (not many men have the chance to); it’s your pride that’s bruised, if anything. “Here, let me make it up to you, then,” Betty says as she grabs a bottle of tanning oil from an adjacent table.
What does she do with it?
May 31, 2023
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