Betty squishes you as payback
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With you trapped between the edge of the pool and her body, with nowhere to look but her softly wobbling chest, the large girl went to work. Wonder Bust figured that since you had popped her bikini top, it was only fair that she make you endure eeevery second she spent fixing it. The thought of you having to stare at her perfect chest as she worked, without being able to do anything more, sounded like the perfect payback to her. While you lifted the gold ring into the air, Betty leaned forward and began slowly looping the first white string from a bikini cup through it. You recoiled as her breasts nearly swung into you, only to stop and quiver inches away from your face. Deciding to make things more difficult for you, Betty cooed, “And dooooon’t move, or my fingers might slip!” Just so you’d get the message, Betty shook her chest lightly towards you, causing one massive pink nipple to swing into view and bounce around right in front of your face very distractingly.

As you felt your shorts becoming tighter than ever, you called up, “A-alright, I’ll try to stay still, but can you be a little more careful? I’m uh… feeling a little claustrophobic down here.” Betty giggled as she watched your arms twitch in response to her provocative motions.

Pretending to be oblivious, Betty asked, “Oh? Why’s that, cutie?” and leaned a fraction of an inch forward, until she felt her bulging skin brush up against your chest.

Your arms shook as you tried to focus on holding the ring up, but you could feel your cock hardening, and your instincts were telling you to give Betty’s chest the biggest squeeze you could muster. Your voice wavered, “Your ch-chest is really um, d-distracting… It’s fucking huge, Betty!” She had you backed against the wall, with no more room to escape, and you couldn’t stop staring at her perfect, jiggling flesh.

Thinking that now would be the perfect time to execute her plan, Betty said sarcastically, “Hmm, is it? I hadn’t noticed!” And she puffed her chest out dramatically, suddenly bouncing one huge breast right into your lap. Betty giggled as her nipple pushed right against your face, pinching you lightly between the wall and her soft flesh. Having sprung her trap, Betty smirked and joked, “Oh no, you moved the ring! Now I have to start aaaall over again, Tommy!” Betty let out a small hum of satisfaction as she felt your stiff erection blatantly poking into her from below, signaling just how perfectly her plan was working.

Your muffled complaints vibrated against Betty’s skin, while you gave up on holding the ring and began trying to push her soft breast away from your face. You couldn’t make much progress though; her breast was so soft that you mostly just caused it to jiggle around. Without moving, Betty sarcastically complained, “Come on Tommy, the longer you spend goofing off the longer it will take me to fix my top, and the longer we’ll both have to stand here!”

With a firm shove, you managed to slide Wonder Bust’s spongy pink nipple aside, and shout, “Mmmf- what gives, Betty? I said I was sorry for trying to push you in the pool!”

Tapping one finger to her chin, Betty came clean, “Oh, that’s not what this is for. You thought you were sooo clever when you untied my bikini, didn’t you? Well Wonder Bust saw through your little ruse, and now it’s time for you to face the music!” Betty giggled at her little speech, before taking a step forward. You had been in the middle of shouting, I told you, that wasn’t me! but you were interrupted as Wonder Bust’s golf-ball sized nipple swung back into place, before plastering your face to the wall. Giggling nonstop, Wonder Bust kept leaning over until she had you flattened your whole body against the tiled poolside with her breast. By the time she was done, her gigantic tit had poured around your lap, midsection, and face, sealing every bit of you against her skin. Only your legs could kick around in the water, one of your arms had been pinned flat by her breast. Sounding pleased with herself, Betty said, “There! Now, as punishment, you can help me fix my top.” Betty snickered when she spotted your other arm, still hanging onto the gold ring, sticking from the crevice between her flesh and the pool edge, “Oh good, you still have my ring. Now hold still while I finish tie it up!”

With your only free arm literally pinned in place by her chest, Betty resumed fixing her bikini. Though, thinking your position was well deserved, she took her sweet time with it, leaving you to rub against her soft skin with every movement she made. Betty’s favorite part was that she could feel your boner still poking into the soft, jiggling underside of her breast, and there was nothing you could do about it. Deciding now would be a fine time to get a little more teasing in, Betty began to softly bounce on her toes, and smiled when she felt her perky boob begin to wobble right against your groin. Small ripples and waves splashed in every direction as Betty’s humongous chest lurched up and down, bouncing rhythmically in the water against your body. A long, exasperated Nnnnngh that came from your position against her told Betty that her revenge was working as intended.

Betty was so focused on tying her bikini back together that she didn’t notice as she began to slowly rise out of the water, nor did she notice when her breasts began to expand in every direction. You, however, felt a gradually increasing sense of weight against you, as Becky’s growing body smothered you more and more. After a few minutes, and after unknowingly gaining another foot in height, Betty cheered, “There, my bikini’s all fixed! Thanks, cutie, you were a [i}big help!” and slowly, very slowly, leaned back. You were left gasping for air as Betty’s overwhelming mass of warm flesh peeled from the wall, leaving you in a steamy pile. Betty, thinking she’d ‘won’ the prank war, couldn’t help but giggle at the mess she had left you in. Hmm, had she gone too far? You looked really out of breath…

Wanting to reward you for being such a good sport during her prank, Betty quickly wiggled her bikini back into place (which took a very surprising amount of effort, she realized), until she has managed to stuff as much of herself as possible into her top. Sticking her chest out for your benefit, Betty cooed, “There, see? That wasn’t too hard to help me was it? And look at how cute I look again, heehee!” Betty shook her chest for you, intending to show off just how tantalizingly her flesh bulged and wobbled, hoping that you’d forgive her for getting a little carried away earlier. You were too out of breath to respond though, so Betty reached through the water towards you. Thinking you wouldn’t mind, and wanting to see just how frustrated she had gotten you, she carefully prodded your cock with one finger, but as soon as her fingertip brushed against you, she felt an odd sensation.

Betty’s entire body felt tingly, and as she was looking down at you, she saw that she was… getting taller? Betty stood up in surprise and watched, in awe, as her already enormous chest ballooned outwards, suddenly smashing you right back against the wall. Caught off guard, Betty turned to the side with a huge splash, accidentally smearing you along the smooth wall with her jiggling flesh. Wonder Bust exclaimed, “Woooah…” and gawped as her bikini top stretched, and stretched, before literally exploding under the weight of her breast, launching the gold ring off into a Jacuzzi on the other side of the room. When she realized that her excited movements were just squishing you against the wall again, Betty stopped, leaving you pinned to her skin. A little too stunned to do much else, Betty marveled as her body gradually completed its growth spurt, while her expanding breasts slowly flattened you more and more against the side of the pool. When it was finally over, Betty reckoned she was a good 9 or 10 feet tall, and her breasts… she was amazed. She’d barely been able to get a hand partway around one before, but now they might as well be boulders. After taking a minute to be amazed at her new body, Betty finally remembered you, and exclaimed, “Oh, Tommy!” After clumsily turning back the other way, and grinding you across the wall all over again with her boob, Betty grimaced and leaned back. You fell to the water, though Betty caught you and lifted you to the pool deck, where you coughed and gasped for air.

As you recovered, Betty launched into an apology, “I’m so sorry, Tommy! I thought you were just joking about my boobs getting bigger… I had no idea you were serious!”

You waved her apology away, “Phew… it’s fine, Betty. I wouldn’t have believed me either. I think it was the serum or something, like a side effect maybe.” Betty’s face softened; she felt so bad about doubting you! You had noticed the growing before her, and she’d squished you for your troubles, only to immediately forgive her.

When you finally looked up at her, you fell into another coughing fit, as you couldn’t believe your eyes. Betty was still in the pool, but she was leaning over the edge to talk to you now, resting her immense, naked bust right on the edge. You could only croak out a, “God damn, Wonder Bust…” Betty blushed again at your flagrantly impressed reaction. Being multiple times bigger than you once more was kind of fun, Betty had to admit, though she was a little annoyed she still wouldn’t get the chance to have fun with you at your full size… And now she had to think of a way to repay you for squishing you all those times.

Glancing around the pool area, where does Betty decide to take you next?
May 31, 2023