Felicity stuffs you into her suit
As you continue seething, Felicity ponders what to do next with you. Pulling that bosomy prank on you just now felt good, real good, and she wants to capitalize on it. As she muses, she mindlessly plays with the front zipper of her suit, a habit of hers. This time, she catches herself, and a wickedly gleeful smile creeps along her face as she quickly comes up with a new way to play with you. "Gee, Tommy, I had no idea how much stress you've been dealing with today," she says with false sincerity.

"Hmph, whatever," you grunt, still pouting a little. Looking away from Felicity in your ire, you fail to notice her creeping up behind you. As she does, she slowly, sensually pulls her zipper all the way down to her crotch, revealing a full runway of her pale, smooth skin.

"Maybe a nice, big hug will make you feel better."

You roll your eyes. "I don't see how that'll help at a--H-Hey!!" Suddenly, Felicity grabs you and pulls you against her, the back of your head landing squarely in front of her enormous breasts as she wraps her arms around the rest of your smaller body. Again, you find yourself blushing at the soft, enticing sensation of Felicity's breasts, each one much, much bigger than your head.

"There...how's that feel," she asks as she firmly holds you against her.

"It's...not bad," you confess, certainly enjoying yourself on a certain level. After a few moments, you finally say "Ok, you can let go now, Felicity...Felicity?" Despite your request, Felicity continues to hold onto you. In fact, you feel her grip on you tighten, much to your discomfort. "Felicity, what are you doing?"

The Pussy Cat purrs coyly and says, "Well I just thought that, since we're going to be working alongside each other from now on, it'd be best if we tried to get a little closer." With that last word, Felicity gives a firm squeeze, wedging part of your head into her enveloping bosom as she pulls your body closer to hers. You feel her soft, heavy flesh start to weigh down on your head and shoulders as her jiggling flesh quickly takes over your peripheral vision, alarming you. She's not about to do what you think she's about to do, is she!?

"Felicity, no! You can't do this!"

"Do what," she asks, feigning innocence. "I'm just doing what I promised you and showing you something good. Now hold still." With a powerful squeeze from Felicity, you feel your small head get completely swallowed between her enormous breasts. With your head in place, Felicity quickly puts her focus on the rest of your body. "And, where you're going, you won't need these," she says before deftly pulling your shorts off and tossing them aside, leaving you completely naked, then moves on to trap the rest of your body into her tight, leather suit. She shoves your feeble legs into her leggings, securing them against her thick, powerful legs. Then she takes your arms and stuffs them along the sides of her breasts, beneath the tight leather, forcing you to hold onto them in a way that looks like you're carrying two giant watermelons on your shoulders. Before you really know it, she's got you completely trapped in her suit with her. Felicity sways her body a little, swinging you along with it as she admires her brilliantly fun idea. With a giggle, she taunts, "hope you enjoy the ride, Mousey," before pulling up on her zipper. You only manage to give a few meek, muffled protests from between Felicity's breasts before she finally pulls her zipper partway up her chest, tightly sealing nearly all of your body against her, except for the small tuft of your hair poking out from the top of her cleavage.

Immensely proud of herself, The Pussy Cat begins to strut around in a small circle, relishing the feeling of the tiny man she's stolen helplessly trapped against her. Now she can easily toy around with you as much as she wants, whenever she wants, much to her joy. And, so long as she continues to show you around, in her own special way, there's no way you or (more importantly) Touko can harp on her about it. It's a win-win!

Vacuum-sealed against Felicity, you're forced to feel every little bounce and jiggle her curvaceous, Amazonian body makes against you, ceaselessly frustrating you. You try to yell up at Felicity and demand she let you go, but your voice gets muffled by her smothering flesh, deliciously stimulating her. Feeling your complaints, Felicity pauses to tease you more, hefting her chest and squeezing her breasts around your head more. "What's the matter, Mousey? Think it's too tight in there? Well I think it's just purrrfect," she says with a titter. As she squeezes her breasts around you, Felicity goes back to pondering what more fun she can have with you. "Hmmm, now how should I break you in...?"

What next?
May 31, 2023