"I should get someone to show you around," Touko says. "Don't want our newest rising superstar to get lost, now do we?" As you try to process how the hell you can possibly be anything other than a pathetic jobber in this league, what with this insufferable shrinking handicap forced on you, Touko presses a button on her phone and speaks into it. "Felicity? Hun, you still around? I need you to do that thing we talked about. Chop-chop, now." Before you can ask who Touko just called, she explains. "Felicity is a wrestler here, just like you, and a pretty damn good one too. I asked her to show you the ropes for a bit. Admittedly, she might be a bit too impulsive to play a traditional tour guide, as well as a little..." Touko gives a subtle snicker. "Catty, I suppose. But she's cased and finagled her way through this building so many times that she knows it like the back of her hand. I daresay there's not a person here that knows all the ins and outs of this venue better, besides myself of course."

There's a brief pause as you both wait for Felicity to show up. There's a moment when you think you hear the very faint sound of a door creaking open behind you. Just as you turn your head to look, you're startled by the sight of a very tall, very curvaceous brunette standing next to you. Geez, where the hell did she come from!? You didn't even hear any footsteps. While the sudden appearance of this striking woman who's twice your size nearly makes your heart pop out of your chest, Touko is unfazed, used to these kind of shenanigans from her quirky wrestlers. "Ah, there you are, Felicity. Good kitty," she says with a hint of condensation. Felicity crosses her arms impatiently and silently rolls her eyes. "Tommy, I'd like to introduce you to Felicity Lyons, known as the DWA's Pussy Cat. She's as skilled as she is beautiful, and no one can rock a full-body catsuit quite like her. What's more, she's the resident cat burglar of the Association, a thief extraordinaire, hence why she makes it her business to know this building so well."

Felicity gives an annoyed huff. "You can butter me up all you want, Touko, but I'm still not going to do it. Get someone else to handhold the new guy," she says curtly. As Felicity makes her stand, you take a moment to get a good look at your new coworker. Like Touko said, she wears a full body black latex suit, one that clings tightly to her jaw-dropping hourglass figure, and its zipper is undone enough to reveal a distracting amount of wobbling, creamy cleavage from within the latex confines (how she can ever zip the suit up all the way, let alone just put it on on a regular basis is completely beyond you). Coupled with that, Felicity wears a small black mask over her eyes, a pair of sexy high-heel boots, and what looks like a utility belt slanted across her wide hips. Damn, she IS gorgeous, which makes her ninja-like entrance all the more baffling. Everything about Felicity stands out (her costume, her good looks, her size, her more-than-ample proportions), and yet she still managed to sneak up on you with ease, clearly a testament to her prowess in stealth. It makes you wonder how you'd ever be able to keep up with her in the ring, especially at your current size. While you can't take your eyes off Felicity, she only gives you a passing glance, very much disinterested in you and in playing your tour guide.

"Oh don't be such a sour puss, Felicity," Touko quips, dismissing her employee's disgruntled mood with a flippant wave of her hand. "Just show him around for a bit, 'kay? It's not hard."

"That's not the point," Felicity pouts as ambles towards Touko, her sashaying hips gracefully gliding past you as her heels click confidently with each step (clearly she wants to be seen and heard this time). From the corner of her eye, Felicity catches you struggling not to gawp as she walks by, and she decides to have a little fun with that, hoping to boost her spirits a bit. Arching her back and keeping her leather-clad ass aimed at you, Felicity leans against Touko's shoulder and says, "I'm a superstar here, which means my time is precious." As she speaks, Felicity "innocently" wriggles her hips while bringing a finely manicured hand down to Touko's bikini-clad tit, gently cupping and bouncing it like a cat pawing at a toy. She holds back a smirk when she spies your eyes darting back and forth between the succulent female flesh subtly dancing in front of you. At least she knows she can still easily steal a man's attention, Felicity thinks to herself. Touko, still unfazed by Felicity's antics, doesn't respond to her employee's groping (though she does find your staring cute). "I've got better things to do than babysit some mouse-sized wrestler," Felicity finishes, making her point while jabbing at your currently fragile ego. 

Done toying around (for now), Felicity stops her little show and steps to the other side of Touko, and Touko sarcastically retorts, "You mean like taking anything and everything you can get your hands on?" After a pause, Touko loudly clears her throat at Felicity, who coyly bats her eyes in response. Touko insistently holds a palm out and calmly demands, "My wallet, please." 

Her sleight-of-hand caught red handed, Felicity gives an annoyed scoff before fishing Touko's wallet from her deep cleavage and returning it. "Not everything," Felicity quickly clarifies. "Just the things that happen to catch my eye, is all. It's all part of my charming, cat-like curiosity," she adds with a self-indulgent purr.

“Mmm-hmmm, and I wonder if your fans will still find it just as charming when I step out and officially confirm those rumors that you’ve been stealing their stuff during autograph sessions,” Touko coolly asks with a wry smirk.

Felicity glares at Touko for her thinly-veiled threat, but, after a few moments, the Pussy Cat finally relents. “Ugh, fine, whatever, I’ll do it, but don’t blame me if I get bored and ditch him somewhere,” Felicity pouts as she turns around and storms away. You have to admit, after watching that exchange, you’re actually kinda impressed with your new boss right now. If she can flawlessly pull off shrewd negotiation tactics like that without batting an eye, then she’s clearly the type of woman who’s skilled at getting people to do things they don’t want to do for her (yourself included). No wonder she’s the one in charge of so many colorful wrestling personalities.

Felicity barely pays any attention to you as she makes a beeline towards the exit, carelessly letting her huge hips knock into you as she passes by and nearly knocking you over. “Move it or lose it, short stuff,” she says curtly. “If we’re doing this, we’re doing this my way, and I’m not gonna bore myself by waiting around for the new guy to get his bearings.”

By the time you regain your balance, Felicity is nearly out the door. You look up at Touko, who simply smiles and says, “Better get a move on, Tommy, or else you’ll lose her.” Wanting to tease you, she suddenly bends forward, giving you an amazing view of her bikini-clad breasts spilling out of her lab coat. “That is...unless you want to stick around with your beautiful new boss a little longer. I’m sure I have some other experiments I could test on you.” Touko draws your gaze by squeezing her breasts with her arms a few times, but you eventually see another syringe poke out of her deep cleavage, reminding you how frightening this woman is (even if she is extremely sexy). You decide to take your chances with Felicity and quickly follow her out. As you do, you hear Touko call out with an almost terrifying sweetness, “Have fun, Tommy. I’ll see you again soon.”

As you exit Touko’s office, officially starting your new job here at the DWA, you can’t help but wonder what else is in store for you. It’s weird enough starting out your day by humoring a mad scientist/Pro wrestling showrunner, but now you’ve got a cat burglar acting as your tour guide. Here’s hoping this doesn’t lead you into any more trouble.

What next?

1. She takes you on a “tour” of someone’s dressing room, stealing from another wrestler and making you her accomplice

2. She shows you around...kinda
May 31, 2023