Attempting to steal some panties for Becky
· original author:
When Becky finally reached Patty's dressing room, she stopped and pulled her tight blouse from her enormous breasts, giving you a moment to catch your breath. "Well, twerp, what's it gonna be?" You sigh and agree, "Fine, I'll steal your stupid underwear back, IF it will make you go easy on me during our next match and keep you from LYING about who's idea this dressing room thing was!" Becky only smiled coyly and peeled you from her chest, slowly working you up over her arms until you were free. You sighed as your body reformed to its normal shape, and began trying to untie your hands and feet from the lace strap that Becky had used to make you into her bra.

Becky stepped through an extravagantly decorated door, with the glitter-covered words "PINK PRINCESS" emblazoned across its surface. "Patty, are you here?" Becky called, to no answer. Becky stepped into the room, which was covered in proof of the Pink Princess' ego; posters of her lined every wall, the spaces between only serving to mount mirrors, awards, and magazine articles about her accomplishments. Becky stepped over to the gigantic makeup table that line one wall, and you noticed a pile of stacked, folded bikinis and thongs. Becky said, "Alright, Tommy, my panties should be somewhere in that pile."

You, having finally gotten your arms and legs untied, looked up at Becky and suggested, "Hey, since Patty isn't here, why don't you help me look? It will go a lot fast-" but you were suddenly cut off as Becky rolled her eyes and slapped the palm of her hand to the underside of her breasts. As your body was smooshed against the heavy side of her underboob, she scolded, "Listen, NOBODY tells me what to do, especially not a shrimp like you!" You didn't understand what the hell Becky's problem was, as she slid her hand back and forth, rubbing your naked body into her soft cleavage for a few seconds. Becky smiled as she felt your erection slide between her breasts, poking into her sensitive flesh, before she finally dropped her hand and tossed your 7 inch body onto the table. "Now get looking. I'll, like, keep a lookout or whatever." You had been gasping for breath after being smothered by Becky's tits when you looked up and saw her leaning back towards you. You dove to the side before her huge skirt covered ass slammed onto the table where you had just been, as Becky pulled out her phone and began texting, apparently oblivious to how nearly she had crushed you again.

You mumbled some choice insults under your breath as you approached the stack of panties, and tried to remember what you were looking for. Pink, frilly, and they said "BITE ME" or "EAT THIS" or something equally lewd on them, right? You couldn't quite remember, you had been too distracted by being crushed against Becky's breasts at the time. The pile of soft, lacey underwear all looked pink and frilly to you, and the stack was nearly as tall as you were! Sighing, you took the top set of underwear off and tried to figure out if it was the one you were looking for. It wasn't, so you moved on to the next one, tossing the incorrect ones over your shoulder into a pile. You just wanted to get the hell out of here as quickly as possible, as the last thing you wanted was to be caught going through Patty's underwear.

After a few minutes, you found a pair that matched what you remember Becky describing. Thankful that you'd finally be able to get the hell out of here, you tucked the pink cloth under your arm and ran back to Becky, who was still sitting on the edge of the table and laughing at a conversation with one of her girlfriends on her phone. You were just about to reach her when the door to Patty's room opened, and Patty herself, wearing her tight uniform, strutted in. Becky quickly tucked her phone away and glanced around for you. When she spotted the panties you were holding up to her, she reached out. However, she made no attempt to rescue you, and as she clumsily snatched the panties out of your hands, she knocked you off balance and off the table.

You tumbled through the air, before landing on something soft and leathery, as Becky, forgetting about you, tucked the panties into her waistband and said, "Hey girl!" to Patty, who was taking hairties out of her long pink hair and throwing them onto the table. Patty flashed Becky a brief smile and said, "Hey Big B. Come to borrow another set of underwear? I told you to stop doing that, you always break them with your fat ass!" It sounded like Patty was making a dig at Becky, who responded somewhat sharply, "Yeah right, your underwear is just too small for an ass as thick as mine." Becky watched with amusement as the much shorter girl slid out of her short shorts, before hovering her large rear over the leather stool, where Becky only now realized you had ended up.

You were still dizzy from the fall, when you looked up and saw an enormous set of ass cheeks hanging over you. Your vision stopped spinning just long enough to read the words "EAT ME" printed across the crotch of the pink panties wedged between this girl's thighs. You finally put two and two together, realizing you had grabbed the wrong set of panties, as Patty plopped onto her leather stool with a *thump*, squishing everything above your waist under one of her ass cheeks. You wondered how long it would be before Becky realized you had given her the wrong pair, or how she'd react...

Your torso vanished beneath Patty's smooth posterior, and you ended up nearly covered by just one of her enormous ass cheeks, leaving only your waist and legs exposed. Becky had to bite her lip to keep from laughing when she saw Patty's ass cheek jiggling against your still erect cock. Becky, delighted by the thought that Patty didn't even know she had sat on you, tried to continue, "Heh, I just came by to say that your last match was really great! It was really sexy, how you took control of that new guy. Hizuki herself said you did a great job."

Patty smiled proudly, "I know, I just got back from a quick post-match outro. I had to sign a lot of autographs from girls who said I was an inspiration and a symbol of female empowerment, haha!" Patty wiggled her hips happily, grinding your face into her ass crack, as your cock was smeared against her ass cheek, much to Becky's delight. As Patty began taking her crop-top off and putting on a very tight t-shirt instead, Becky said, "Say, Patty, did you hear? The new guy, Tommy, had his dressing room moved. They needed the space or something, so he's gonna have to share a room with one of the other wrestlers."

Patty scoffed, still unaware that she was sitting on you, "Haha, that sucks."

Becky continued, "Yeah... and I think he's gonna be relocated here, in your room, for a while." Patty whirled around on her stool, grinding her ass across your face as spun around to face Patty and exclaimed, "WHAT!?" Becky tried to suppress a smile as she savored how irritated she could make Patty, one of her wrestling nemeses, until she glanced down just long enough to notice the panties that Patty was wearing; the pair she had wanted!

Frowning, Becky realized you had failed the simple job she gave you (completely ignoring the fact that there was no way for you to get a pair of panties that Patty was currently wearing). Becky's smile returned when she saw what had happened to you after Patty turned around, though: you were partially visible between Patty's thick thighs, though your upper torso disappeared beneath Patty's crotch, meaning your face was buried somewhere beneath her ass cheeks. Becky also spotted your erection, being nearly crushed beneath one of Patty's muscular thighs. Becky hatched an idea to torment both you and Patty at the same time, "Yeah. Hizuki wanted me to come let you know that you'd be sharing your room with him for the time being. Split 50/50, basically."

Patty nearly shrieked, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That little dipshit doesn't need HALF my room, he's like an inch tall!" As she ranted, Patty crossed her legs, cluelessly dragging her smooth flesh across your aching cock, as you groaned and struggled to breath through the warm fabric that was weighing against your face. All the air you were getting was currently rather warm and musky; you just wished Becky would stop fucking around and get Patty to stand up.

Becky, however, was just getting started, "Yeah. Hizuki said he'd get to share your chair and your makeup table and stuff too, and that you'd have to help him reach some stuff since he's so short." Patty was now fidgeting angrily and shifting her weight back and forth, grinding your poor face into her sweaty ass crack. You mentally cursed Becky, as she continued, "I think she said something about it being his idea? I can't remember, I just know Hizuki said he seemed pissed about losing the fight earlier, and that this would be a great way for you two to make up or something. If you want MY humble opinion, I just think he wanted to get back at you!" You were so angry you audibly groaned in disagreement, right before Patty leaned forward, turned to the side, and then dramatically slammed her ass back against the chair with an exasperated grunt. Becky was treated to the sight of your body, stuck against the leather seat, being revealed and then flattened beneath one of the Pink Princess' humongous ass cheeks. Now only your upper body was stuck beneath Patty, as she had shifted to one side of the stool.

With Patty's back turned, Becky stepped up behind her and smirked down at your legs, which were softly kicking in an attempt to drag your head free from beneath Patty's ass. Becky quickly pinched your erect cock between two fingers and began playing with you, determined to piss you off as much as possible, as she leaned in to whisper something to Patty.

What does Becky say?

Choice 1: "If you're so angry with him, why not tell him yourself?"
Choice 2: "You can hash it out with him after my practice match with him."
May 31, 2023