She's got a cute boy to flirt with!
· original author:
Milly gave you a cute smile with the smallest hint of sultriness behind it. As she slowly walked in your direction, she took her right hand and slowly traced her index finger around her chest. Your eyes got drawn to her finger, which at this point was resting inside of her vast, creamy cleavage, slowly stirring back and forth. She giggled as she watched your eyes get drawn to her breasts. Your heart skips a beat as this wonderfully cute, and extremely busty, girl toyed with you.

"So Monsieur Thomas, you've never wrestled a girl, non?" She asked sweetly.

Sure you've gone back and forth flirting with girls every now and then, and you had years of experience and a sharpened tongue to help you, but none of the girls you've interacted with were nearly as radiant as the one slowly approaching you. Your mind started to go blank as you thought of anything to say to her after openly admitting that you've never wrestled a girl before. As you opened your mouth to say something, she leaned over toward you, drew her index finger out of her wonderfully full cleavage, and placed it gently on your lips. Your face turned about as red as a tomato, and she bent over even further. At this point, her oversized breasts were resting against your chest, and she calmly and tantalizingly whispered in your ear, "Viens avec moi, Monsieur Thomas." Your heart raced, and your mind went blank for a second. You could feel yourself shrinking from all the teasing that Madame Bosomy just put you through.

You panicked, like any normal human male would do if some beautiful girl was bearing down on them, and quickly backed away from her. Unfortunately for Milly, she was leaning a lot of her weight on you, and when her temporary crutch bailed on her, she fell forward giving a slight "eep!" on the way down. She would've landed on her face if she wasn't as well endowed as she was, but instead, her fall was broken against her large chest, and let out and audible "oof" as she hit the floor. Now it wasn't your intention to hurt such a beautiful girl, but you panicked, and now you were panicking even more.

"Oh no, oh man, I'm so sorry Madame Bosomy, a-are you alright?!?" You quickly spat out, hesitant to approach her.

Milly picked herself up off the floor, completely unharmed, dusting herself off as she tried to steady herself on her high heels. In her mind, she knew it was her fault for suddenly coming on really strong, but she was dealt a strong hand just now, seeing as you were panicking, psyching yourself out thinking it was you who made her fall and she had to make sure she didn't overplay her hand. Only her diehard fans knew about this crafty side that Milly had underneath her klutzy facade. She looked at you and pouted before saying, "Zat was a cruel thing to do, Monsieur Thomas, I think my feelings are hurt."

"I'm so sorry! How can I make it up to you?" You said, guilt rising in your chest.

She cocked her head to the side for a moment, pondering what fun she could possibly have with you. She considered all the possibilities and eventually came up with a plan of attack. "Hmmm... Oh, I cannot possibly stay mad at someone so cute, but zat fall did hurt my back." She hunched over to emphasize her point further. She brought her hands underneath her breasts and cupped them, making them wobble in her maid outfit. "My back always hurts from carrying these around, but that fall made it worse... If only there was somebody that could help moi."

"I-uh... ummm." You babbled, unable to take your eyes off of her breasts, which were still being cupped by her.

Pressing her advantage further, she said, "Oh well, I guess I should find someone who can help moi, au revoir, Monsieur Thomas..." and slowly started to saunter off.

You collected your mind long enough to speak up, "Wait, Madame Bosomy! I'm sorry I hurt you. Let me help you, um... get better..."

She smiled as you stumbled right into her carefully planned trap, and while you were mentally beating yourself up over how you stupidly ended your sentence, she made her way over to one of the matted tables in the gym. She reached over and slipped something into her cleavage but you couldn't quite make out what it was. She removed her maid outfit's top, revealing her intricate, navy-blue lace corset she had on. She removed her heels but kept her skirt on, and she gently laid herself down on the table. You approached her, unable to wrap your mind around what just happened.

Milly turned her pretty little head toward you, eyes shut, to say, "Merci, Monsieur Thomas, for doing this, just don't forget ze massage oil."

"Massage oil?" you thought, "What massage oil?"

That's when you realized that she had sat up, facing you, and if eyes could pop out of heads, yours would have. The item she slipped in between her breasts was a bottle of massage oil, wedged deep in her cleavage. She looked at you innocently and tilted her head sideways, and put a finger on her cheek, purposely pressing her elbow into the side of her breast, emphasizing her size even more. "Qu'est-ce que ç'est, Monsieur? Get ze oil, zere is no problem, is there?"

You stammered, completely flustered, "N-n-n-no prob-problem, Madame Bosomy." You slowly reached for the massage oil, and accidentally brushed one of your fingers into her creamy flesh. Trying to avoid making a fool out of yourself, you grabbed the very top of the bottle, trying to avoid plunging your hand into her inviting cleavage. She saw what you were doing, and quickly separated her breasts so that the bottle would fall deeper in, which it did. With no other option, you sighed a heavy sigh and turned your head away as you let your hand sink between her soft and warm breasts, before grabbing the bottle and fishing it out. The whole ordeal made you shrink just a little more, now standing at only 5 feet tall.

"Got ze oil? Bien Monsieur! Now lets get to it, please hurry mon amour, my back hurts," she said as she laid back down on her stomach. She intentionally did not remove her corset so you'd have to.

"Uh... Madame Bosomy? You still have your, um... thing... on..."

She lazily gazed toward you. "Hm? Oh zat? Hmmm... I don't think I can sit up right now, so you'll just have to take it off for me, mon amour."

So with fumbling fingers, you slowly undid each knot that lied on her back until the last knot was undone, and her corset fell free, revealing the flawless skin underneath. You hadn't realized it before, but all of Madame Bosomy's features were extremely attractive. She was "petite" but she was still taller than most, her skin was flawless, creamy and rich, and even though your gaze was always directed towards her bountiful chest, she had an impressively tight waistline, wide hips, an incredible ass, and seemingly endlessly long legs. As you coated your hands with oil, you thought to yourself how you got into such a wonderfully dangerous situation. As you applied pressure to her lower back, you could hear Milly sigh in content, and started to go back and forth across her entire back. As you massaged her, you noticed that it was getting harder and harder to reach her, then you realized something, you were shrinking! You couldn't figure out what was causing it, but you needed it to stop, but while you were thinking about it, you stopped massaging her, which caused her to wonder what was going on.

"Mon amour? Why have you stopped? Zat felt good you know..."

"Sorry! I'll get right back to it, just let me..." Your voice trailed off as you looked around to see how to get a better angle to continue the massage, then you had the idea to climb on top the table to make your job easier. Then you realized that it was a bad idea. Milly felt you try to climb on the table, so she parted her legs to give you room to climb behind her, and when you least expected it, she wrapped her legs around you and brought you dangerously close. You nearly bounced off her round butt, and put your hands out to keep from slamming into her back. This brought your crotch dangerously close to her derrière. Your hands planted into the supple skin of her butt, and you tried to pull away, but her legs kept you close.

"Qu'est-ce que ç'est, mon amour?" She teased, knowing in full what she was doing.

"Ah-er, um... You seem to have me in a tight spot here..."

"Mmmhmmm, just do a good job and I'll reward you, Monsieur Tom."

From up here you could really see how smooth her skin was, and because she was lying flat on her stomach, her huge breasts spilled out dangerously over the sides. You gulped and went back to massaging her, making sure to avoid staring and trying to be too creepy. After a while of this Milly sighed once more in contempt, and said, "Merci, mon amour, my back feels much better now."

-What happens next?-
May 31, 2023
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