Touko sends you off on your own
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Touko looked you up and down (though mostly down, as she was several inches taller than you now) again, "Hmm. Well I was hoping you'd shrink just a liiiiiittle more, but oh well. Why don't you go and get a feel for the building? You might as well do it now. When you get smaller, this building's gonna feel a lot bigger, heh, so you might as well learn the place while you can." Touko lazily plopped her rather large behind onto her desk, landing with a bounce, before she flicked through some scattered papers. You couldn't help but give her a miffed look. She had "hoped" you'd shrink more? What the hell? And how was she still being so casual about all this?

After a few seconds, Touko caught your irritated expression. "Oh come on, you haven't shrunk yet right? Don't look at me like that! Go see the building and introduce yourself to the girls, I'm sure they'll be very excited to have a guy on the team after all these years. Uh..." Touko's confidence wavered as she seemed to consider something with hesitation.

You asked, "What? What's the 'uh' about?!"

Touko, however, shrugged it off, "Nothing, it'll be fine. Um, maybe do your best to make some friends, though. It could be good to get on the girl's good sides, especially while you're still big, you know..." Your faced turned quizzical; what kind of warning was that supposed to be? But before you could ask for clarification, Touko had hopped back to her feet and began gently but firmly pushing you towards the door. "Now shoo! I have paperwork to finish up." It seemed like Touko was in a hurry to get you out of her hair.

Your confusion remained as Touko's large office doors slammed shut behind you. After looking down at your slightly reduced body, you gave a sigh, and headed off down the somewhat narrow but rather upscale looking hallways. There were occasionally directional signs on the walls, but they were rare, vague, and rather unhelpful. After only a minute or two of walking, you came around a corner, only to see someone else.

Who is it?
May 31, 2023
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