You're up against Tammy
As you stand there in your corner and awkwardly fiddle with your baggy shorts, trying to find a way to get them to stay up on their own, the Fighting Twins strategize over in their corner. In the middle of their discussion, Sammy glances back at you and can't help but think back to the (so-called) compliment you gave her back in their dressing room.

Suddenly feeling a mix of emotions she's not entirely comfortable with, she looks away in embarrassment, unable to stand the sight of you right now. She mutters, "L-look, Tammy, you take him on first, ok? I'll standby and help you finish him off when the time comes." More than happy to have first dibs on you, Tammy squeals in excitement, but Sammy quickly points a stern finger at her. "And DON'T mess around, got it? If this really is the start of Touko introducing new superpowered wrestlers in the league, then we've got a lot riding on this match. We can't get left behind, which means we don't have time for any of your horseplay," she lectures. "If I think you're playing around too much, I WILL jump in and end this match myself. Got it?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever, sis," Tammy says carelessly with a flippant wave of her hand. Sammy gives a dour "I'm watching you" gesture with her fingers before finally climbing out of the ring to wait in their corner. When the referee calls you both to the center of the ring to start, you stumble your way there while Tammy happily bounces her way over, still showing no concern over the very likely possibility that her bouncing, burgeoning breasts could pop out of her skimpy bikini at any moment. You still can hardly believe that you have to wrestle with a woman dressed like that (on top of the fact that she's twice your size now). You can't help but drink in the sight of Tammy's abundant body as she approaches.

Tammy clearly isn't as well-built as her sister. While Sammy, through her hard work and determination, has crafted her body into a strong, powerful temple, Tammy, simply put, hasn't. She's not fat by any means, but her body clearly has more..."excess" than her sister's, most of it (very appealingly) concentrated in her chest and hips and spilling out past the tight strings of her outfit. While you'd wager that there's a layer of powerful, muscular solidness beneath Sammy's softer parts, you imagine there's nothing but rich doughiness within Tammy's, a natural byproduct of a life of playful frivolity and luxury. Now that you think about it, from her personality to her body, there's nothing about Tammy that really strikes you as a Pro Wrestling superstar. It's enough to make you wonder why she's even here (maybe she has some yet-to-be-revealed talent, or she's just riding on the coattail of her sister, or...). Whatever the case, at your current size, you're still likely to have a lot of trouble with her in an actual match, but maybe you can convince her to go easy on you, maybe even throw the match for you. She's clearly taken a liking to you, so it might be worth a shot.

Before you can speak up, the ref signals the start of the match, backing away as the bell rings and the crowd frenzies in anticipation of an entertaining match. Tammy looks down past her huge chest and gives you an eager grin while her huge body looms over yours. "Alright, Tommy, let's rumble," she says playfully as she holds up her hands, signaling that she intends to start this match with a test of strength between the two of you. Realizing this, you hold up your hands in response (occasionally dropping one to catch your shorts before they fall again), though the blatant size gap makes it impossible for you to reach Tammy's. When Tammy finally notices the trouble you're having, she cutely knocks herself on the head for her blunder and says, "Whoopsie, sorry, cutie: force of habit. How 'bout this?"

To accommodate you, Tammy gets down onto her knees. This quickly diminishes the height gap between you two but not all the way, her huge breasts now taking up most of your vision as her chest becomes about level with your head. You immediately notice that you can see most of Tammy's cute, pink areolas peeking out from behind the tiny triangle cups of her microbikini. "Ok, NOW we can wrestle," she says. Tammy expectantly. She squeezes the air a few times with her hands and gives you a look that makes you think she might be a little too excited by the chance to get her hands all over you. Eager to get the opening grapple started, she quickly grabs both your hands with hers and lifts them up, practically dragging you along like a puppet on a string. Startled by the strength Tammy has over you, you look on in panic as she leans in to further exert her weight over you, getting dangerously close to pressing her nearly-naked breasts against your head and chest.

"W-wait, Tammy, wait! Hold on a sec," you say hastily, legitimately concerned for your well-being at this point.

Tammy senses your anxiety and stops pushing. She gives you a curious look and asks, "Aw, what's the matter, cutie? We're finally about to wrestle each other."

"That's just it," you spurt out, trying to look up past her breasts as you do. "I can't wrestle you like this. Not for real. Thanks to Touko's stupid serum, you're over half my size now. We can't have a fair match like this."

Tammy blinks cutely as she processes your words. "Soooo...what should we do then?"

"Would you maybe be willing to throw the match for me, or at least just go easy," you ask desperately.

Tammy takes a moment to ponder your request, thoughtfully tilting her head left and right while her breasts jiggle from her sudden movements. "Hmmm, I dunnooooo..."

"C'mon, Tammy, please? Winning matches here is the only way I can hope to get my size back. You'd be doing me a huge favor. I'd owe you and your sister big time." After a few more moments of contemplation, Tammy looks back at you, a large grin appearing on her face.

What does she decide?
May 31, 2023