It's time for your match against the twins
Sammy gives you an almost dreamy look as she look back at you, too distracted by your supposed interest in her to properly process your question for a moment. "Let you go?...O-oh! Oh, right! You're our prisoner, right." Her trademark scowl quickly returns as she remembers what she's doing with you. Even if you are a (kinda-sorta) cute guy with excellent taste, she can't let you distract her from furthering her career. "Fat chance, tiny! You're not going anywhere until we're done with you." Proving she means business (to herself just as much as to you), Sammy roughly sits herself down on your tiny body, easily knocking the wind out of you with her weight. You feel her butt completely spill across your waist and crotch while her splayed legs straddle your torso (now your upper body is completely framed by two sets of long, creamy legs).

In a show of dominance as she literally looks down on you, Sammy wriggles her hips atop you, getting herself comfortable as she speaks. "Listen up, runt. We've got a few hours until our next match is scheduled to happen, which means..." Sammy trails off when she feels something hard poking at her butt amidst her grinding. When she realizes it's your cock, still stimulated from all the teasing she and her sister put you through, she blushes for a moment while angrily muttering to herself. She lifts her butt off you for a second before sliding forward and planting herself hard onto your stomach, deliberately avoiding your distracting erection as she continues speaking. "*ahem* which MEANS we've got plenty of time to get all the information we want out of you, by any. Means. Necessary."

Just then, you all hear a woman's voice make an announcement over the PA system in the hallway. "Will the Fighting Twins and Tommy the Terrible please report to the auditorium. It's time for your match. I repeat: The Fighting Twins and Tommy the Terrible, please report to your match. Thank you."

"Whoopsie, looks like Touko bumped up the timetable for our match again. Guess we won't have time to interrogate the little cutie anymore," Tammy says perkily. Sammy just mutters to herself again.

"Ugh, fine, whatever! So we didn't get anymore info out of him. Big deal. We've still got enough dirt on him to easily beat him in this match," Sammy declares. "Let's just get changed and get this over with."

"Right-o, sister-ino!" Both girls get off you, finally giving you breathing room again. When you get up, you take a moment to silently bemoan the continued bad luck you've had today.

Your match against the Fighting Twins might be about to start (which you're sure will be a nightmare all on its own), but, at the very least, you've got a chance to get away from these crazy girls for a few minutes. "Well, if you girls are gonna get changed, I'll leave you to it and meet you in the ring, I guess."

"Oh no you don't," Sammy quickly snaps. "You're sticking with us until we reach the auditorium. Don't want you sneaking off to set up any last-minute tricks with your powers before the match starts," she explains as she stands in front of the door again.

"What!? That makes no sense. How the hell am I supposed to--." You cut yourself off when you spy Tammy beginning to shimmy her way out of her tight athletic shorts, apparently completely ok with changing in front of you. You glance back at Sammy and see she's about to do the same, but not before giving you a terrifying glare. You take that as a clear warning not to watch them change any further and quickly turn around, wondering what exactly they're changing into as you do.

Before long, you hear Tammy sing "Tada," letting you know they're finished. You turn around, and your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets at the sight of the twins in their wrestling attire: two microbikinis, silver for Sammy and Gold for Tammy. Disgruntled, Sammy avoids eye contact again while Tammy happily bounces in place, showing off how her jiggly body strains against the tight bikini. "Wait, THAT'S what you two are wearing in the ring," you balk. "You look more like ring girls than actual wrestlers."

"We know," Sammy mutters bitterly, mentally berating herself again for ever letting Tammy be the one to sign the contract regarding their outfits and merchandising for the DWA.

Tammy giggles and explains, "But that's part of the fun, silly. This way, no one will ever be able to take their eyes off us." Making her point, Tammy does a quick spin, sending tantalizing tremors through her curvaceous body as she shows off the full, 360-degree view to you.

"Well, you've got a point there, I guess..." Your eyes dart back and forth between the twins, clearly enticed by their provocative outfits.

Sammy harrumphs, wishing her sister hadn't chosen such revealing wrestling outfits for them. She wouldn't call herself shy about her body in any measure, but she'd still rather be known for her strength and skill over her looks. However, working in such an eccentric wrestling league like this means that at least half the people in the audience are shameless perverts that she knows are leering her every move whenever she steps in the ring, instead of taking her seriously, and these skimpy bikinis don't help matters at all. Sammy usually drowns out those annoying thoughts of distant eyes ceaselessly undressing her by focusing on beating her opponents as quickly as possible, clearly taking her frustrations out on them. But now that she's experiencing someone eyeing her in her outfit up close (and it's a guy, no less), she can't help but feel unnerved, annoyed, and a little weird...ugh, if only she could pile-drive someone right now!

You notice Sammy getting a little flushed and embarrassed, so your eyes linger on her for a little longer, noting how she self-consciously drapes an arm across her body to clasp her other arm (inadvertently hefting her breasts in a way that only draws even more attention to them). Seeing the way she blushes and nervously fidgets in place, you daresay she almost looks cute right about now.

She catches you ogling her, which quickly incites another heated response from her. "And what the hell are you looking at? You want me to flatten you again right here? We both know I don't need a ring to do it," she threatens. So much for her being cute...

Hoping to avoid inciting any more of Sammy's ire, you quickly dart your eyes back to Tammy. "So, uh, you guys ready, or what?"

"Ready, willing, and able," Tammy chirps.

"Great, then enough dawdling. Let's get going already," Sammy grunts as she opens the door, letting Tammy skip her way through first. Before Sammy goes through, she notices you're already having trouble following them. It's not exactly easy for a pint-sized man to walk around in wrestling shorts that are way too big for him. After watching you nearly trip over yourself, Sammy grumbles, "oh for crying out loud," before roughly picking you up by your shoulder and pulling you close, barely giving you enough time to grab your baggy shorts before they fell off. As Sammy carries you to your match, you look up at her, confused by her neighborly gesture, but she explains, "Don't read too much into this, tiny. This is just to help make sure you don't go scurrying off before our match. Plus, we don't want you to make us late for our match." In her impatience, Sammy doesn't bother to lift you up all the way. Rather, she holds you high enough that your head is level with her enormous chest, giving you a very distracting view of her breasts jiggling next to you with every hurried step she takes.

Tammy looks and sees the precarious way Sammy is carrying you, smirking to herself as she notices you struggling not to gawp at her sister. "Heehee, nice to see you two hitting it off." Joining in, she casually slides an arm beneath your other shoulder. "I can see the three of us having loads of fun together. Don't you think, Tommy?" Before you can answer, Tammy pulls herself closer to you, deliberately pressing the side of her breast against your face to tease you, which in turn presses the other side of your head against Sammy's. Tammy gives a coy, expectant "hmmmm?" as she sandwiches you between them.

"Uhhh, yeah, sure, I guess," you say nervously, worried you're about to get knocked by two giant pairs of breasts before you even manage to get to your match.

Sammy rolls her eyes at Tammy's antics. "Yeah, whatever, but first we still have to crush him in our match," she says bluntly. Despite her rough disposition, there's a part of Sammy that's starting to really enjoy feeling your smaller, weaker body helplessly pressed against her, much to her growing embarrassment. Maybe if she can beat you quickly enough in this match, she can stuff these feelings away before they get out of hand and forget about you for the time being.

Eventually the twins carry you through the doors leading into the auditorium, and your senses are immediately assaulted by the flashing lights, loud music, and cheering fans. The fans go into a frenzy at the appearance of the Fighting Twins. As they walk down the ramp to the ring, they graciously wave to their fans with you still in tow, not even allowing you the dignity to walk to the ring yourself in your baggy shorts.

When you all get to the ring, Sammy roughly tosses you in before she and her sister climb in themselves. As they do, you hear the announcer revving up the crowd for the match while the referee, a cute brunette, approaches the center of the ring to signal the start of the match.

Since it's a 2v1 match vs a man half their size, the Twins decided against utterly demolishing you by having both of them take you on at once. Instead, their plan is for one of them to take you on by themselves, occasionally setting up timely assists by the other sister or switching out with them, before finally taking you out together.

The big question is: who will you be up against first, and how will that affect how the match actually goes for you?
May 31, 2023