Veronica sets things in motion
"We give him another chance to see what you have to offer, Yasmine?" As she speaks, Veronica glances at the necklace Yasmine was just fiddling with, noting how its pendant is deliciously wedged atop her friend's deep, dark cleavage. The tiny piece of metal can hardly even be seen from between Yasmine's two giant mounds, each one glistening with sweat. Jezebel gives a subtle, wry smile as she quickly comes up with a new way to mess with you. But, before she can try, she needs her new favorite couple to take the bait first.

Yasmine raises an eyebrow at Veronica's words, intrigued by her offer. "And just how exactly do you propose we do that?" You're actually a little curious by what Veronica meant as well. You've seen plenty of Yasmine already (not that you're complaining in the slightest). You don't see how spending even more time with her will make up for all the shrinking you've already done in such a short time. If anything, the longer you're with her, the bigger the risk you have to shrink more (at this point, you're not even sure if you can, but you'd really rather not find out).

Her plan set in motion, Veronica leans in and coolly wraps an arm around Yasmine's shoulders. You watch as Veronica gets as close as possible to the two of you to make her proposal, and you can't help but notice the way the side of her astonishingly massive bosom presses and sinks against Yasmine's, a tantalizing sight to behold. "Well think about it, Yaz. You already had this little stud of yours wrapped around your finger back when he was at full size, no doubt because of all the stimulating ways you strut your stuff, both in and out of the ring." Veronica gives Yasmine a playful shake, enough to make their huge, towel-clad melons distractingly wobble against each other in front of you. "True, he might be smaller than you'd originally hoped, but I think his current size gives him a chance to admire you from a new...perspective, if you will." Using her hand that's over Yasmine's right shoulder, Veronica reaches down and playfully squeezes Yasmine's breast, making it swell in front of you as her fingers sink into its brown, yielding flesh. The sensual gesture stimulates Yasmine a little, but it's not enough to faze her, continuing to keep her cool during Veronica's explanation while you struggle not to gawp. "At his size, seeing a body as sexy and voluptuous as yours must be absolutely breathtaking. You're like a goddess compared to him, love. Give him some time to drink you in like this, and he'll never get you out of his mind, not even after a million cold showers, haha."

After hearing Veronica put it like that, Yasmine sees the appeal of having fun with you at this size. In your time with Yasmine, you might've shrunk more than either of you were expecting, but she can tell that it's still not enough to keep you from enjoying her company entirely (the way you were ogling her ass as she sat up providing more than enough evidence for her). As she ponders her friend's suggestion, Yasmine smirks when she catches you trying not to stare as Veronica fondles her. The thought of you going completely gaga for her and her giant figure, your adoring, hot gaze transfixed on her every alluring move...Veronica might just be onto something after all.

"Hmm, you raise an interesting point, Jez," Yasmine says, coyly drawing out her words as both girls draw their attention back to you standing on her palm. Clearly excited about the idea of having more fun with you at your new size, they smile and give you an almost hungry look that makes you nervous.

Not wanting to test the limits of Touko's serum any further, you decide it's best to finally duck out and get some space from these giant, flirty women. "Well, uh, not that that idea doesn't sound, well...stimulating, but I probably shouldn't stay at this size any longer than I have to, what with me being a Pro Wrestler and all, y'know. In fact, Touko's probably already got some of the antidote, the only thing that'll grow me back, whipped up and waiting for me in my dressing room (wherever that is). So, if you gals would be nice enough to let me down, I'll leave you two to your sweating and see myself ou--"

"Why, Thomas," Yasmine interrupts in mock surprise, mimicking Veronica from just a minute ago. "You're not actually thinking of leaving NOW, are you, after we just got here?" Feigning distress, she places a hand on her huge chest, making it wobble slightly in her towel.

"Yeah. Why in such a hurry, love," Veronica adds. She gives her chest a small, teasing shake, sending another vibrant wave of jiggles through her and Yasmine's breasts in front of you. "That antidote of yours isn't going anywhere, is it? So there's no point stressing about it. Stay here and relax with us a little longer, love. Enjoy the 'beautiful sights' for a bit," she says with a knowing smirk, enjoying how you clearly don't even know where to look right now.

"W-well, I, uh..."

"Do you not like Yasmine?"

"What!? N-no, she's great!"

"Then what do you like about her," Veronica asks with a semblance of a Cheshire Cat grin, catching you off guard and leaving you stuttering for a few moments.

Yasmine giggles. "Yeah, Tommy, what do you like about me?"

You're still speechless, not sure what to say (though a part of you feels that, if you did start singing Yasmine's praises, you might not ever stop).
May 31, 2023