Yasmine introduces you to Veronica Jones
· original author:
The hot air of the sauna hit you like a wall, and the closing door quickly sealed you in with it. You blinked, trying to get used to the temperature, and glanced around the room: it was small, but otherwise looked like a traditional, old-fashioned sauna. Wooden walls, a grey tiled-stone floor, and along two-walls was an L-shaped bench large enough to seat a few wrestlers (or maybe only one or two girls with hips like Yasmine's). You heard a hissing noise and looked towards the center of the room: Yasmine was bent over a pad of heated rocks, ladling water from a small bucket over them and creating plumes of more steam. You stopped and stared as Yasmine's towel rode slightly up her massive behind, revealing the deep crevice between her dark, smooth ass cheeks, which were (thanks to her impressively long legs) just barely below your eye-level. Yasmine had blocked off half of the narrow sauna with her gigantic ass, leaving you to gawp as she idly swayed and wiggled her rump cutely in your direction. You took a quick moment to make sure your towel was tied tightly around your waist; you could feel your cock responding to the sight of Yasmine's little display, and you didn't want your towel sliding down any time soon.

Setting the water ladle back in its place, Yasmine arched her back and slowly stood up. Noticing her towel was askew, she lightly pinched one corner of the fuzzy cloth and pulled it back down over her round buttocks, before letting it snap into place. Even after readjusting, the small towel still only came down to the cleft beneath her ass cheeks, as Yasmine's thighs stretched it to its limits. You stared as her round butt cheeks rippled slightly from the towel's impact, before you looked up and realized that she was looking over her shoulder at you. Yasmine hid a tiny smirk as she gestured to the bench, "Care to sit with me, or are you too busy trying to keep your eyeballs from popping out of their sockets?"

You cleared your throat and tore your eyes from her legs up to her beautiful face and dark eyes, and said the first thing that came into your head, "No, er, I was just wondering why you were bothering to throw water on the rocks, since they're not the hottest thing in this room anymore." You immediately grinned sheepishly at your cheesy remark, but Yasmine's eyes lit up as her smug little grin parted into a full smile. Letting out a girly snicker, Yasmine stepped over to you, and threw her slender arms around your neck. Bending down and pressing her towel-clad breasts into your chest, the gorgeous girl planted a big wet kiss on your mouth before you could respond. You felt Yasmine flicking her tongue against yours for just a moment, as she gave a soft moan of enjoyment, before quickly pulling away. You were so taken off guard that you were left in a daze, slowly inhaling the lingering, syrupy taste of Yasmine's supple lips, as she flashed her thick eyelashes at you and sat down in one corner. You looked down just in time to see Yasmine's enormous ass bouncing onto the bench, causing her towel to nearly ride up her huge thighs all over again, as she said sweetly, "You're adorable." Sitting down, Yasmine's plump hips had taken up almost one half of the L-shaped bench.

Still unable to quite process what had just happened, you uttered dumbly, "The feeling's mutual." Yasmine leaned forward, nearly spilling her breasts out of her towel as she lightly hooked her forearms around your shoulders again, and ran a few fingers through your hair in a way that made you want to melt. Leaning close to you, Yasmine's long eyelashes flicked downwards for a moment, and you saw a smug look spreading across her face. When you followed her gaze, you realized you were pitching quite the obvious tent against your towel, and not only that, but your towel was loose! But you had just re-tied it... Did you shrink again, already? You looked yourself over, and gathered that you did, in fact, seem to be even shorter; probably just above 2 feet now. Had Yasmine been sitting down when that happened, or had she seen you get smaller? You couldn't tell; she was just smirking happily as her big eyes darted along your package, making her current focus pretty obvious to you. Trying to save a little bit of dignity, you cleared your throat and quickly yanked your towel tighter, though by now it was nearly reaching down your ankles. Hell, now Yasmine was above your height even sitting down. Disrupting your train of thought, Yasmine lightly pulled you closer, forcing you to step between her spread legs as your face was brought dangerously close to her two hanging breasts, as she bit her soft lower lip and eyed you hungrily from above.

Taking a second to curse Touko and her stupid scientific gimmick, you realized you should probably leave before things got any worse for you. As much as you wanted to stay with Yasmine, who clearly had a thing for you, it just wouldn't be good for your height. You opened your mouth, intending to politely take your leave, when you heard the door opening behind you. You heard a voice you didn't recognize exclaiming sweetly, "OoooOOOooh! I'm not interrupting anything, am I, Yaz?" You turned around to see who was talking, and saw a stunning sight: a wonderfully curvaceous brunette, towering high above you, had stepped into the sauna room. She was wearing what looked like hand towel around her abundant chest, and was currently fidgeting with another towel over her wide hips, leaving her cleavage, underboob, toned stomach, and portions of her butt cheeks all visible for anyone who so much as glanced at her.

You were still gawping in amazement as Yasmine smiled and pulled you a little closer to herself, until you felt the back of your head and shoulders pressing against her damp breasts, "No Jez, I was just- hahaha, umm... " Yasmine broke off into giggles as she was distracted by the sight of your erection pressing against your towel from the sight of her friend. You tried to finish her sentence, "She was j-just showing me some of the beautiful sights the building had to offer." Yasmine caught the double meaning of your statement, and responded by playfully splaying a hand over your chest. You had to grit your teeth as Yasmine's soft fingertips brushed against your skin, while she simply chirped over your shoulder, "That's right."

"Jez," better known as Jezebel in the ring or Veronica Jones in real life, sexily cocked her hips to one side and confidently grinned at you, "Nice try, slick, but you've still got her lipstick on your face." You blushed, caught in your lie, and wiped an arm over your mouth as Yasmine let out a little snicker above you and rubbed her hand over your chest again, making you shudder at her touch. Veronica took a seductive step closer, bringing herself in front of the only empty spot left on the bench. You noticed she was definitely taller than Yasmine and held a lot more weight in her pale breasts, too, though her ass was, comparatively not as obscenely wide as Yasmine's. As if wanting to show off what she had to offer, Veronica leaned forwards, putting her hands on her knees and bringing her arms together in a way that caused her gigantic breasts to press together against the confined space behind the towel she was wearing. You did your best not to drool as Veronica lowered her bosom down to your face, but she wasn't making it easy; she was sticking her chest waaay out, making her wobbling cleavage dance back and forth right in front of you, as the poor cloth covering was drawn taut over her round breasts.

With a deliciously sweet voice, you heard Veronica chide, "Plus, that isn't even the most obvious sign that you two were having a little hanky-panky in here..." You didn't catch her meaning until you saw her flash her eyes downwards, making you realize with embarrassment that your erection was still pushing your towel out towards her, thanks to all of Yasmine's teasing and now, additionally, the sight of Veronica's smoking hot body. You inhaled sharply as Yasmine happily slid her hand down your chest and stomach, bringing it to a rest right above your towel. You blushed as Yasmine's provocative little motion made your cock twitch noticeably, right in front of both girls.

Yasmine caught you turning red and ran a fingertip around your waist as she explained for her friend, "Tommy here, being the gentleman he is, was escorting me to the sauna. It seems he got a little carried away, is all." The dark-skinned girl emphasized that last part by pushing her chest at your back, rubbing her skin softly against you in the process. She only smiled as she saw you tensing up in an attempt to ignore her very, very blatant teasing.

You thought you saw Veronica give a coy smile as she gave her sizeable breasts the most miniscule (but still very noticeable) of shakes, "I can tell." Veronica gave you a moment to stew nervously in front of her, grinning every time you glanced down at her swaying breasts, before she glanced over her shoulder, causing her breasts to sway heavily in front of your face again. "Ooh, you guys need more steam in here!" You weren't sure what she was talking about; you could practically see condensation forming across her acres of creamy cleavage, as she continued to press her elbows against either side of her chest.

Yasmine apparently agreed with Veronica, "You're right, it can never be too steamy! You sit down and get comfortable, I'll get it." Dragging her hands up away from your waist, Yasmine lightly pushed you aside so she could get by. Reaching out, Veronica slid a hand over each of your shoulders, before she gracefully slipped behind you and plopped down onto the bench with a little bounce, keeping you in front of her. You briefly considered that Yasmine would barely have space left to sit, thanks to her enormous hips, but suddenly you were distracted by something else.
May 31, 2023