She finishes you off herself
· original author:
Ally finally decides to get off of you, jiggling her massive chest inches from your face. The way you're gasping for air is almost like you are panting over her boobs, which in a way, you are. The blonde cheerleader rises to the cheer of the crowd. She puts a hand to her ear, urging them all to cheer louder. You continue to lay on the mat, breathless and sore. When you don't get up for several seconds, Ally grins and raises her hands, this time motioning for the crowd to be silent before one of her troupe, a redhead who might just have bigger breasts than Ally, hands her leader a microphone.

"Well it looks like Tommy is all pooped out!" she shouts, her voice carrying all through the arena. The spectators cheer, seeming to enjoy that you have been beaten so easily. "But I don't think he's finished just yet, do you?" The arena erupts even more, eager to see her continue. The other cheerleaders are amping them up with flips and cartwheels. Ally turns back to you and winks. "Come on Tiny Tommy! I know you have more fight than that!"

The gorgeous blonde tosses the mic to the side before starting to cheer and pumping her fist in the air as she does. "Ti-ny! Tom-my!" *CLAP! CLAP! CLAPCLAPCLAP!* "Ti-ny! Tom-my!" *CLAP! CLAP! CLAPCLAPCLAP!* Her fellow cheerleaders turn to the audience and start pumping them up again as they join in Ally's chant. "Ti-ny! Tom-my!" *CLAP! CLAP! CLAPCLAPCLAP!* "Ti-ny! Tom-my!" *CLAP! CLAP! CLAPCLAPCLAP!* It starts off slowly but the crowd soon gets behind them. In seconds you realize that the entire stadium is chanting the same thing.


You don't know if it's rage at being mocked or the thrill of having the whole arena cheering your name, but your adrenaline is flowing again and you slowly climb to your feet. You stand up straight and defiantly point a finger at Sis Boom Bah and the stadium explodes with excitement. Ally's girls are all clapping and cheering for you. The girl herself gives an impressed smile before winking at you in a way that thrills you even more. You charge at her full speed and leap into the air, a Superman punch reared back and ready to fly...

Perhaps you got too excited. Those cheerleaders really know their stuff. Before you can ever actually throw the punch, Ally steps forward and puts her hands against your chest before pushing you up, away, and higher into the air. Between your momentum, decreased size, and the cheerleader's surprising amount of strength, you are LAUNCHED! You soar easily 8-10 feet up before you feel gravity find you again and drag you back down. You flail helplessly as you fall, crashing to the ring floor chest first and sending a collective wince of sympathy pain through the onlookers.

With a groan you roll onto your back, trying to take pressure off your bruised ribs and stomach. You lay there in agony, feeling like you just broke your whole torso. A few seconds later you hear a chant starting up again. "Sis Boom Bah! Sis Boom Bah!" You peek your eyes open and notice a pair of white sneakers and white and red tube socks standing inches from your face. You gulp and look up to see Ally, hand on her hip and wicked smile on her face. The cheer-wrestler takes your head in her hands and pulls your unresisting body to it's feet. "Don't worry cutie, it's almost over," she whispers in your ear before lightly shoving you against the nearby turnbuckle. She easily lifts you and places you in a sitting position on the top rung. "I've got a move I have been dying to try, but I can't use on any of the other girls because their boobs would get in the way. So this one's just for you, m'kay?"

Ally turns around, her back now facing you and puts her hands on your wrists. Your arms are now pinned to the ropes and your face pulled forward so that it is now hovering over Ally's blonde hair. The wrestler known as Sis Boom Bah takes a deep breath and smiles. "Ready? O-K!" The girl does a high kick with her right leg, her foot flying over her head in a perfect arc and slamming against your face. Your head snaps back but with the cheerleader holding your arms in place, you have nowhere to go. The crowd yelps in surprise but quickly cheers at the incredible move as Ally's foot gracefully drops back to the mat. "One!" There is stunned silence for a moment before your eyes widen in shock an instant before Ally's left sneaker slams into the other side of your face. "Two!" Ally continues her high kicks, her legs alternating as she perfectly smashes your face with her white sneakers again and again. Everyone is joining in the count, spurred on by the sight of your beating. As her kicks keep coming, the voices get louder. Until...

"Nine! Ten!" You are barely conscious at this point. Ally's repeated kicks have brutalized your face. You try to pull away from her but Sis Boom Bah is clearly too much for you. At this point you doubt you could have beaten her if you had been at full size and top of your game. You are grateful that the shots have stopped. Or so you think. With a move of incredible flexibility, Ally lifts both feet off the ground, curls her curvy body into a ball that somehow twists through the space between your arms, and fires a mule kick with both legs, straight up into your jaw. You are knocked out instantly.

It is unfortunate for you because the crowd still gets quite the show. After watching your head blasted back by Ally's devastating kick, the girl has somehow managed to turn it into a handstand on the top rope. If not for her body weight supporting you, then you would have fallen backwards off the turnbuckle. Ally holds the position for several seconds, her incredible ass on full display and massive breasts threatening to fall up out of her too small top, before somersaulting forward and landing skillfully on her feet. Doing so had pulled you forward too, but still being out like a light, you tumble down in a heap. The audience erupts with praise for Sis Boom Bah's stunning technique. The girl drags you too the center of the ring and then stands over you, one foot on either side of your head, then blows the spectators a kiss before she slides into a perfect split right on top of your throat. Everyone joins Ally in one last count as you are pinned for her victory.
May 31, 2023