Your girlfriend's butt? A very comfy place indeed
As you look at the girls, one stood out from the rest; Andrea, the one with the biggest butt of them all. One physical attribute that you were always fond of the moment you became a teenager was the size and shape of a girl's rear. And well, Andrea's was the biggest and roundest you had ever seen. But...that wasn't the only reason you quickly decided that she would be your girlfriend: she had been the first one to propose, so that was a plus: you wouldn't want to leave the first girl hanging, would you? Also, what little had you seen of her personality was of an energetic and direct kind, which was very attractive indeed. So, with all these factors combined, your choice was made clear.

You looked at Andrea, and told her:
"I've thought things through, and I've made my choice: Andrea, I accept your proposal. Let's become a couple!"

The girl blushed, before saying proudly:
"¡Sí, excelente! ¡Ven aquí mi pequeño novio, es hora de nuestro primer beso!"("Yes, excellent! Come here my little boyfriend, it's time for our first kiss!")
And with those words, her hand swoop in, grabbing you with just enough strength for you to be both safe and comfortable, before quickly bringing you to her face, where she pressed you against her big lips. The experience was nice, and despite their size, they were very comfortable to be pressed against. Then, she leaves you on top of her other hand, where you at first lay recovering from the sudden event. Yet, you're happy. You say, smiling:
"Yeah...that was good. I've no experience whatsoever with kissing, but that does not mean that is quite the achievement that you did Andrea: you put me under the right amount of pressure, not too soft, but neither too strongly; I love it!"
"¡Me alegra que te haya gustado, querido!"("I'm glad you liked it, dear!") She replied, smiling as well.

"Bien hecho, Andrea, fuiste la elegida. Te deseo lo mejor para tí y tu novio."("Well done, Andrea, you were the chosen one. I wish you and your boyfriend all the best.") Then said Antonella, her biggest "rival" of the group, congratulating her friend.
"Awn, gracias amiga. Yo también te deseo la mejor suerte para que encuentres a un excelente chico digno de tu persona. Ven aquí."("Awn, thank you friend. I also wish you the best of luck in finding an excellent boy worthy of you. Come here.") Replied Andrea, before getting close and having a nice, big hug with her muscular friend. For you, this was excellent; of all the group, these two were the ones who argued with one another the most, both when you first encountered them and later when the argument about who was to have you. Nonetheless, beneath that friendly rivalry laid a far bigger and stronger bond of sisterhood, of deep friendship.
The other girls applauded and congratulated the event as well, happy for one of their own getting to have you. Not only that, they asked you if you would like to become friends with them, which you accepted. Nice, you now had a giant girlfriend and her group of friends to aid you and take care of you. Even if the search for a cure ends up failing, something tells you that under Andrea's care, you're going to have a blast.

Speaking of your girlfriend, once all the compliments were done, and the girls started to chat a bit about several topics, she brought you close to her face again, and after giving another kiss, she asked in a direct and flirty tone:
"Oye Denis, se honesto; me escogiste porque te gusto mi gran culo, ¿verdad?"("Hey Denis, be honest; you chose me because you liked my big ass, right?")
At first, you stuttered, but unwilling to leave your girlfriend wanting, you recovered as best as possible, and while you scratch your head, smiling with a big blush, you replied:
"Yeah, it was the BIG factor, not to mention...I like girls with energetic personalities, and you seem like one with spirit. Still, I hope that you don't get mad at me for primarily choosing you because of you having the largest and roundest butt."
"En absoluto. Me gusta que te guste mi gran y redondo trasero. Si quieres, puedes verlo de más de cerca."("Not at all. I like that you like my big round ass. If you want, you can take a closer look.") She replied, before moving her hand towards her back.

There, you were right in front of your girlfriend's big round rear. And it was a gorgeous sight to behold: big round cheeks, which covered your entire view, with a soft look. You can imagine them jiggling as she walked. Mesmerized, you said:
"Oh my...this is...gorgeous..."
"Jeje, siempre noto cuando personas me miran mi gran culo, pero en general las ignoro, sea porque no son la gran cosa o porque es lo único que puedo hacer por más que preferiría que mirasen otra cosa.. Sin embargo, en tu caso particular que no solo lo mires sino también que te quedes embobado por una sensación fascinante. Dime Denis, este debe ser una vista hermosa pero, ¿te gustaría verlo más de cerca aun? Es más, ¿te gustaría sentir como es mi culo? ¿Cuán suave y calentito es, perfecto para mantener pequeños hombrecitos calentitos y protegiditos por los grandes culos de sus gigantescas novias?"("Hehe, I always notice when people look at my big ass, but I usually ignore them, either because they're not that big of a deal or because it's the only thing I can do despite wanting they rather looked at something else. However, in your case particular that you not only look at it but also that you are entranced by's a fascinating feeling. Tell me Denis, this must be a beautiful sight but would you like to see it even closer? What's more, would you like to feel like how it's my ass? How soft and warm is it, perfect for keeping little men warm and protected by their gigantic girlfriends' big asses?") She replied in a teasing, yet also curious tone. All the while she slightly starts to move her rear in slow round motions, giggling when you start to follow her with your eyes.
It takes you a few seconds before you can focus enough to think, and replied, saying:
"That sounds nice, even lovely. do you intend for me to experience that?"
"Bueno, tengo una idea, y creo que te..."("Well, I have an idea, and I think you...") your girlfriend replied, before she was interrupted by one of her friends who asked:
"Sé que estas disfrutando de tener un momento especial con Denis, más estamos aquí escuchando. ¿Te importaría bajar la voz? Al menos que no tengas problemas en mostrarnos que planeas hacer con tu novio, amiga."("I know you're enjoying having a special moment with Denis, but we're here listening. Would you mind keeping your voice down? Unless you have no problem showing us what you plan to do with your boyfriend, friend.").

Other girls might have been caught either off-guard or become embarrassed or annoyed that her friends interrupted her special moment with her boyfriend. Not Andrea. With a happy and confident tone, she replied:
"No se preocupen, no tengo problema alguno. Es más, me encantaría ver vuestras reacciones a lo que estoy por hacer. Pero antes, Denis, ¿confías en mí?"("Don't worry, I have no problem. In fact, I'd love to see your reactions to what I'm about to do. But first, Denis, do you trust me?")
"Yes, I do trust you." you reply immediately. Andrea smiles; good, now the show might begin.
Her once-open palm closes, with you being covered by her nearly closed fist. Then, she turn around, allowing her friends to be able to fully see what was about to transpire. Following this, she used her free hand to pull away a bit of her thong, to then open her fist, allowing you to drop right inside her asscrack.
Her friends gasped, and Antonella said:
"¡Chica, por Dios!¿Cómo se te ocurre? Sin duda Denis..."("Girl, for God's sake! How can you think of it? Without a doubt Denis...")
"Ah ah, antes que me critiquen, miren y aprendan algo de mí."("Ah ah, before you criticize me, watch and learn something from me.") Interrupted Andrea, knowing this was an assured reaction. Then, her friends watch in silence, as she slightly pulled apart her asscheeks, giving you enough space for you to struggle a tiny bit before you could pull yourself up through the upper limit of her thong. Once your upper part was freed, you said:
"Don't worry girls, I'm fine. Andrea's ass is nice and soft, but more importantly: it's not smelly at all! Like, it doesn't smell at all!"
"Jeje, amigas y novio, ¿realmente creen que metería a mi pareja en mi culo como si fuera cualquier cosa? ¡Ni de broma! No, metí a mi novio en mi culo porque sé que él tendría una experiencia única y además una muy, muy cómoda. Porque si hay algo de lo cual me enorgullezco, es tener mi culo limpiecito, especialmente ahora que puedo y quiero llevar a Denis ahí."("Hehe, friends and boyfriend, do you really think that I would put my partner in my ass like it was anything? No joke! No, I put my boyfriend in my ass because I know he would have a unique experience and also a very, very comfortable one. Because if there's one thing I'm proud of, it's having my ass clean, especially now that I can and want to take Denis there.") Andrea replied, in a victorious manner.
The other girls remained silent, before all blushing and both apologizing and praising Andrea. She just smiled, before she smirked at you, and whispered:
"Ahora, más profundo, querido. Te daré una estadía como ninguna otra."("Deeper now, dear. I will give you a stay like no other.")
Her finger then came, gently pushing back into her asscrack. You didn't put a fight, why would you? This was freaking awesome.
You can't wait to fully experience how it is to be inside your girlfriend's asscrack.
May 29, 2023