Unintendedly "mesmerizing" the 5 giantesses
They looked at you with awe. Ana said:
"¿Qué es esto? Es tan...pequeño..."("What is this? It's so...small...")
"No lo sé, tal vez el bicho más raro y blando que he visto..."("I don't know, maybe the weirdest, softest bug I've ever seen...") replied Antonella.
"¿Realmente crees que esto es un bicho? Miren con detalle: solo tiene 4 extremidades y...parece una...personita..."("Do you really think this is a bug? Take a closer look: it only has 4 limbs and...Looks like a...little person...") said Andrea, while slightly poking at you with one of her fingers. Thankfully she's careful and only presses you slightly while doing it.
"Es cierto, esta cosita parece una persona pero...es imposible, no hay forma alguna que sea de verdad una persona. ¿Tal vez un juguete realista y muy bien diseñado?"("That's right, this little thing looks like a person but...it's impossible, there's no way it could actually be a person. Maybe a very well designed and realistic toy?") Replied Antonia, in a hesitant tone.
"Tal vez, pero yo tengo dudas: ¿a quién le convendría tener un juguete que puede literalmente agarrar un pedacito afilado de madera con el cual pincharte? Tal vez...deberíamos considerar todas las opciones imaginables, por más descabelladas que sean..."("Perhaps, but I'm wondering: who would want a toy that can literally grab a sharp little piece of wood to poke you with? Maybe...we should consider every option imaginable, no matter how far-fetched....") replied Ariana, in a firm tone. She was right in that regard: your situation was very, very, far-fetched.

You decide that this is the best opportunity you can ever have to only get them to hear you, but more importantly to believe you. You say, loud and clear:
"Hey! Your friend is right: believe it or not, I'm a person, one who shrunk, my name is Denis, and I..."
Immediately all the girls gasped, utterly surprised. Then Ana said:
"¡Espera, esta cosa puede hablar!"("Wait, this thing can talk!")
"No solo eso, habla un inglés perfecto."("Not only that, he speaks perfect English.") Replied Antonella.
It seems they are about to start chatting and giving an opinion about you once again, but Ariana, the girl holding you, intervenes. She extends her free arm to the middle of the group, and puts her hand perpendicular to the ground, in essence making the sigh of "halt" to her friends. Then, once she has their silence and attention, says:
"Esperen un momento chicas. Escuchemos que tiene que decir esta persona. Después podemos preguntarle detalles o conversar sobre él."("Wait a minute girls. Let's hear what this person has to say. Then we can ask him for details or talk about him.")

You look at her, and say:
"Thank you. Now, before I begin, I have a question for you all: do you understand English? I'm ashamed to recognize that although I can understand Spanish thanks to the lessons I had (and I'm now remembering their content), I didn't put enough attention and effort into those lessons to be able to speak it. Now, if you can understand what I'm saying, there is no need for you to reply with words: a simple nod of your head will suffice. Also, nod me a second time if you can hear me right now without issue; I need to know if I need to speak louder."

All the giantess at first just stared at you, before they slowly nodded twice, one after the other; good, this is going to help you a lot, there is going to be little to no communication barrier with these girls. You smile, and then speak, saying:
"Very good. Now, as I was saying: I'm Denis, I came from the USA to here due to my spring break, And well..."
You then start to explain your entire situation, leaving no detail that might compromise your current context for the girls to have the best possibility of aiding you. They all stare at you fully focused on the tiny guy talking in the palm of one of their group.
And once this is done, you say to the girl you accidentally stung before:
"And I deeply apologize for when I stung you, I became desperate to get your attention. I hope that you can forgive me."
"No te preocupes Denis, no hay forma alguna que no perdone a un chico tan tierno, apuesto y educado como tú. Por cierto tengo una pregunta: ¿tienes novia en casa, ya sabes, en Estados Unidos?"("Don't worry Denis, there's no way I won't forgive such a sweet, handsome and polite boy like you. By the way I have a question: do you have a girlfriend at home, you know, in the United States?") Replied Andrea, who you noticed had started to slightly blush a few seconds ago.

All her friends looked at her, surprised. But before they can comment on it, you reply in a nervous tone:
" T-thanks for the compliment, I guess...No, I have no girlfriend back home: too busy and fully focused on studies to even think about starting such a relationship. Why do you a...?"

The girl then smiled wider when she heard the last part and made a small excited shriek. She spoke before you could finish, saying:
"¡Perfecto! No solo eres un chico buen mozo, sino también trabajador: ¡mi tipo de chico ideal! Muy bien Denis, ¿te gustaría ser mi novio?"("Perfect! You are not only a good-looking guy, but also a hard worker: my ideal type of guy! Very good Denis, would you like to be my boyfriend?")
You were taken aback when you heard this: did this girl just propose to you? Out of nowhere? B-but why? And before you could reply as you started to blush a deep red, the muscular girl spoke, in an unhappy tone:
"¡Oye, espera un poco!"("Hey, wait a bit!")
"¿Qué, algún problema?"("What, any problem?") Replied the girl proposing you, in a snarky tone.
"¡Sí, y uno muy grande: Quiero que Denis sea MI novio! ¡Estaba por proponerle hasta que tú te adelantaste!"("Yes, and a very big one: I want Denis to be MY boyfriend! I was about to propose until you jumped in!") Said her friend, blushing as well.
"Bueno, lo siento por ello. Pero ahora es muy tarde, yo ya le propuse primero, y por ello es mío."("Well, I'm sorry about that. But now it's too late, I already proposed to him first, and that's why he's mine.") Replied the first girl, while showing her tongue tip to her friend, as this was a contest that she had just won.
Contest: yes, that is the perfect world for it: these two giantesses were now verbally starting to argue about who gets to have you as their boyfriend. And come on: since when there is a rule that the first person that proposes to someone gets to have him or her?
And this contest for you was about to get bigger, as another one of the girls complained, more specifically, the one with the massive chest:
"¡Oigan chicas, ustedes no son las únicas que quieren a Denis como novio! ¡A mí también me gustó, y quisiera que sea mío!"("Hey girls, you're not the only ones who want Denis as a boyfriend! I liked him too, and I want him to be mine!")

Then, other one cough, for a moment getting the attention of the rest: it was the motherly one. She said:
"Lo siento chicas, pero creo que si de capacidad, experiencia y madurez personal para cuidar a alguien querido se trata, yo soy la que tiene las mejores capacidades: yo debería ser por ello la novia."("I'm sorry girls, but I think that if it's about the ability, experience and personal maturity to take care of someone you love, I'm the one with the best abilities: I should be the girlfriend for that.")
Immediately all the other three started to argue with her, and with each other.
And then, came the time for the final girl to speak, the one that was holding you all this time. She giggled, grabbing this way the attention of all her friends. She said:
"Jeje, parece que Denis nos "hechizo" a todas con su mero aspecto y buen actuar: y debo reconocer que...la idea de tenerlo como novio es una muy atractiva. Me gustaría ser yo quien se lo quede."("Hehe, it seems that Denis "bewitched" us all with his mere appearance and good behavior: and I must admit that... the idea of having him as a boyfriend is a very attractive one. I would like to be the one to keep him.")
Oh boy, this was a turn of events you never imagine you would have to experience: 5 giantesses were now verbally hocking, for the sake of getting to have you for themselves. Are you going to do anything about it?
May 29, 2023
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