· original author:
You had made it to Mexico from your flight! You're Denis, a Typical Teenage Tourist during Mexico's Spring break, 6'2 with Black hair, Green eyes, Basically the Normal/Average Senior boy in Highschool, and you were looking for a fun time... and you were here for SPRING BREAK! and your friends all had taken the earlier flight and were presumably to you, tanning and enjoying life at the Resorts Beach.

"Sick!" You punch the air seeing the Rental Car ready for you to drive down to the Resort. You hopped into the car, turning it on and driving off towards the way of the 5 Star Resort, being really excited.

You kept driving down the road, passing by several Mexican housing and luscious and Green Tropical Forests. As you continued driving suddenly the car began to shake and several lights on the dashboard came up at once. "What the-?" You utter confused as you pull off to the side of the road, stepping out into the humid air to see the Rental now smoking up in flames.

"What type of piece of shit car did they give me??" You sighed frustrated as you pulled your phone out to call a Tow-Truck, Mechanic, or something. However, you had 0 Phone signal whatsoever, not being able to call anyone. "Are you serious!" You grunt again as you look off in the distance to see a Mexican Village, perhaps someone there could help?

You shrug and began walking over in the hot sun, wiping your face as you started to feel a sick feeling. Was this a heat stroke? It wasn't THAT hot outside, maybe it's jet lag from the 3-hour flight? However as you approached the entrance to the Village your head began to spin as you lost control of your body and fell on the ground, passing out for a few seconds.

"Ugh- What was... That?" You rub your eyes adjusting to the bright light as you stand up, your vision came back to as you now saw the entrance of the village was completely massive and towering over you. "Wha- WHAT THE FUCK!" You jump, patting yourself all over to make sure this was not a dream, feeling each and every sensation. YOU WERE NOT EVEN HALF AN INCH TALL!

You didn't understand how this could possibly be happening right now. The only time you ever saw someone shrink like this was in like cartoons or cheesy sci-fi movies. This just couldn't be physically or scientifically possible, it was like something right out of a Magic School Bus episode or something.

You ran towards the entrance looking at your tiny little body scurry now on the giant gravel road spanning around you, you were probably only a little bit bigger than an ant at this size! "WHAT IS HAPPENING?! HOW DID THIS-" You panic to yourself as you run towards the roads of the village, only to hear earthquake-sized booms nearby. "BOOM." "BOOM." "BOOM."

You spun your head quickly as you saw a Giantess towering Bronze Latina Girl walking down the road towards you, her body stood tall like a skyscraper as her footsteps became louder and shook the ground you stood on. "OH MY GOD!" You scream nervously not knowing what to do. "¡El clima es increíble hoy!" ("The Weather is Amazing Today!") Her loud voice boomed ahead, speaking crisp incomprehensible Spanish to you.
May 29, 2023
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