The company sends you a proposal...
It's a woman in a black, business suit, wearing glasses, and carrying a case in one hand. However, by just looking at her...your gut feels that this woman, whoever it is, is not to be taken lightly. A feeling that is heavily compelled by the lack of emotion in her face and eyes.

The woman gives a quick look up and down to Isabella and asks:
"¿Es usted Isabella García Flores?"("Are you Isabella Garcia Flores?")
"Sí, ese es mi nombre..."("Yes, that is my name...") she replied, a bit nervous.
"Muy bien, con vuestro permiso entonces..."("Very well, with your permission then...") said the woman, before surprisingly barging in.

She strode to the living room, as she own the place. In a surprised and shocked tone, Isabella complained:
"Oye...¡no se puede entrar a una casa ajena de esa manera! ¿Quién es...?"(" can't enter someone else's house like that! Who are...?")
"Esmeralda Nuble, agente de TMC, a vuestro servicio."("Esmeralda Nuble, agent of TMC, at your service.") Replied the mysterious woman, while turning around and showing a badge on her free hand, a company ID card.

Isabella gasped when she heard that particular word. In a nervous tone, she said:
"TMC... pero ¿no es esa la compañía que fabrica los juguetes "Tinies”?"("TMC...but isn't that the company that makes the "Tinies" toys?")
"Correcto, mi compañía es la que manufactura esos juguetes: son nuestro producto particular."("Correct, my company is the one that manufactures those toys: they are our particular product.") Replied the agent.
"Pero...¿que la trae a...?"("But...what brings you to...?") Asked then Isabella, before the agent interrupted her, saying:
"Me disculpo por interrumpir, pero no he venido precisamente a charlar...sentémonos, y le explicare la razón de mi llegada..."("I apologize for interrupting, but I haven't exactly come to chat... let's sit down, and I'll explain the reason for my arrival...")
She then points to the couches, signaling that in order to get explanations...Isabella needed to sit down.

Having no reason to defy that...command, she sits down, while the agent sits down just in front of her. All this while, Isabella has held you to the sides, trying not to show you. Now, she puts both of her hands on top of her thighs, fully having you in the agent's sight.

When she notices you, makes a quick smile, before it vanishes as soon as it appears, and said:
"Excelente, ya tienes al hombre achicado presente: servirá para acelerar todo este proceso."("Excellent, you already have the shrunken man present: it will serve to speed up this whole process.").
"Wait...shrunken man? Hold on, you know what I'm?" you asked, shocked.
"Por supuesto que sé que eres...y por tu lenguaje y tono, asumo que eres un ciudadano estadounidense. ¿Cuál es tu nombre, jovencito?"("Of course I know what you are…and from your language and tone, I'm assuming you're an American citizen. What's your name, young man?") She replied, not affected by the fact
"D-Denis. do you..?" you said, before she interrupted you with a cutting tone (clearly, she is either very rude, or really, really, wants to end this as quickly as possible):
"Muy bien, anotado...OK, seré rápida: tú eres la razón de porque estoy aquí. Vengo a explicarte la verdad acerca de tu...condición actual, así que por favor, aguántense ustedes dos las dudas hasta que termine, no quiero alargar esta reunión más de lo que me gustaría."("Okay, noted...OK, I'll be quick: you're the reason I'm here. I'm here to tell you the truth about your...current condition, so please hold on to your doubts until I'm done, I don't want to drag this meeting out any longer than I'd like.")

What followed is something both you and Isabella heard and focused your attention on: in this particular area of Mexico, a strange phenomenon occurs, which shrinks any male that enters its area of effect. There was a time when it was heavily researched but now is mostly ignored. But shrinking all males isn't the only effect of the phenomenon: all affected, for some reason, instantly become heavily alluring and attractive to women, sparking feelings that range from the motherly and caring...all the while to the lusting and possessive. Such is the potency of the effect, which is very hard, especially at first contact, to resist it, provoking some situations like the kidnapping of the males from their families by local women, or even just female visitors and tourists.
Several years ago, a particular woman decided to profit from it. She founded TMC, and with the help of several engineers, some of them were men who had been affected by "El Achicamiento" o "The Shrinking" as the phenomenon was called, to design highly realistic and expensive toys. At the time of their original launch, they provoked two things: first, women could now toy with these "Tinies", which perfectly satisfied their newly developed desires, and second, now the affected males could remain with their families and no longer fear being taken by outsiders.
However, that was several years, people had either forgotten or don't know about the existence of "The Shrinking", or does who know already have their affected family members fully integrated and secured, and have no interest in others who lack such a treatment. This started to be a problem to TMC, for any shrunken males could be found by anyone, and if they fell into the hands of caring people, they could reach certain conclusions when they started to search for info about their blaming the company of the effect due to how similar “Tinies” are like to real shrunken humans.

Therefore, the company decided to proactively try to prevent such situations from arising, making sure to silence the affected males and their caretakers before they could prove a pernicious threat to the business, a situation that remains to the present and has unintentionally aided in the erasure of the idea of the very existence of shrunken males.

When Esmeralda finished her explanation, you were shocked to hear it. With a hesitant tone, you asked:
" have"
"¿Matarlos? Je, si hiciéramos eso, esta reunión sería innecesaria. No, tenemos otros métodos y formas de asegurarnos de que no se conviertan en una molestia para el negocio: formas que son muy beneficiosas para todas las partes."("Kill you? Heh, if we did that, this meeting would be unnecessary. No, we have other methods and ways to make sure you guys don't become a nuisance to the business: ways that are very beneficial to all parties.") She replied, in a neutral tone.
"Oh? Well, thanks for telling us that...but, if that's the case, wouldn't be easier to tell us how to cure my condition? That surely would make sure no one in my situation would become a potential threat to your company?" you said.

This commentary make the agent to twits her lips in anger. She then said:
"Muchacho, no se si no te has dado cuenta porque eres ingenuo o estúpido...pero hacemos todo esto porque no existe esa alternativa: no existe una cura, estas condenado o bendecido, depende de tu perspectiva, a quedarte en ese tamaño."("Boy, I don't know if you haven't noticed because you're naive or stupid... but we do all this because there is no such alternative: there is no cure, you are doomed or blessed, it depends on your perspective, to stay that size. ")
That replied immediately had an ill effect on your spirit, something that the agent completely ignored, if she even cared to notice it. She just opened her case, and took a folder with papers from it. While giving them to Isabella and by extension you, she said:
"Ahora que tu estado actual quedo claro, mi compañía gustaría que leyeras estos papeles."("Now that your current status is clear, my company would like you to read these papers.")
You do so, and after a quick read, you said:
"These...they are a confidentiality agreement, and...Job offerings?"
"Sí, el acuerdo de confidencialidad es obligatorio de una forma u otra: mi empresa esencialmente controla todo en el área, y tenemos el poder de hacerte la vida verdaderamente miserable si no lo firmas. En el caso de las ofertas de trabajo: hay varios trabajos para tu cuidadora, y tú... como ves encontramos varios trabajos que tu pequeño tamaño es muy útil, y como ves hay un tipo de trabajo determinado que algunos de nuestros clientes aprecian, por lo tanto es el mejor pagado."("Yes, the confidentiality agreement is mandatory one way or another: my company essentially controls everything in the area, and we have the power to make your life truly miserable if you don't sign it. In the case of job offers: there are several jobs for your caregiver, and you... as you see we found several jobs that your small size is very useful, and as you see there is a certain type of work that some of our clients appreciate, therefore it is the best paid.")She replied.
Yeah, the one which in essence turns you into a sex worker, according to its description. Not only that, all the work offerings have highly restrictive and controlling clauses: if you accept you would lose much of your freedom.

Silence ensues, before the agent asks:
"Muy bien, ¿aceptas alguna de las ofertas de trabajo?"("Okay, do you accept any of the job offers?")
Well, what do you respond to that?
May 29, 2023