First order of business: new, clean clothes
As you start to think and consider all the necessary things you need to solve to better stay with Isabella, just a sniff reminded you about a key issue: you swam in literal shit. And even though Isabella had mostly cleaned you of it, it was a quick, rough and careless process. Therefore, a more proper bath was needed. But...before the bath, you also need to have new clothes to change into, while cleaning up your now heavily stained clothes you're wearing. And between having to get these new clothes before and after the bath, you preferred before, to have something to change to immediately.
So, with that in mind, you said to Isabella:
"Well, I think what I need first are new clothes; these are in dire need of cleanup."
"Oh, cierto...por lo que ocurrió..."("Oh, right...because of what happened...") she says, sighing; is going to take her a while before she forgives herself for the bathroom incident...and the leading events to it...
"Yeah...well, I need to get new ones, and perhaps you might have a way to get them. Do you have any knowledge about sewing things? If so, that might work." you asked her.
"Lo siento Denis...pero no se coser. Incluso si supiera, no tengo maquina o herramientas algunas para hacerlo."("I'm sorry Denis...but I don't know how to sew. Even if I did, I don't have any machine or tools to do it.") She replied back.
"Well...that's a bummer. Then how I'm to get new clothes?" you said, while twisting your lips. This might be more difficult than a part of you hoped for. Perhaps you're doomed to wearing your current clothes or being naked otherwise?
Isabella, seeing your distress-filled face, decides to think of a way to fix this issue. And after a while, remembers something which makes her smile, and says to you:
"Espera, creo que aún podemos resolver esto. Hay una tienda de una amiga, la cual es una excelente cosedora, y tiene el hobby de hacer ropitas para las muñecas artesanales que colecciona. Sin duda podría hacerte a ti."("Wait, I think we can still figure this out. There's a store owned by a friend, who is an excellent sewer, and has a hobby of making clothes for the handmade dolls she collects. I could certainly make you.")
"That sounds like an excellent idea...but I don't feel like having to explain about me being an actual person, not right now." You replied, smiling at first, to then turn to a more serious face when you realize that this is going to be another encounter with a giantess.
"No te preocupes por eso, si no estás de humor de lidiar con mi amiga...yo podría decirle que simplemente eres un juguete de esos de la empresa, y tu simplemente pretenderías ser uno...claro eso, solo haríamos eso si estarías dispuesto a hacerlo."("Don't worry about it, if you're not in the mood to deal with my friend...I could tell her that you're just one of those company toys, and you'd just want to pretend to be one...of course, we'd only do that if Would you be willing to do it?") She replies, proposing a way to solve this new issue of yours.
Hmm, that doesn't sound be a bad idea, given your current circumstances...but would you be willing to pretend to be an erotic sex toy to simply get clothes?
Yeah, you're. Is not like Isabella is going to treat you like one. So, you reply, saying:
"Well, that doesn't sound like a bad idea, I'm in. Just bear in time I do wish to introduce myself properly to this friend of yours."
"Por supuesto, y conociéndola, ella no tendrá dificultades en creerte cuando llegue el momento."("Of course, and knowing her, she won't have a hard time believing you when the time comes.") She says, smiling.
What comes after is rather simple: to go to the shop for Isabella's friend to take measures for your new clothes, you're going to travel in the box you were carried to Isabella's house from the store she "bought" you from. Of course, there are a few differences, like now being fully conscious, and the fact that Isabella takes a few minutes to fill most of it with cotton, to make your travel within a lot more comfortable from the likely shocks you're going to feel as she carries you.
Once this is done, and after thanking Isabella for her quick thinking, you go to the store. It takes a few minutes, and the sound of bells moving once a door opens, combined with a new voice, tells you that you have arrived at your destination.
"¡Oh Isabella, cuanto tiempo! ¿Qué te trae aquí, ropa en necesidad de remienda?"("Oh Isabella, what a long time! What brings you here, clothes in need of mending?") Says an unknown woman.
"También me alegro de verte de nuevo, Alana. No, no es ropa rota lo que me trae aquí: compre uno de esos...juguetes eróticos que te he mencionado antes, y me gustaría que le hicieras varias ropas a escala. Quisiera ser capaz de vestirlo más allá del ropaje que trae de fábrica."("I'm glad to see you again, too, Alana. No, it's not ripped clothes that brings me here: I bought one of toys I mentioned earlier, and I'd like you to make several clothes for it to scale. I'd like to be able to dress it beyond the clothes he comes from the factory.") Isabella replies, while gently taking out the box you're in from the bag she was holding on.
And when she puts your box on the counter of the store, you're faced with another giantess, about the same age as Isabella. You didn't put attention to her physical features, for there is going to be another time for that. Now, just pretend you're a "toy" and get new clothes.
Isabella grabs you and leaves you now fully on the counter. Alana gasps and says:
"¡Oh, no puedo creerlo Isabella! ¡Conseguiste uno! ¡Je, y yo que creía que estabas perdiendo tiempo con guardar tanto dinero por tu afán de obtener una de estas cositas!"("Oh I can't believe it Isabella! You got one! Heh, and here I thought you were wasting your time saving up so much money for your eagerness to get one of these little things!")
"Bueno, ser paciente valió la pena. Pero lo siento, hoy no estoy de humor para charlar; quisiera que le tomes medidas, y que le hagas las ropas como te dije."("Well, being patient was worth it. But I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood to chat today; I'd like you to take measurements for her, and make her clothes like I told you.") Isabella replies, in a happy yet serious manner. Shen then flashes a swift look at you, while you try to remain as still as possible.
"No te preocupes, querida, sin duda puedo entender tu deseo de juguetear con esto: he escuchado que son de lo mejor en el mercado. ¡Muy bien, ropas para juguete en camino!"("Don't worry dear, I can certainly understand your desire to play with these: I've heard they're some of the best on the market. Alright, toy clothes on the way!") Alana says, while taking a measuring tape from below the counter.
"Sí...eso mismo..."("Yes, that exactly...") Isabella replies at her friend's commentary, making a nervous chuckle.
If her friend noticed this, she certainly ignored it: right now, she is working, and fully focused on it like any other of her projects.
She quickly takes your measures, and when she considers having them, retreats beyond a door, from where sounds of a machine active can be heard from. And in just a few minutes, she returns, carrying several full pairs of tiny clothes in her hands. And they sure look like they are a perfect size. Once she puts them in a small bag on top of the counter, she says:
"Muy bien, dado que no me dijiste de qué manera querías que fueran las ropitas de tu juguete, me tome la libertad creativa de decidir eso por ti. ¿Tienes un problema con eso?"("Okay, since you didn't tell me what you wanted your toy's clothes to look like, I took the creative liberty of deciding that for you. Do you have a problem with that?")
"No, en absoluto. Por supuesto, pagare lo que consideres apropiado."("Not at all. Of course, I'll pay whatever you think is appropriate.")Isabella replies, moving her head to the sides to make sure her message is clear.
"No es necesario esta vez. Dado que es una petición especial, te permitiré que te los lleves gratis. ¡Disfruta de tu juguete!"("No need this time. Since it's a special request, I'll let you have them for free. Enjoy your toy!") Alana replies back, before giving the bag with the clothes to Isabella.
She just nods as a thank you, and after she puts you back on the box, you leave the store and return to her house.
Once there, you leave the box and inspect the clothes. When you finish your inspection, you say to Isabella:
"These clothes...feel comfy, and look like having a perfect size. I'll thank properly your friend when the time comes."
Isabella just smiles, happy to see you feeling this way. Now, time for the bath, but how are you going to do it?
So, with that in mind, you said to Isabella:
"Well, I think what I need first are new clothes; these are in dire need of cleanup."
"Oh, cierto...por lo que ocurrió..."("Oh, right...because of what happened...") she says, sighing; is going to take her a while before she forgives herself for the bathroom incident...and the leading events to it...
"Yeah...well, I need to get new ones, and perhaps you might have a way to get them. Do you have any knowledge about sewing things? If so, that might work." you asked her.
"Lo siento Denis...pero no se coser. Incluso si supiera, no tengo maquina o herramientas algunas para hacerlo."("I'm sorry Denis...but I don't know how to sew. Even if I did, I don't have any machine or tools to do it.") She replied back.
"Well...that's a bummer. Then how I'm to get new clothes?" you said, while twisting your lips. This might be more difficult than a part of you hoped for. Perhaps you're doomed to wearing your current clothes or being naked otherwise?
Isabella, seeing your distress-filled face, decides to think of a way to fix this issue. And after a while, remembers something which makes her smile, and says to you:
"Espera, creo que aún podemos resolver esto. Hay una tienda de una amiga, la cual es una excelente cosedora, y tiene el hobby de hacer ropitas para las muñecas artesanales que colecciona. Sin duda podría hacerte a ti."("Wait, I think we can still figure this out. There's a store owned by a friend, who is an excellent sewer, and has a hobby of making clothes for the handmade dolls she collects. I could certainly make you.")
"That sounds like an excellent idea...but I don't feel like having to explain about me being an actual person, not right now." You replied, smiling at first, to then turn to a more serious face when you realize that this is going to be another encounter with a giantess.
"No te preocupes por eso, si no estás de humor de lidiar con mi amiga...yo podría decirle que simplemente eres un juguete de esos de la empresa, y tu simplemente pretenderías ser uno...claro eso, solo haríamos eso si estarías dispuesto a hacerlo."("Don't worry about it, if you're not in the mood to deal with my friend...I could tell her that you're just one of those company toys, and you'd just want to pretend to be one...of course, we'd only do that if Would you be willing to do it?") She replies, proposing a way to solve this new issue of yours.
Hmm, that doesn't sound be a bad idea, given your current circumstances...but would you be willing to pretend to be an erotic sex toy to simply get clothes?
Yeah, you're. Is not like Isabella is going to treat you like one. So, you reply, saying:
"Well, that doesn't sound like a bad idea, I'm in. Just bear in time I do wish to introduce myself properly to this friend of yours."
"Por supuesto, y conociéndola, ella no tendrá dificultades en creerte cuando llegue el momento."("Of course, and knowing her, she won't have a hard time believing you when the time comes.") She says, smiling.
What comes after is rather simple: to go to the shop for Isabella's friend to take measures for your new clothes, you're going to travel in the box you were carried to Isabella's house from the store she "bought" you from. Of course, there are a few differences, like now being fully conscious, and the fact that Isabella takes a few minutes to fill most of it with cotton, to make your travel within a lot more comfortable from the likely shocks you're going to feel as she carries you.
Once this is done, and after thanking Isabella for her quick thinking, you go to the store. It takes a few minutes, and the sound of bells moving once a door opens, combined with a new voice, tells you that you have arrived at your destination.
"¡Oh Isabella, cuanto tiempo! ¿Qué te trae aquí, ropa en necesidad de remienda?"("Oh Isabella, what a long time! What brings you here, clothes in need of mending?") Says an unknown woman.
"También me alegro de verte de nuevo, Alana. No, no es ropa rota lo que me trae aquí: compre uno de esos...juguetes eróticos que te he mencionado antes, y me gustaría que le hicieras varias ropas a escala. Quisiera ser capaz de vestirlo más allá del ropaje que trae de fábrica."("I'm glad to see you again, too, Alana. No, it's not ripped clothes that brings me here: I bought one of toys I mentioned earlier, and I'd like you to make several clothes for it to scale. I'd like to be able to dress it beyond the clothes he comes from the factory.") Isabella replies, while gently taking out the box you're in from the bag she was holding on.
And when she puts your box on the counter of the store, you're faced with another giantess, about the same age as Isabella. You didn't put attention to her physical features, for there is going to be another time for that. Now, just pretend you're a "toy" and get new clothes.
Isabella grabs you and leaves you now fully on the counter. Alana gasps and says:
"¡Oh, no puedo creerlo Isabella! ¡Conseguiste uno! ¡Je, y yo que creía que estabas perdiendo tiempo con guardar tanto dinero por tu afán de obtener una de estas cositas!"("Oh I can't believe it Isabella! You got one! Heh, and here I thought you were wasting your time saving up so much money for your eagerness to get one of these little things!")
"Bueno, ser paciente valió la pena. Pero lo siento, hoy no estoy de humor para charlar; quisiera que le tomes medidas, y que le hagas las ropas como te dije."("Well, being patient was worth it. But I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood to chat today; I'd like you to take measurements for her, and make her clothes like I told you.") Isabella replies, in a happy yet serious manner. Shen then flashes a swift look at you, while you try to remain as still as possible.
"No te preocupes, querida, sin duda puedo entender tu deseo de juguetear con esto: he escuchado que son de lo mejor en el mercado. ¡Muy bien, ropas para juguete en camino!"("Don't worry dear, I can certainly understand your desire to play with these: I've heard they're some of the best on the market. Alright, toy clothes on the way!") Alana says, while taking a measuring tape from below the counter.
"Sí...eso mismo..."("Yes, that exactly...") Isabella replies at her friend's commentary, making a nervous chuckle.
If her friend noticed this, she certainly ignored it: right now, she is working, and fully focused on it like any other of her projects.
She quickly takes your measures, and when she considers having them, retreats beyond a door, from where sounds of a machine active can be heard from. And in just a few minutes, she returns, carrying several full pairs of tiny clothes in her hands. And they sure look like they are a perfect size. Once she puts them in a small bag on top of the counter, she says:
"Muy bien, dado que no me dijiste de qué manera querías que fueran las ropitas de tu juguete, me tome la libertad creativa de decidir eso por ti. ¿Tienes un problema con eso?"("Okay, since you didn't tell me what you wanted your toy's clothes to look like, I took the creative liberty of deciding that for you. Do you have a problem with that?")
"No, en absoluto. Por supuesto, pagare lo que consideres apropiado."("Not at all. Of course, I'll pay whatever you think is appropriate.")Isabella replies, moving her head to the sides to make sure her message is clear.
"No es necesario esta vez. Dado que es una petición especial, te permitiré que te los lleves gratis. ¡Disfruta de tu juguete!"("No need this time. Since it's a special request, I'll let you have them for free. Enjoy your toy!") Alana replies back, before giving the bag with the clothes to Isabella.
She just nods as a thank you, and after she puts you back on the box, you leave the store and return to her house.
Once there, you leave the box and inspect the clothes. When you finish your inspection, you say to Isabella:
"These clothes...feel comfy, and look like having a perfect size. I'll thank properly your friend when the time comes."
Isabella just smiles, happy to see you feeling this way. Now, time for the bath, but how are you going to do it?
May 29, 2023
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