[original author: gemini, adrift from WDC]
Adele just couldn't pull the trigger. As much as she rationalized how any of the profiles might be valuable to her writing her story, she just couldn't get through the initial message. She ever wrote a few, but she just ended up feeling ridiculous. She felt silly asking the guy who just posted pictures of his feet for an interview, for instance. And she didn't want to get paid for fetish videos, though the money was tempting. Adele shut down her computer and got ready for bed.
An hour later, Adele was still on her phone. She lazily doomscrolled, half asleep, but hanging on to her quiet night. She barely registered it when she lingered on a profile. It was another one of these guys who seemed to post only pictures that showed them as a giant, as if a tiny woman had taken the picture for them. She scoffed at those profiles, usually, but this guy was attractive. And had cute feet. She had seen a lot of men's feet during her night of research so far, and while she wasn't particularly into feet, she found something striking about his. To put it simply, his feet were hot. She had never had that thought before; well, she had found that people could have cute feet, but it was the most fleeting thought, and she found herself staring at his. Whoever he was.
He had strong looking soles. Manly soles. She found herself studying every detail of them, taking in the shape of this giant man's giant feet, and all of the colors, and the lines. He had shapely soles and long, large toes. In some of his photos, she noticed that his feet looked a little dirty, like there had been a little dust on the floor, or he had been wearing socks. It felt so brazen to her, to present his dirty feet to her like this. Who did he think she was? Adele turned over on her bed and grinned. It was a fun energy. He was sexy, and she found his feet hot.
Adele bit her lip and matched him.
In the seconds that followed Adele was flooded with a keen feeling: I just matched a guy's feet.
Adele felt like a loser.
But she didn't undo the match. Her cheeks lit up, hot red.
She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be small around this guy's feet.
What would his feet smell like, to be near them?
What would they... taste like, if she licked them?
Adele's eyes suddenly went to his face, and she worried... he probably wasn't cute, though, right? She had been literally drooling over his feet, she though, embarrassed: she sucked in spit at the corner of her mouth. She looked over at his face. Her eyes widened.
Her eyes flittered to his face.
He was handsome, very sure, was her first thought.
Then, she realized that she was looking at Leo.
In a panic, she quickly unmatched Leo.
Adele let out a breath.
Oh god, she suddenly thought. She had been thinking all of those dirty thoughts about him as a giant. Well, no, she tried to tell herself, she was thinking of his feet as the giant, technically. Ugh, she was imagining how her best friend's feet might smell.
Adele closed the app.
She lied there again, and couldn't sleep.
Adele opened the app. She hadn't read his profile, but now she couldn't help herself. As she did, she snuck peeks at Leo's pictures, and sometimes found herself staring at his feet again, now imagining herself as a tiny woman at Leo's feet. She read on to find that Leo was looking for...