Audrey's dignity is taken away
Trampled Roses Chapter 8

Things kept changing afterwards - and only for the worse.

Leslie was getting more and more into Matt, and her strange adoration of him intensified by the day. She cooked for him, cleaned up after him, and, Audrey suspected, did anything he wanted in bed. And, of course, the constant foot rubs - these days he’d simply plop his feet in her lap whenever he had the chance.

She also entrusted Matt with carrying Audrey around on campus since they had the same classes. He usually transported the tiny girl in a pocket, which she got used to very quickly; her meek protests didn’t yield any results. He had no reservations about picking her up whenever he wanted. All too often, he would stick her under his table instead of on top of it, and then she’d be neighbor to his massive feet, their odor becoming painfully familiar. One day he accidentally crushed her backpack into the floor. She spent a lot of her class time staying out of the way of his flexing soles. But she felt like it was all a prelude to something else, and she turned out to be right.

As Leslie gradually started spending less and less time with Audrey, as she stopped really looking after her tiny friend, Matt picked up and exerted his newfound power over his girlfriend’s bestie. One time as they were walking between classes he stopped to talk to his friends and casually pulled her out. She was hanging upside-down in in the air, held by her legs, and a bunch of curious faces were staring at her. “This is Audrey”, Matt exclaimed. “Say hi, Audrey.”

“Is she, like, yours now?”

“Sort of”, he said, and Audrey’s blood ran cold. “She’s my girlfriend’s, but you guys know what that means”.

It meant that Audrey was really his, of course, and on that day during their last class he dropped her under the desk and then, as he slipped his feet out of his shoes, he simply dropped a bare sole right on top of her, mashing her into the carpeted floor, pressing her flat against it. The sounds of the lecture went muffled as Matt ground the poor young woman beneath his feet, alternating them from time to time. Audrey didn’t catch a break for an hour, constantly compressed, smothered, plastered to his sole, and once it was over she had no strength left to even try to question him. Leslie noticed later that day that Audrey was very quiet, but she was too occupied with other things going on. Matt’s birthday was coming up and she wanted to offer him herself as a full-time sex slave for an entire day. He really liked dominating her in bed and really appreciated her little acts of servitude, like when she tied his shoelaces for him. He really was great. She’d never even suspected she’d be happy with someone like him.

June 7, 2023
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