She approaches him, Trevor is unaware
Trampled Roses Chapter 4

She pushed aside her textbooks and stood up, still tense, still watching his giant shoes. Then she took a step. Another one. Vivienne sheepishly approached Trevor’s feet, often looking up to ensure he wasn’t looking under the desk, but he wasn’t. Biting her lip, she weighed her options. Her rational part commanded her to run and hide until he leaves, but a different part of her mind drove her in a far stranger direction. Vivienne never thought of herself as a submissive one, but the current situation simply… led her into something that felt almost natural.

She pulled off her jacket and lightly brushed it against the side of the sneaker, where the side of the white sole had a streak of dried mud on it. She tried it again, and again, feeling her knees grow weak and her breath speeding up. Then, red in the face from the self-inflicted humiliation, she went at it, using her jacket to shine his shoes, while far above her, he quietly worked. Her heart almost punched through her rib cage. Here she was, a smart, successful graduate student, cleaning the shoes of her giant student, who could easily become her biggest bully since her school days.

May 12, 2023
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