Spared... or maybe not
Trampled Roses Chapter 6

The sole fell, and she braced for impact… which didn’t come. This time, it simply covered her once again, plunging her into a familiar clammy darkness. Barely any air remained in the tight space she found herself. The hot musk burned her lungs. She felt the foot flex on top of her, heard the muscles tug and move, and then the entire foot moved backwards, passing over her, her face rubbing along its immense length. And when she thought she was going to pass out - in truth, hoped to pass out - there was light once again, as her head emerged between his large and second toes. He then finally transferred his weight onto this foot, which she indirectly felt since her buried body was still mostly under it. Katya ended up facing the flesh between his toes, also full of sand soaked with sweat.

“Please”, she tried once again. “Please, just let me go. I’ll do anything. Just let me go. Let me go back!”

The toes tensed up and dove into the sand, clamping on her head and shoulders. Toeflesh moved and rolled around her, Katya once again trapped, once again surrounded by sandy skin. He may have simply scrunched his toes a couple of times, but to her this was another stage of this nightmare as she was compressed and idly played with. Then, without warning, the grasp of the toes released her, and Katya found herself flying through the air. She fell back onto the hot sand, rolled several meters (on her scale) and came to a stop, bruised and exhausted from squirming. She turned around in panic, trying to understand, where she was.

And she discovered that she was thrown a bit further away from the shoreline - still tiny, still on the beach. The godlike man was now walking towards her, and she realized her friends were walking behind. “No, Jesus, no”, Katya screamed, when she understood she was directly on their path. She scrambled to stand up. “No!..”

May 12, 2023
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