Deal with the Devil - Jen Edition
Jen and Lillian went to the Salsa Shack, where they found Veronica working, which made for a slightly awkward greeting for the former. They both placed sizable orders, as both girls possessed quite a large appetite though Lillian's was way greater, owing to, as she dubbed it, 'having a bigger fuel tank' as she'd pat her belly. Jen had to admit that she was a little envious of the sheer confidence her larger friend had, other girls wouldn't dare to show their bellies if they had any remote hint of pudge in it, and even Jen herself was a bit reluctant with her own as it gained a little bit of pudginess as well, until Lillian showed her that you actually liked it.

The girl that followed them saw them take a seat after they got their food and thought about her next move. She'd observed both girls and their interactions with you, finding Lillian to have more affinity to her own personality but she saw Jen's behavior and she could tell there was some potential there as well. She tapped her chin in thought as she mentally deliberated on who to approach until she finally made up her mind.

Making sure she could be seen by Jen out the corner of her eye but not by Lillian, the girl waved at the Nordic girl and when she turned to look at her with a confused face, she gestured at her to meet by the nearby bathroom. Intrigued, Jen hesitated for a moment but excused herself with Lillian and went to meet this stranger in the bathroom, she seemed to be a college girl and was alone, plus, she didn't have anything valuable on her so the stakes were pretty low.

"Hello..." Jen greeted after entering the bathroom, finding that other than this mysterious girl, there was nobody else.

"Hi!" She waved enthusiastically.

"Um... Sorry but I can't recognize you, do I know you from somewhere?" Jen asked, a little bluntly but she figured she might as well go ahead since she'd already wracked her brain trying to pinpoint her face to no avail.

"Nope. Not yet" The girl chuckled and held her hand out "My name's Stefani, nice to meet you" Jen smiled and after a split second of hesitation shook her hand.

"Jen, nice to meet you too" She replied "So... why are we meeting here?" She asked.

"Already cutting to the chase! Nice! I like that" Stefani laughed "You see... I think I have a very interesting proposition for you... an offer that you can't refuse"

"Huh?" Jen raised an eyebrow. Stefani didn't look like she was working for sales for anything, but one never knows.

"I saw that you and your friend were... uh... how do I say it? Hmmm..." Stefani said, looking like she was in deep thought.
"Competing! That's the word I was looking for... you were competing pretty hard for the guy that came to the beach with you, weren't you?" She said, and at that moment Jen instantly got beet red.
'Bingo!' Stefani thought, giving a mischievous smile.
"Hey! I'm not judging! He's not bad to look at" Stefani laughed "In fact, I'm offering you to get quite a leg up on your competition"

"Heh, like what?" Jen laughed a little "The only thing Lillian has me beat is in butt size... you got something for that?"

"Yes and no, actually" Stefani said. Jen raised an eyebrow and gave her a serious look.
"What I offer can kind of help you making that ass look bigger to him only"

"I don't think any clothes can help me any more than these bottoms" Jen said, turning around to see herself in the mirror. Her red Brazilian bikini was essentially a skimpy thong that made her already sizable behind look as big as possible, Jen couldn't conceive there being any other way to making it seem any larger, and definitely not enough to actually match Lillian's, since her ass was probably twice as large.

"Oh, believe me, this goes far beyond clothes... But before I show you, I need to ask you a few questions" Stefani said.
"First and most important... are you willing to do anything to get him?" When she asked that, Jen blushed as hard as her body could manage and she laughed nervously. Feeling a little paranoid, she looked around before taking a deep breath and giving an answer.

"I mean, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, or as long as it's not some kind of crime, yeah, I guess"

"Good enough!" Stefani shrugged "Now... I've only seen a little, but I can tell you wanna give him a really big hug, don't you?" Jen nodded with a somewhat shy look.
"Do you want to smother him with those too?" Stefani smirked, glancing at her chest and teasingly wiggled her eyebrows, making Jen gasp quietly. She hesitated but ended up nodding in response.
"What would you say if I tell you I can get you exactly that?"

"H-How?!" Jen asked, and it was obvious she was eager to find out. Stefani giggled internally, she already had her eating out the palm of her hand.

"Watch this!" Stefani pulled a shiny metallic looking object from her cleavage, it looked like some sort of Sci-Fi gun, taken from old futuristic shows. She grabbed a roll of toilet paper from a nearby stall and placed it on top of the sink, the then flipped a switch in her gun and aimed it, pulling the trigger. Jen was first shocked by the fact that the gun fired a green laser-like beam that hit the roll and rapidly shrank it until it was smaller than an eraser.

"Holy...!" Jen's eyes widened, and she slowly walked closer and picked it up, she felt the need to see and feel for herself if it was real. She tried squeezing it with her fingertips and noticed it wasn't easily crushed, it was as if trying to squeeze a full sized roll, only that it was smaller.

"And it works on people too" Stefani leant closer to her ear and whispered, sending shivers down her spine.
"We could make that guy as small as that roll, or even smaller if you'd like..." She continued, making the brown-haired girl blush more and more.
"Think about it... at that size, he could get completely swallowed by that cleavage of yours, completely surrounded by nothing but your tits" Stefani giggled.
"Or... if you're feeling even naughtier, you could perfectly hide him in one of those bra cups"

Jen's blushing reached its maximum point, she literally felt hot and fanned her face with her hands. Unknown to Stefani, those kinds of ideas had already taken root in her mind when Zuemy explained in some detail some of her personal likes. She even hinted that she might have the means to make it a reality, and ever since, Jen had been thinking about what it'd be like if she could apply it to you.

"There's no way he can resist to your charms when they become the biggest in the world for him, is it?" Stefani said, adding fuel to the fire burning inside Jen.
"It's just about every guy's dream, and I'm sure he'll become yours if you offer it to him" Stefani said and walked around Jen, looking down and checking out her hips and butt, which were respectably large, bigger than her friend Roxxy's even.
"You've got a pretty nice ass too. I'm sure he'd love getting a close up view... I saw the way he stared" She said, and Jen couldn't help but giggle nervously as she kept blushing to the max.
"I'm pretty sure he'd also love diving down that Valley of Love back there" She teased and waited for a moment for Jen to process all the info and ideas she'd just dumped onto her.
"Do we have a deal?"

"Yes!" Jen replied, sounding a bit impulsive, like she'd been dying to say that for a while now. But then her conscience kicked in.
"Wait a minute... wouldn't that be like, dangerous?" She asked "I mean... I'm not on Lillian's level, but these..." She said, cupping her chest with her hands "And these..." She did the same for her admittedly massive cheeks "Are all pretty heavy... I'd hate to hurt him"

"Don't you worry about that! The shrinking process makes the target a lot stronger than you'd think" Stefani explained with a nonchalant shrug.

"How are you so sure?" Jen raised an eyebrow.

"Because I've already used it before" Stefani smiled "A friend of mine, back in my home city... I used to shrink him with this thing and we had... plenty of fun together, though that guy was kinda popular so I couldn't get him to myself all the time... his girlfriend beat me to it more often than not" She added.
"By the way, that dude's girlfriend was kinda like that friend of yours... you know, your competitor..."

Jen gulped. She knew that despite her antics, Lillian still had a fairly solid grip on you, and she suspected that with just one right move she might be able to beat her on making you hers. She was already excited and pretty on board with the idea, but getting reminded of the threat Lillian presented served to fully cement it in her mind. This was an once-in-a-lifetime chance, and she had to take it.

"Okay, deal!" Jen said "What's the catch though?"

"Sharp minded, I see..." Stefani smiled "You know, normally I do ask for something in return, something to gain..." She said.
"After all, refueling this thing ain't cheap, need to make every shot count"

"So... what do you get out of this, or what do you want in exchange?" Jen crossed her arms.

"Hmm... that's a very good question" Stefani replied with a smile and looked like she thought about it for a couple of seconds.
"You know what? I like you, and I'm feeling pretty generous... I think it's gonna be a freebie this time..." She then gave a shark-like grin "...mostly..."

"Mostly?" Jen repeated, a little confused but still interested.

"Well, I think you can see what kind of girl I am..." Stefani said as she sensually swayed her hips and turned around, displaying her own massive butt that was actually larger than Lillian's. Jen's eyes widened, she had seen she had thick thighs but she didn't know she was packing so much in the back.

"I'm not sure I follow..." Jen scratched her head.

"Don't worry, what I want is very simple indeed" Stefani said and leaned closer to whisper to her:

"I wanna..."
May 12, 2023