Beach day with Jen ft. Lillian
You had no idea how to feel right now. You were sandwiched between two incredibly soft and pleasantly warm walls that you knew were the mountainous boobs of none other than your crush herself. You had been worried about getting flattened by countless tons of sexy, fatty boob flesh but soon it became evident that there was no harm, it was more like they cushioned from the outside.

Your entire body felt as if you got goosebumps all over, like you had been granted entry somewhere you weren't meant to, like a mere mortal stepping into Mount Olympus, or some other forbidden paradise. Jen's heart, which no doubt was thousands of times your size right now, beat mightily, echoing around you and you could even feel its vibrations.

There was an added saltiness to the air that already carried hints of salt from the sea, and it didn't take you too long to realize that it most likely came from Jen's sweat, even though your squishy surroundings were dry, but then again, such massive assets would probably get at least a tad sweaty in the summer heat specially at a beach. You weren't sure if it was because the scent itself wasn't too strong, or simply because of your knowledge of who it came from, but it didn't bother you too much, and in fact, as you inhaled it, something about it made your heart pound harder.

Soon, everything began to bounce and shake, jostling you in between those enormous fleshy globes but there was no harm, it was like the world's biggest bouncy house and their sheer mass was more than plentiful enough to mostly keep you in place. You then began to think about it and found it a bit strange that Jen would put you in such an intimate place. Then again, you're close friends even if she doesn't know about your crush on her and maybe it's a show of trust.

Outside, Jen helped Lillian carry all their stuff to their special secluded spot. She could've grabbed more things to make fewer trips but she found that she was enjoying the feeling of your tiny form stuffed deep into her cleavage. If what Lillian had been telling her over the years was even just slightly remotely true, she could be sure that it was pretty much Heaven for you in there, which made her blush as she smiled happily.

A couple of trips later, they had everything set up just like before and Lillian looked at the sea while sipping some soda. Jen finished putting her chair under a large parasol and walked to her.

"I've come to this beach for years and I never knew of this spot until now" She said.

"Yup, it was our well guarded secret" Lillian smiled "Special circumstances call for special measures" she added with a cheeky grin, gulping down some more soda before looking right at her friend's cleavage "He must be comfy in there" She added with a chuckle, making Jen blush a little though she nodded showing a hint of confidence.

"For sure!" She replied, looking down at her cleavage herself.

"But is that all you're gonna do with him?" Lillian asked in a more playful tone "I thought you wanted to let your bigger assets take the spotlight for a change"

"That's true, but I've already thought of how to go about it" Jen said, her voice slightly shaky but she was still trying to show more confidence than usual. She grabbed her own asscheeks, feeling their doughy texture and their weight. They had a very generous fatty later, but it was undeniable that there were some dense muscles hidden underneath, as Jen had played a lot of soccer and volleyball throughout her childhood and kept playing the latter up until last year (12th grade) when she finally had quit the school's team.

"Nice!" Lillian gave her a thumbs up "Since you probably want to get some quality time with him I think I could go for a swim. The sea's looking very tempting right now" She said, looking at the mostly crystalline, turquoise colored water that could easily pass off as a much more expensive and exotic traveling destination.
"But I'll want my turn with him when I get back" She added and playfully slapped one of her huge cheeks, making it ripple and jiggle rather impressively, enough that even Jen couldn't help but stare.
"After he's had his fill with those buns of yours I'm gonna have him taste some real juicy hams!" Lillian laughed but also made her Jen giggle.

Even though she was incredibly blessed up top, she felt a twinge of curious envy about Lillian's humongous derriere, specially with the knowledge that you were more attracted to big butts than boobs, something that she wasn't sure about first until Zuemy thoroughly explained with surprising amounts of proof and detail. But even if the Brazilian beauty's booty was roughly twice as large as her own, she knew that hers was by no means small, and that her recent changes in diet and lifestyle had helped it grow, plus the red bikini she got for the occasion surely helped show it off even further, so she had some confidence that you'd still prefer hers even if Lillian tried to overwhelm you with the sheer size and juiciness of her own.

"But with everything you ate I don't think he's going to enjoy it for very long" Jen giggled, teasingly reminding Lillian that she had already gorged herself on Salsa Shack burritos when the day barely started, and they both knew what it'd mean in the long run.

"I could say the same about you, you already have some fuel in the tank too" Lillian shot back "And at least he's used to mine" she added with a triumphant laugh before she finally headed towards the sea to go for a swim and maybe see some colorful fishes.

Funnily enough, Jen's stomach rumbled then, protesting at its mostly empty state, as she had only eaten one burrito, but her large appetite needed more to be sated. Of the 3 she had handed over to Lillian 2 remained on a styrofoam plate that was on one of the chairs. Jen raised an eyebrow as Lillian usually didn't turn down free food, but then again, she was really hungry and didn't want to go all the way back to the food stands area to get something.

Now that she was technically alone, she decided to put her own plans into action and the first thing to do was to reach into her cleavage and fish you out, struggling a little due to the sheer size and doughiness of her admittedly huge boobs. She eagerly brought your diminutive body closer to her eyes to inspect you.

"Did you like the ride?" She asked cutely, blushing a little.

But that wouldn't compare to how much you were blushing, looking at her nervously because you were deeply afraid of messing things up. Still, something in her eyes, a certain gleam to them, seemed to tell you that she was eager for an answer. You weren't even sure if there was any conceivable way to not sound like a huge pervert after being stuffed between a girl's huge boobs for a considerable amount of time. Unable to come up with anything that sounded good enough, you simply nodded shyly in response.

"Awww!" Jen then hugged you, catching you by surprise as said hug meant you got pressed into one of those mountain sized 'milk jugs' as Lillian often teasingly called them "I could carry you around in there if you like it that much" She said with soft, surprisingly alluring voice accompanied by more cute giggling that made your heart melt. You had to pinch yourself to convince yourself that this was real and not some incredibly realistic hallucination.
"But I think there might be other spots you could be interested in~" She added in a vaguely sing-song-esque tone.

Jen then put you back on one of her boobs and grabbed a bottle of sunscreen "Enjoy the show~" She winked at you before she began applying it to herself. Her movements made her prodigious chest bounce a little, which to you it was like tremors but you managed to cling onto the smooth, pale expanse of skin and fatty flesh underneath. She either felt tickled by your tiny movements or simply enjoyed watching you bouncing along with her boob because she giggled practically every time it happened. Soon, she poured some sunscreen on the boob you were on.

"Wanna help?" She asked, and this time there seemed to be some sort of hunger to her look that made you blink twice, but then something from within you kicked in, and as if it had slapped you across the face, it got you to regain your focus and realize that this was the opportunity of a lifetime. Adrenaline surged in your veins and it got you shakier than a large dose of caffeine. You weren't sure if you could speak without turning into a blabbering mess so you simply nodded although it was obvious that you were nervous, which Jen found adorable.

You walked over to the large puddle of sunscreen and began to rub it over the round expanse of that gigantic breast, your hands trembling more as the deliberate touch of her bountiful flesh sent wild surges of electric shocks up your arms all the way to your spine. Still, this was a titanic task even if it was incredibly sexy, but fortunately Jen herself didn't seem to mind, instead she giggled quietly as she looked at you rub the sunscreen on her boob, the Nordic beauty could hardly believe that her crush was right there making her chest look like a literal pair of mountains in terms of sheer size.

You lost track of time, but eventually you managed to get the sunscreen all over Jen's boob except for the very spot where you stood. Something surprising that you found out earlier was that her chest was so massive that it seemed to have some light gravitational pull on you, preventing you from falling off even as you walked across its curvature, which is what enabled you to get near all of its vast surface covered. Still, a gut feeling or something like it told you that sunscreen might still cause you to slip off.

Jen herself had noticed this and was amazed, but she chose not to say anything, instead she picked you up, placing you on her other boob to repeat the process, pouring a decently sized glob of sunscreen for you to work with. Once that was done, you wondered what'd be next...
May 12, 2023