Lillian, the good samaritan.
· original author:
“Honestly I’m not sure where Blaise even is” said Lillian, knowing more than well where you were. “But while he’s gone, ya wanna go for a walk or play some beach volley? It’ll help you squeeze that gas out faster”. Jen finished chewing and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to try and empty the “gas tank”. As they stood up and walked toward the volleyball net, the flesh of her cheeks rubbing peeled you off Jen’s asshole and began jostling around like a pinball within the smelly depths of her butt. “Still no sign of Blaise”, Lillian reassured her, “I’ll keep an eye out”. “Thanks”, replied Jen, “I hope I’m still as I was in middle school” she added.

But as Jen bent over to pick up the volleyball, you were slammed back against your sweaty back door restraint, tired out and too weak to fight anymore. As Jen began to work up more of a sweat, it felt like the beginning of a rainstorm from down there. Jen’s booty sweat began to pool around your toes as you realized “Maybe this could act as a lubricant to help me slip out” you thought to yourself, as they continued to toss back and forth. But it wasn’t easy, every time Jen had to bend over or jump up threw you around even more in her fart and sweat soaked bikini, like an amusement park ride straight from hell.

But then, you were able to get a steady stance, and left thinking she had stopped her violent and unpredictable movements maybe. But in a reality of horror, Jen was only waiting for a massively powerful bomb thrown up by compliments of Lillian to come back down. And without warning, Jen rapidly squatted down for a bump and froze immediately. On your end, that squat had taken your sweat lubricated form at the wrong place at the wrong time and sent you straight up to your waist into Jen’s asshole. Jen had a horrific look on her face as she went pale, and when the ball crashed in the sand, the tone told Lillian everything, who was equally as horrified, hoping you were still alive…
May 12, 2023