Meeting Snickers' mama
[Note: This path is initially following the same choice as #4 in the last one but it'll diverge from what that one was intended for]

This day had been quite the emotional rollercoaster, what once seemed like it was going to be a nice day to spend with two of your best friends and have fun at the beach (plus the fact that you enjoyed how they looked in their bikinis) spiraled out of control with you randomly shrinking for no apparent cause. The shrinking alone blew your mind, the world became a much stranger, scarier place, and then you were literally blown away by one of Lillian's farts, and that had been from a distance...

After that, you feared for your life when she walked towards the chair you were on, and you believed that you'd meet your demise by getting squashed flat under the immeasurable tonnage that her enormous ass contained. In a wilder turn of events, she actually found you, but instead of helping you, she decided she'd stuff you into said enormous ass. You hoped it was a mere joke, but unfortunately, it turned out to be a very real idea. You couldn't possibly fathom what was going on in her head, you didn't get a chance and looking in hindsight, you weren't even sure you wanted to risk finding out.

Lillian's incredibly powerful farts for once played against her, when she let loose, intending to let you have it, she blew you out of her otherwise inescapable soft prison, and that sent you flying into the air, getting carried by the sea breeze until you landed on Snickers, which is where you are now. It couldn't possibly have been more than two hours at the longest and you'd already had more than enough scares for two lifetimes. You sighed in relief, glad that Snickers turned out to be rather nice, sparing you from a terrifying fart that would probably have been on par with Lillian's.

You noticed that you'd gotten pretty stiff from all the stress you'd gone through in such a short time and tried to relax, since you were relatively safe now. Though, knowing that you were on one of Snickers' boobs, you couldn't exactly get too comfortable for fear of raising suspicion after having established that you were a victim, which was true but still, being at the mercy of people thousands of times your size made it seem like any and all caution was too little. You weren't even sure what was your social standing with her, as she wasn't exactly a friend or an acquaintance, though in your defense, you were one of the few people that didn't treat her like an outcast, so you hoped you were at least slightly better than most in her book. The slight bouncing motions in a way reminded you of laying on a hammock and it helped soothe you slightly.

Even though Snickers was by herself, she hadn't come alone to the beach. In fact, she almost dragged her own mother so that she could drive her there. Her mother being someone who wouldn't ever leave the house if she could help it, yet the beach's charms was enough to barely convince her to go through the effort it took to get there. Now, Snickers headed for her mother's spot, which was further away from the sea, to get some of the drinks they brought. So far, everything was fine as far as you could tell, until...

"What's that on your chest?" She asked in a rather curious tone. At that moment Snickers froze right on her tracks. There was no hiding you anymore... Without giving her daughter any chance to think or act, she stood up and walked to her to get a better look at the little thing that had just grabbed her attention.

Snickers wanted to find an easy excuse or lie to get out of this, but she knew her mother too well, she'd probably see right through any attempt at lying to her. So, there was only one correct choice in her mind, which was to come clean. She took a deep breath and sat down on the towel, gesturing at her mom to do the same.

"Well... about that... it's kind of a funny story... except it's not really funny..." Snickers said before she began recounting your tale, as you had told her yourself. You couldn't help but be intimidated, even though neither Snickers nor her mother were taller than Lillian, they probably matched her in massiveness in other ways, and in her mother's case, likely surpassed it even.

Snickers' mother didn't look particularly mean, though she definitely gave stronger lazy vibes than her daughter. It probably ran in the family you guessed. However, you couldn't help but get concerned when you saw her perking up at the mention of your misadventure with Lillian and her humongous butt. You could almost swear that you saw her eyes lit up upon hearing Snickers tell that part of your story, and even more so when she told her that she blasted you out with a huge fart, which got the older lady to laugh a hearty chuckle. Cold chills ran down your spine.

"Sorry honey... I can only try to imagine how scary that must've been... but c'mon, you can't deny that it's hilarious when told" She said, trying to apologize, or so you thought. Since she gave you an expectant look, you gulped and quickly nodded, accepting the apology while feeling inwardly uncomfortable about it.

But you didn't get a chance to dwell too much on it because shortly after Snickers moved on to tell the part where you met her, and while you were in no position to tell her anything, given how you two actually met, you heavily expected her to be scant with the details or omit them altogether... and sadly that wasn't the case... While it wasn't your business per se, you couldn't help but notice that the two seemed to have a healthy relationship, and with that came a great deal of trust... enough for Snickers to tell her mother everything exactly as it happened, much to your growing embarrassment.

"Looks like your friend's gonna faint at any moment now" She said laughing, prompting Snickers to pause.

"Huh? What's wrong?" She asked you, but you were so overwhelmed by nervousness and embarrassment that you practically forgot how to speak right then, unable to form any coherent thoughts while your mind desperately raced in circles trying to put your thoughts back in order.

"I get it, he's embarrassed because he thinks you or I might get mad at him for what happened" Snickers' mother said in a surprisingly (to you) kind and understanding tone. But there was something about it that you didn't entirely like, some warning deep down in your subconscious trying to alert you of something, that which you didn't know yet.

"But why? It was my fault" Snickers said, still looking down at you.

"I mean, you didn't know... but technically, I guess" Her mother shrugged "Nobody's judging here" She tried to reassure you, and by then you managed to calm yourself down enough to be able to nod in response, but still clung tightly to Snickers' breast. After that, Snickers kept telling her mother what transpired up until this very moment.

"Hmm... I see... well..." Snickers' mother lightly tapped her chin in thought "Given what you just told me... I'm not so sure that returning him to his friends might be the wisest idea" She said, and your eyes widened. It was true that you couldn't trust Lillian right now, but you absolutely needed/wanted to go to Jen, but then you began thinking more about it... was it really that wise to go to your crush when shrunken this small? Maybe this would be akin to shooting yourself in the foot with her... but then again, your instinct somehow told you that she was your best bet.

"W-Wai-" You tried to interject, but Snickers spoke over you.

"That's true... hmm... then, I guess I should return him to his family then...?"

'I told Snickers about Jen! How could she forget already?!' You thought, feeling already quite annoyed, but then what she said sank in and you went pale. You hadn't even imagined going back to your family in this state... and if Lillian was anything to go by (which was quite valid, since she shared nearly her entire sense of humor and affection with your own mother), it'd be even worse if you were given to your mom in this condition...

"I suppose that's the best thing to do, but there's no rush, is there?" Her mother said "I wouldn't mind if you stayed with us for a bit" She said to you, briefly wiggling an eyebrow, which made you gulp once again. You nervously looked up at Snickers' face but she looked happy with the idea, and even though you hadn't said anything yet you could tell there would be no arguing your way out of this one. But you seriously wondered why Snickers' mother would even want to bother with you when pawning you off to a trusted one was the much easier approach... something didn't add up.

"Uh..." You knew you needed to at least try once to get out of this while you still could "Thanks for the kind offer, but really, it's not necessary.." You said, casually scratching your head, already feeling a bit nervous as the two blondes raised an eyebrow at you.
"You don't have to burden yourselves looking after me, there's this one friend of mine who'd perfectly be able to help me or take me back to my family..." You said the latter part in a quieter tone as not even you were wholly confident on it.

You looked at them, awaiting their response, feeling like someone in the ancient myths waiting to be judged by mighty Titanesses or some other incredibly powerful kind of deity. Snickers' mother's look softened and laughed heartily, though not in a way that felt like she was necessarily making fun of you or your proposal. But before you could do anything else, she gently but swiftly picked you up in her finger.

"Aww, such a sweetheart. But don't worry, we don't mind helping you out for a bit" She said with a smile, then she brought her other hand, presenting her pinky finger to you, which was as large as a building to you.
"Pleased to meet you, my name's Bertha by the way" She said, and you tried to shake her finger as if doing a handshake while wondering what had you just gotten yourself into...
May 12, 2023