Tumbling down Snickers' abyss
Snickers giggled. She was actually impressed that for the first time ever, some bug managed to beat her little game. But, feeling a little petty, and perhaps quite a bit playful, she decided to still claim her "prize" for winning, and with a single shake of her hips, that poor "bug" was flung right off her jiggling cheek and straight into her crack. It tickled her on the way down, getting a few more giggles out of her.

Of course, to you, reality was far less pleasant, you hadn't even recovered from Snicker's latest "bootyquake" when the squishy ground beneath your feet savagely shook, flinging you off and throwing you right into her seemingly awaiting crack. Her bikini bottoms were hopelessly swallowed by her extra-large booty, so there was no hope there'd be anything to cling onto to prevent your fall... you were heading straight down for the abyss. Despite the futility of it, you screamed until you got muffled as you got wedged between the two enormous meaty walls that Snickers called asscheeks.

Snickers had plenty of experience, having played these kinds of "games" for years, she very lightly clenched her big butt just enough to pin the "bug" and keep it in place. But even if she wasn't as careful, her butt was so soft that it'd take some real effort to be able to squash it for real. Its struggles only served to tickle her more, which she loved. In a way, it was sad that this was the best way she could enjoy the sense of touch, as her weight and social status meant that she had a pretty lonely existence at school.

Not that she was resentful about it, and by now she had learned to cope with it, but she still wished she could one day get friends, or even a boyfriend, though that seemed very unlikely. At least a few people treated her like an actual person, but those were very rare and far in between.

'Heh, you an I aren't so different in some ways' She thought, as if she could speak to the "bug" in her crack. Wanting to improve her mood and forget about those somber thoughts, she shook her hips again, making her impromptu guest fall deeper and deeper into her humongous booty, which had the added benefit of letting her get a better feel of it.

To you, however, the experience was beyond terrifying, it was like being submerged in an ocean of pure gelatin while it also sucked you like quicksand, with tremendous earthquakes for added chaos. You couldn't even begin to imagine what Snickers was doing. Was this her way to get rid of bugs? Or maybe she thought you were some kind of lint? That one made you shudder... at your pitiful size, you were indeed nothing but booty lint for her right now.

And to make things worse, the deeper you got dragged, the more the pressure upon your body increased, and the worse the smell got. Even after your close encounter with Lillian's monster booty, Snickers' was decidedly even less "fresh" than hers in comparison. But then again, smells were probably overamplified for you, as you were really small and close to the source, whereas no normal people would ever get this close to a butt, specially Snickers'.

"Hmm... get a little deeper" She softly spoke and wiggled her hips some more, making her ginormous cheeks jiggle and bounce into each other, almost clapping with them, but not quite, as she exercised some restraint to avoid squishing her diminutive improvised friend.

"What the hell...?!" You said dryly, as you managed to hear her voice despite the thousands of metric tons of blubbery flesh surrounding you, the quakes only got worse, and your surroundings' undulating motions pulled you farther down, making things even worse. Your descent also happened to slightly tickle her, which you knew only because you heard her muffled giggling. With each inch deeper you fell, it seemed less likely that you could ever escape, you had never seen even mountains as big as these.

You also found it weird that Snickers hadn't tried to crush you, but then again, as far as you could tell, she might not even know that you were alive, maybe she was really mistaking you for some lint, or for some pebble. Hopefully you were large enough not to be mistaken for a grain of sand, but still. You then noticed that the "walls" engulfing you were tensing and relaxing rhythmically... almost as if her giant ass were chewing on you, the thought gave you shivers.

Countless pleasurable tingles rushed up Snickers' back, slowly diffusing across her shoulders and going up her neck, giving her goosebumps. Feeling a tiny object wedged deep between her plus-sized buns always made her feel good, but something about this "bug" in particular somehow felt even better than usual. She carefully, but playfully clenched her cheeks, trying to get a better feel of it while also trying to enjoy the feeling itself as much as she could manage.

'Why does this one feel different?' She wondered, blushing a little as the tingles only intensified, her continuous motions had dragged you even deeper down into the canyon that was her asscrack. You were reaching really deep, though you hadn't reached the absolute deepest yet.

You had no idea what Snickers was trying to do, but you decided that it was best not to stay and find out, you then began trying to fight the downwards motions that were pulling you down, clawing onto her squishy flesh and painstakingly climbing up, though for every inch you advanced, it seemed you descended two more.

"Oh?" Snickers perked up, feeling that her little "bug" was apparently trying to climb, even though it was thoroughly engulfed by her generously sized rear. Normally, she would've let it, but she wanted to enjoy feeling it in her crack some more, so she squeezed a bit harder and also used both of her hands to knead her massive cheeks, dragging it down faster than her hip-shaking had.
"Come on, just stay in there a bit longer" She playfully muttered.

'Who's she even talking to?!' You wondered, feeling quite awkward... there was no way she'd know you were shrunken, right? RIGHT?!

Trying to climb out wasn't going to work, now you were heading down even faster than before. Just how much space in her crack in itself was kind of mind-boggling, it was surely more than enough for someone like you to get lost in. You desperately tried to think of other ways to escape, you didn't want to become her actual butt lint after all! You closed your eyes, took a few deep breaths (which you regretted, as the smell of ass was even stronger in here) and tried concentrating as best as you could.

Somehow, a memory came to you... You remembered watching the Pinocchio movie with Ariadne and Jordana. That gigantic whale, Monstro, always sort of creeped you out, and it wasn't like you had any particular fear of whales or of the sea... simply, something struck you as particularly fearsome about a massive, malicious predator. You wondered why of all the memories in your head, it was this one which resurfaced, but as you were questioning yourself on that, you remembered that when Pinocchio was trapped in the whale's belly, the way to escape was to make a lot of smoke...

'Yeah, as if I could even light a fire in here... though you could say this girl kinda has a whale of an ass' You snickered. The memory continued, the smoke's purpose was to make Monstro sneeze, and that was how he escaped. Your brain took a few seconds to connect the dots, and before you knew it, an idea popped up in your head, you could almost hear the lightbulb switch on in your skull.

"That's it! I have to tickle her!" You triumphantly said to yourself, and focusing the strength you had left in your arms, you pushed as deep into the soft blubber as you could and kneaded it while wiggling all of your fingers. This had an immediate reaction as the rhythmic shaking stopped, and instead you felt chaotic quakes, accompanied by Snickers' laughter. Your eyes widened.

'Wow... I had actually never heard her laugh before...' You thought, also feeling baffled at the circumstances that made this happen. As the seconds passed, Snickers' laughter intensified, and you amped up the tickling as much as your tired body allowed, this was your best, and last shot at trying to escape her mountainous derriere...


2) Soon, you heard an ominous, deep rumbling, which got you to stop the tickling immediately.
'The hell is that?!' You thought, feeling that everything was shaking faster, less like an earthquake and more like a volcano before erupting... then it hit you, and you slapped your forehead so hard you managed to make yourself see stars.
"God...damnit...!" Was all you could say just as Snickers blasted a massive fart, with you practically at point blank...

3) Before you knew it, light reached the deep confined you were in, and two building sized fingers reached for you, picking you up and fishing you out of the monstrous crack. Then, and just as your eyes were readjusting to the light outside, you were brought before Snickers' bewildered face, she brought you closer to her eyes, not believing what she was seeing...

4) "What's so funny?" You heard an older woman's voice, but you couldn't recognize it, as you'd never heard it before.

"Uh... not much, mom... just relaxing in the sun" Snickers replied.

"I heard you laughing though" Her mother said.

"Oh! It's just because I was looking at funny memes on my phone" She said, though the older woman wasn't entirely sold on that.

"Are you sure it's not because you're playing with bugs again?" Snickers' mom said with a smug smile, making her daughter blush and look away.


"With a butt like yours, I'm sure you could get real guys to tickle it for you, if you just were a bit bolder" She said, enjoying the embarrassed look in her daughter's face.
"May I have a go with your little friend?" She then asked.

"Mom, there's no way any poor bug can survive back in there..." Snickers herself chuckled...
May 12, 2023