Lillian: Drunk with power
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Lillian had such a wide smile that resembled that of a little kid who got the toy he wanted for Christmas.
And that seemed to pretty much be what was actually happening, Lillian had always wanted to get you acquainted with her huge ass, she truly enjoyed your awkward reactions to her admittedly flirtatious behavior, and enjoyed even more when she was alone with you and could get you to touch her ass, she loved to sit on you and get you to caress her booty, but the times she had got you to use her soft derriere as a pillow, and having your head rest against her soft flesh were heavenly for her.
Even though she sometimes felt like you rejected her in favor of Jen, she still was persistent and wouldn't give up until you admitted that she was the one you wanted and not Jen.
That's what made this whole situation so pleasant. Lillian no longer had to wait for your indecisive mind to make a decision, she no longer had to long for a small opportunity to have you reunited with her ass. She no longer had to have this stupid competition with Jen, having eliminated your decision power and replacing it with her own, she realized that most obstacles were removed. Did she really thought that you would choose her over Jen? Yes. However now she realized that she didn't even care who you chose, finally having the opportunity to *force you* to spend every day with her huge ass was something she wouldn't waste.
As she felt some weak strugglings from deep in between her ass crack, she realized how much you belonged in there. You have always been weak, not being able to choose between Jen or Lillian for so many years was something that bothered her, now not only you had been forced to "choose", you also matched your weak-decision-making ability and romance-skills with your body size. Lillian thought it was deliciously ironic.
While she was rambling in her thoughts, you were suffering from the pressure of Lillian's planetarian ass cheeks, but the worst part was definitely the heat, Lillian's flesh wasn't only hot as hell, but they also were wet from sweat, turning your planetarian prison into a true sauna. You were mad at Lillian, especially because everything you could see and breathe was her butt. You knew that this eventually had to come to an end, that her joke would be over, and when that happened, you would be SO mad at her.
As Lillian was lost in her thoughts, she looked behind her, to her ass, mentally picturing where you were, and, unbelievably, she got mad at you. All these years of awkwardness between her and Jen, it was all your fault. However, knowing that it was over, and that she shouldn't be angry at you, her attention now focused on Jen. It was true that her subtle rivalry was your fault, but still, she couldn't avoid but thinking that she won this war, you were trapped in her own ass, and you weren't leaving any time soon, that was much more than what Jen had been able to do with you in all these years. She released a pretty discrete flatulence (by her standards), and wiggled her bum. A devilish smile appeared on her face while she was looking at Jen, while she thought: "if you only knew what my ass is going to do to your little lover-boy". She felt your struggles as you tried to escape her ass after that disgusting fart, and knew that it didn't matter what you do, you were forced to experience all the sensorial sensations her ass had in store for you, and to which you would have to get used to.
Lillian mentally laughed at your helpless situation.

What happens next?
May 12, 2023
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