Meeting Lyra
· original author:
         You looked around you for the source of the giggle, but there was no sign of anyone else. "Hello," a soft female voice whispered into your ear. You kept looking but there was no sign of anyone near you.

"Where are you?" You asked aloud.

"Locked away, but you can help," the disembodied voice whispered.

"What?" You asked not understanding.

"I'll make it worth your time, you free me and I'll heal your leg for you and bring you home. Just make your way down the stairs."

"The stairs will be hard with my leg, how far do they go?"

"I don't remember, you can make it just be careful," the voice replied. You made your way down the stairs slowly and carefully as to not injure yourself more. At the bottom was a large empty room strangely lit with no torches or lightbulbs with stranger symbols carved into the walls. There were no doors and no sign of the woman you were speaking to.

"Where are you? I don't see you," you said.

"I'm here, just repeat after me, Lyra after your 1,000 lifetimes of servitude I release you," she commanded.

"Lyra after your 1,000 lifetimes of servitude I release you," you repeated. The symbols across the room began to glow and in a burst of pink smoke, a large figure appeared in the center of the room. You watched as the smoke cleared revealing her supple form. She had fair skin, emerald green eyes, and short black hair with a white highlight on her right. She looked human, save a few features, she had a large black bushy tail with a white stripe running down it, two fluffy pointy ears sat on top of her head and she was 8 feet tall. She stretched in front of you, letting you gaze upon the magnificence of her naked body as she did so. Her curves made Lillian look flat, with huge breasts and an ass that looked like each cheek was five times the size of your head. Despite all her mass, her stomach was surprisingly skinny in comparison.

"Thank you for that it's been ages since I got to use my legs again," she exclaimed in delight.

"What are you?" You asked.

"I'm a witch from another world, but here I'm more of a goddess," she said staring into your eyes as she explained while continuing to stretch. Her tail playfully moved from side to side as she spoke, for some reason it was oddly unnerving.

"What do you mean?" You asked confused, she giggled at your response. You couldn't help but stare at her body as she finished stretching and stood tall, looking down at you like some child.

"Have you not heard of me? Lyra the Goddess of rot and malice, Lyra messenger of death, Lyra the insatiable tyrant," she listed off clearly proud of her titles.

"Nope," you replied dryly. Her eyes went wide with shock, she was clearly not expecting that. "Anyways it's nice to meet you Lyra, my name is Blaise," You said trying to be polite and introduce yourself.

"What?" She asked sounding distraught, she looked like someone had just punched her in the face. "You never heard of me? Did they forget about me and everything I've done, I tried so hard to make them remember me." She seemed upset.

"Are you okay?" You asked a little concerned.

"I spent thousands of years making a name for myself and in the short time I was locked away they forgot me," she said upset. Her tail curled around her body as if to comfort her.

"That's okay, sometimes I feel forgotten too, but I find just at least one person to talk to," you said trying to cheer her up.

"Maybe I was going about it wrong," she said looking up at you. "Maybe I need to focus on one person at a time," she continued, for some reason the way she looked at you frightened you, like something deeply ingrained in your system was telling you to run. You've long since learned to trust your gut, so without a word you got up and started limping back towards the stairs. "Wait, what about your leg?" She asked confused, "Don't you want me to heal it?"

"Nope," you said, for whatever reason you knew that you had to leave now. You heard her fingers snap and suddenly you were back in the center of the room facing the tall naked lady again.

"A deal's a deal, and I can't just let you hobble out of here," she said. You tried to turn to leave again but she grabbed you and pushed you to the ground. It hurt for a second and then all your pain was gone, your leg felt good as new and the pain from being shoved to the stone-cold floor was gone as well. "See don't you feel better?" She asked almost sweetly.

"Yeah thank you," you turned over to face her only to be shocked into silence. She was now impossibly large and smiling down at you. Her feet alone towered like buildings, the room wasn't even this big before. This was impossible maybe she didn't change, maybe you did.

"What... What did you do to me?" You asked confused.

"I made you easier to manage Blaise," she said proudly as she stood tall over you, letting you take in just how large she was compared to you. Her toes alone were much larger than you. "I've decided to make you my first new worshiper, you're going to do everything I say or you will be punished," she said with a smirk. You got up and started running away from this psycho bitch again, she burst out laughing at your attempt to flee. "Really? You're doing this again? The stairs are far too big for you and each step I take is miles to you but by all means, run until your out of breath."

"Didn't you also say you would take me home? What happened to a deal's a deal?" You screamed at her as you continued to run away.

"Hmm I guess you have a point, alright when we finish up here I'll take you back," she said sounding disappointed. "Now come back to your goddess," she continued sternly. You kept running something in your gut told you this could only end badly. A loud rumbling sound filled the room, as she placed her hand on her stomach and said, "all those years locked away really let my system cook." She took one step forward, immediately passing you, her tail waved from side to side as she slowly squatted down in front of you. You turned around and started running in the opposite direction. The shadow of her butt blocked out the light from the room, covering you in her shadow. You kept running hoping to reach the edge, you heard her burst out laughing from high above you. "That's so cute, you think you can escape," she said between her hearty laughs "let me show you the sheer difference between our power," she said laughing even more. The shadow extended further and further as you continued running, eventually, you gave up and curled up to lessen the inevitable impact. You waited a moment in fear, but no impact came. You looked up, her ass was still coming towards you but seemed to be taking forever to reach you, even though it seemed to be speeding towards you. That's when you realized what was happening, she wasn't squatting down any further, she was shrinking you smaller and smaller. You thought her ass was huge before, but now it was like two planets and she wasn't stopping. You shrank smaller and smaller as she held her massive butt high above you, a looming threat that only got scarier with every passing second.

         Before you knew it you were so small that you could barely see her feet in the distance, but there was no sign of slowing. You became smaller and smaller until you could see dots everywhere, "there that's roughly where you stand in scale to my power," Lyra's voice boomed full of joy and entitlement "remember this because I can make you this small whenever I feel like." Her asscheeks might as well have each been multiple universes at this point. Now she continued sitting down on top of you, slowly bringing her massive butt closer and closer to you. You stood still and watched as her endless ass came down to end your miserable existence. Lyra's stomach gurgled as she slowly taunted you with her infinite ass, but to you that gurgling sounded like a giant monster which wasn't wrong.

Her immeasurable ass slowly coming closer and closer to you, running in any direction was completely hopeless. Her two planes of ass flesh landed on either side of you, trapping you in the center of her buttcrack, where she could easily fit a planet. "See how hopeless it is to run from your goddess?" She said as she clenched her cheeks together. The two walls of flesh slammed into you, squeezing the air out of you. You were trapped between two house-sized cells that belonged to her butt. Then you finally realized what all the tiny dots were, they were atoms. She relaxed her butt leaving you stuck to her right buttcheek

"Do you see just how powerful I am? Do you understand why you should be worshipping me?" she said as her tail curled around and covered her buttcrack. "Get ready because you're about to feel the wrath of an imprisoned goddess," she added with a giggle as you heard another large rumbling noise from above you. "I've been holding these in for as long as I've been locked away," she said as she grunted and unleashed the onslaught that was her anal storm. You could see the fart as billions of atoms flew through her crack at sonic speeds. You were easily thrown off of her butt and flew through the air as atoms slammed into you and sent you flying into her bushy tail. You got stuck on one of her titanic hairs as her fart continued, you were amazed you could still smell it at this point, it was astronomically atrocious. You could simultaneously taste and smell the fart, and you immediately threw up. Lyra's insane ass blast died down after about 30 seconds.

"Now then let's talk about how exactly you'll be worshipping me," Lyra said almost gently.

"What?" You asked looking up as you noticed things had changed once again. You were back to your normal height like nothing had happened.

"You are going to be my guide through all that's changed with the world, you will keep me entertained and you will help keep me hidden until I deem the world worthy of my next entrance." She said as stands up to tower over you once more. "Do you understand Blaise?"
May 12, 2023
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