Spooky ruins and castles, Forests always have one.
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Trudging forward you really couldn’t make out much in the dark shade of the trees. But after a few limps you were able to find a open spot in the canopy. Uttering a gasp, you see as what seems to be a very long set of moss-covered stones stand before you. The ground is covered in cobble stones like some type of path. With no other alternative you slowly walk along the some what even road stones trying to find someway back up towards the cabin. The further you go the more the stones seem to combine, from simple piles to some stacked next to each other. Then finally what could only be described as a proper ruined castle pushed its way through the tree canopy! Desperately wanting somewhere to rest your ankle you find a large opening to a downward spiraling staircase. Resting at the top you can’t help but gaze down into the darkness. … For the briefest of moments, you swear you feel a tickling on your neck and a soft giggle in your ear! Jerking around you see no other living sole.
May 12, 2023
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