Journey to the center of Maya's booty Pt. II
'Just when things couldn't possibly get any worse' You thought with a frustrated groan. It was one thing when Jordana sort of had you willingly go there, as bad as it was, you sort of agreed to it, and she's seemed sincere so far, but here, there was nothing to gain, and in fact, it'd be concerning if Maya decided she liked this. You only groaned more when you heard her dumbly tell her sister that you were crawling deeper of your own accord, which was an absolute lie, her fat ass and its jiggling and grinding were the true culprits.

Despite knowing your situation, you couldn't help but get startled when you felt the fleshy wall behind your back seemingly stir awake, twitching in apparent excitement at your unintentional touch. At least you weren't caught by any of its wrinkles, and you couldn't believe it took that little for you to feel relief, but then again, Maya's ass was nearly as huge as Jordana's so it was definitely something not to be trifled with, specially at your size.

Feeling the wall of rubbery flesh pulsate against your back still creeped you out, it almost felt like the damned thing wanted to devour you, which wasn't even that far from the truth. You lamented that your mom shrank you far too small to deal with this stuff and all you could do by this point was to hope she ran out of gas and got you out of her crack even if it meant having to face the gassy wrath of another giant booty.

"Whoah he really went all the way... he's knocking on my backdoor" Maya said quietly while giggling more and more, adding fuel to the fire that was Carmen's growing envy.

"I don't believe this! He's never liked you! Why would he start now?" She annoyedly replied.

"Who's to say he didn't secretly like me already? Maybe he just got embarrassed or creeped by your interrupting us so many times" Maya said, prompting Carmen to let out an angry huff.

Meanwhile, on the row in front of theirs, Lillian, Jen and Jordana stayed mostly quiet, making an effort to listen in on the twins, the latter two with the intent to discern how bad you were having it and the former out of simpler curiosity.
"Goddammit!" Both Jen and Jordana huffed angrily when they heard Maya's latest news.

'Huh? Why hers? Should've had him visit mine when I had the chance' Lillian thought with a pout. She wanted to take things slowly, as she still planned on gradually easing you into liking her huge booty and everything that came with it, but if she was going to have this much competition she felt she might need to change up her tactics.

"I can't believe they let those two have him" Jen said quietly, crossing her arms in frustration since she had no idea how to recue you out of that predicament.

"Be glad it's them and not frickin' Celeste though" Jordana said "Now that'd be really bad"

"I guess... but this doesn't help at all" Jen said, but then she realized that something didn't add up and turned to look at the larger college aged girl in confusion.
"Wait a minute, how come you even care?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" Jordana replied by raising an eyebrow herself.

"I mean, you don't seem to be very fond of him... doesn't it make you happy that he's suffering now?" Jen asked after taking a deep breath. Jordana's first reaction was to get angry at that remark, but she quickly caught herself and stopped, realizing that as much as it annoyed her and it hurt, in a way she was right. She had been a long time friend of yours, but all Jen ever knew was when she was more into dominating or even outright bullying you. She closed her eyes and took a very deep breath as well.

"No, no it doesn't" She said "Listen, I know we've started off the wrong foot but I want to set something straight, I don't hate Blaise"

"Huh?" Jen was completely surprised by her change in attitude.

"I think I've gotten carried away with how rough I play for a bit too long... I mean, that's just how I play with anyone in general, Lillian or Ariadne can confirm... but I guess Blaise has been taking the brunt of it for a long time, not gonna deny that" Jordana then said.
"Believe it or not, I'm on your side on this matter, I don't want him to suffer, specially not under those two"

"Quite literally 'under' this time" Lillian chuckled, but her little joke was only met by an annoyed glare from both Jen and Jordana.

"Anyway, maybe we should start trying to think of a way to get him away from them" Jordana suggested, to which the two other girls nodded.

Back with Carmen and Maya, the former looked out the window, trying to ignore her sister's constant giggling and grinding on the seat, all of which only served to rub in her face how much fun she was having while she got none. She began to think of ways to upstage her sister and to prove that you liked her better, soon losing herself to these little fantasies of her own. But Maya herself wasn't paying any attention to her sister's reaction, all she wanted was to enjoy the feelings you were causing to the fullest, and presumed that you were enjoying things too since you, in her mind, went through the effort to reach her deepest, most sensitive spot. She excitedly ground her hips on her seat more intensely than before.

To you, it felt the closest to experiencing something akin to a continental shelf moving on its own, granted, this surface was nowhere near as big, but it was several times larger than yourself, and the way you felt it moved was scary, it was clearly moving on its own and you were at its mercy. Unfortunately, you only realized too late that these new motions dragged you from your relative 'safe' spot to a much more dangerous place, the middle...

Maya practically purred with pleasure when she felt that you 'crawled' right to the middle of her 'backdoor', which began to pulsate more quickly, eager to feel its diminutive prize. You were glad not to be facing the monstrous sphincter, however, as you feared it'd be even more terrifying than what you faced with Jordana, but even without sight, you could feel on your back the hints of the various massive wrinkles that converged into a single point, against which the very middle of your back was pushed against. Feeling wilder surges of excitement that rushed up her back like electric shocks, she bounced on her seat, with every bounce she felt your tiny form pressing right into her hole, though for now it was clamped shut, quivering in excitement.

Just then, and seemingly out of nowhere, Maya bounced a bit harder than usual and at that moment you were thrusted right into the forbidden fleshy portal, feeling a very drastic change as the atmosphere became much warmer, oppressively so in fact, and of course, the smell was far worse than anything Maya dished out. The air also felt horribly moist, and youfound you were laying on a thin layer of some sort of slime.

Your heart pounded hard and your eyes widened in disbelief. It happened again, you were inside a rectum for the second time in your life. And just then, before you could curse at whatever deity that found delight in your torment, everything around you began twitching wildly, bouncing you into the sticky, fleshy walls of the hellish 'cave' you were in.

'Oh my god... he really did it! He went in!' Maya couldn't contain her excitement, grinding harder on her seat and wiggling her hips, wanting to feel you on the extremely sensitive inside of her bowels, what she'd been feeling just now when you were pressed against her hole was completely dwarfed by this new bunch of feelings.
'I wonder if there's a way to get him to stay here' She thought with a dreamy smile. She failed to realize that all of her bouncing and grinding had upset her stomach, as her various hip-centric motions had knocked a lot of gas bubbles loose that up until then had lodged themselves into the many folds of her large intestine, now, like a shaken soda, all of those bubbles were rushing down together.

It didn't take very long for you to realize that you could finally try to move, though the constant erratic bouncing made that nearly impossible until it stopped as suddenly as it had started. Wasting no time, you stood up and walked forwards, knowing that you were still facing towards the outside.

As you walked, the entire 'cave' shook, seemingly reacting to your negligibly light footsteps. In just a few seconds, you faced the enormous, wrinkly and circular fleshy 'gate', the one that let you into this abomination of a world. You figured you wouldn't have enough muscle power to pry it open but you needed to get her attention somehow, and the only way you could think to do so was to bang on it with your fists, but just as you walked closer to attempt it, everything began to shake in a much more erratic manner, even the squishy 'ground' under your feet wobbled and jiggled as if there was a tremendous earthquake, and most frighteningly, you could hear a distant but deep rumbling series of roars.

'What?! Not this again!' You thought while the shaking increased. You didn't even get to do anything! But it felt as if you were being punished. There was no time left, and there was nowhere to escape nor to hide, so the most sensible thing you could do was lay down in fetal position, curl as tightly as you could manage and cover your ears as if your life depended on it, which it actually might.

The quaking only kept growing more intense as the terrifying groans and growls became louder and louder, like an approaching beast that was about to finally break free from its cage, ready to devour with first unfortunate shmuck it ran into... and sadly you were that shmuck yourself. You closed your eyes and clenched your teeth as you were suddenly engulfed by a gigantic thunderous shockwave, and what felt like the biggest hurricane in the world blew with unbelievable force, easily picking you up, making you fly along with itself. You felt like a mere pebble amidst a tornado and were rapidly ejected out of your fleshy imprisonment, getting fired out of Maya's hole like a bullet, but sadly, your newfound freedom was doomed not to last, as soon you hit a taut fabric wall that not only caught you, but also reached the end of its elasticity and flung you right back like a slingshot...
May 12, 2023